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Releases: vtex/faststore

Release Notes - August 2022

13 Sep 14:33
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Gift, OrderSummary, SkuSelector, and CartItem components are now available in the FastStore UI. Also, updates to the FastStore API improve the shopping cart UX and allow adding user's session information to the orderForm.

FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰ New component - #1443

    Use the Gift component to display promotional gift items.

    Gift component


  • πŸŽ‰ New component - #1456

    Use the OrderSummary component to provide a summary of the items in the cart, including the total price, related shipping tax, and discounts.

    OrderSummary component


  • πŸŽ‰ New component - #1462

    Use the SkuSelector component on Product Details Pages (PDPs) to display all SKUs available for a given product.

    SkuSelector component


  • πŸŽ‰ New component - #1461

    Use the CartItem component to display summarized data about an item placed in the shopping cart.

    CartItem component

FastStore API

  • πŸ› Fixed "Buy 2 get 3" promotions - #1434

    Cart UX issues related to promotions, such as "Buy 2 get 3," have been fixed. Now, items and gifts are correctly combined when necessary.

    Cart discount

  • ✨ Product releaseDate now available - #1438

    The StoreProduct entity can now return the releaseDate of an item.

  • ✨ Session info now available as an argument of validateCart - #1444

    The validateCart mutation now accepts the session argument. This allows adding the user's session information to the orderForm, making the shopping flow consistent between storefront and checkout, and allowing for regionalized prices.


  • πŸŽ‰ New documentation feedback feature - #1448

    Documentation Feedback

New and improved docs

Release Notes - July 2022

05 Aug 21:32
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The search query has been enhanced to allow cross-selling and upselling of products. Also, the new subscribeToNewsletter mutation is now available in the FastStore API. In the FastStore UI, the Slider and PriceRange components now allow ref forwarding.

FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰ New component - #1418

    Use the ProductTitle component to display a header with product details, such as its name, reference number, and labels.

    Product Title component

  • ✨ ProductTitle now uses ref forwarding - #1427

    The ProductTitle component allows passing a previously received ref further down to a child.


  • ✨ PriceRange now uses ref forwarding for min and max inputs - #1380

    The PriceRange component now accepts receiving refs for both min and max inputs. With the ref forwarding technique, other components using the PriceRange can trigger input functions and control the min and max values of PriceRange.

  • ✨ New PriceRange look and feel - #1400

    The PriceRange component now displays the min/max values centered above the Slider's thumbs and allows for more customizations.

  • πŸ› PriceRange track position fixed - #1404

    The track position of the PriceRange component has been adjusted for maximum absolute values greater than a hundred.


  • ✨ Slider now uses ref forwarding for min and max inputs - #1380

    The Slider component now accepts receiving refs for both min and max inputs. With the ref forwarding technique, other components using the Slider can trigger input functions and control the min and max values of Slider.

  • ✨ New prop added to Slider - #1415

    The Slider component now includes the step prop that allows specifying the interval between the input values.

  • πŸ› Slider values are now rounded - #1417
    The Slider component now displays only rounded values.

  • πŸ› Slider thumb elements repositioned - #1423

    The Slider thumb elements' have been repositioned in the DOM so they can have customized behavior states.

FastStore API

  • 🧹 Generated schema types updated - #1413/#1431

    The generated TS types from the GraphQL schema have been updated.

VTEX Platform

  • πŸŽ‰ Support for Cross Selling now available - #1396

    The following facets have been added to the existing Search query in order to allow cross-selling and upselling products:

    • buy
    • view
    • similars
    • viewAndBought
    • accessories
    • suggestions
  • πŸŽ‰ New subscribeToNewsletter mutation available - #1385

    The new subscribeToNewsletter mutation allows stores to save data to their MasterData newsletter list.

  • πŸŽ‰ New skuSelector-related properties added to ProductGroup - #1407

    The ProductGroup type now includes the skuVariations attribute, which brings with it four new properties:

    • allVariantsByName - Returns all available options for each SKU variant property, indexed by their name.
    • slugsMap - Returns the slug for the SKU that matches the currently selected product variations.
    • activeVariations - Returns the property values for the current SKU.
    • availableVariations - Returns the available options for each varying SKU property, considering the dominantVariantName property.

    These new properties allow users to query data about SKU specification variants more quickly and are especially handy for implementing SKU Selector components.

  • πŸ› StoreOffer resolver fixed - #1399

    The priceCurrency field from StoreOffer now grabs the same info from the current context's sales channel and fetches the correct price currency value.

  • πŸ› Missing Catalog page types now available - #1411

    The FastStore API now supports the following page types: SubCategory, Collection, Cluster. This should enable stores to render pages that match those types without issues.

  • πŸ› Issues related to Collection pages fixed - #1429

    Issues when trying to fetch the StoreCollection.breadcrumbList field for Collection pages have been fixed. Before detecting the page type of a certain route, the slufigyRoot function now checks if the page is a Collection one.

FastStore SDK

  • 🧹 Refactored SDKs' code - #1392

    The FastStore SDK package has been refactored in order to remove all React dependencies.


πŸŽ‰ New

Analytics SDK



VTEX Headless CMS

✨ Improved


  • πŸ› @faststore/graphql-utils now uses the commonjs module - #1394

  • 🧹 Improved Git blame view - #1409

  • 🧹 @store-framework removed from CODEOWNERS - #1410

  • 🧹 Wrong references to package names fixed - #1414

  • 🧹 Auto-generated changelog fixed - #1425

  • 🧹 Broken documentation links fixed - #1424/#1430

  • 🧹 Changelog configs fixed - #1426

Release Notes - June 2022

01 Jul 12:06
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The FastStore UI now includes the Hero and Dropdown components. Also, the FastStore API was enhanced to better support page error handling. Global changes were also implemented to enable price range filtering on PLPs.

FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰ New Hero component - #1336

    The Hero component is a full-width banner presented on the above-the-fold section of a web page. It serves as the first glimpse of your brand's identity and messaging.

    Hero component


  • πŸŽ‰ New AggregateRating component - #1386


  • ✨ OutOfStock's nested components now accept otherProps - #1341

    The OutOfStockTitle and OutOfStockMessage components now accept additional data attributes through the otherProps attribute.


  • ✨ Slider component enhanced - #1364

    The Slider component now accepts an initial state out of the min/max domain. Also, the onEnd callback function was added to enable triggering effects after user interaction.

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

  • πŸŽ‰ Request error handling functionality added - #1361

    The FastStore API now returns the proper page error code (400 or 404), allowing FastStore websites to respond to these errors accordingly.

  • πŸŽ‰ Canonical PDP slugs added - #1338

    So that VTEX stores migrating to FastStore can work seamlessly, a 301 redirect between vtexSlug and fastStoreSlug was created, where:

    • vtexSlug: /{slug}/p
    • fastStoreSlug: ${slug}-${skuId}/p
  • ✨ Resolvers and types updated to allow price range filtering on PLPs - #1364

    The search query now receives price. Also, the StoreFacetRange, StoreFacetBoolean, StoreFacetValueRange, and StoreFacetValueBoolean types were created to allow price range filtering on PLPs.

  • πŸ› validateCart error for additionalProperties fixed - #1325

    The following error Field "propertyID" is not defined by type IStorePropertyValue., related to products with additionalProperties added to the cart, was fixed.

  • πŸ› AggregateOffer resolver fixed for selecting the best seller - #1350

    For SKUs sold by multiple sellers, the AggregateOffer resolver was not able to detect the best seller consistently. This issue was solved by making the AggregateOffer resolver return the lowest and highest prices according to the bestOfferFirst function.

  • πŸ› Test inconsistencies fixed - #1360

    Test inconsistencies were resolved to provide a development environment more similar to the production one.

  • 🧹 FastStore API mocks updated to use auto fuzzy - #1359

FastStore SDK

  • πŸŽ‰ Full support to Trade Policies now available - #1319

    The Session context provider now accepts a new function called onValidateSession, which calls the backend to validate the session. On any modification to the channel, such as logging in to the store, the session values (e.g., channel, person, language) are updated accordingly so the user can start browsing on the new session.

  • ✨ useSearchState updated to allow price range filtering on PLPs - #1364

    The new setState function was added to the useSearchState context. All other useSearchState functions were removed and exported as helper functions.


πŸŽ‰ New

✨ Improved


  • πŸŽ‰ FastStore repository now uses Turborepo cache - #1330

  • πŸŽ‰ FastStore repository now uses CodeQL analysis - #1331

  • ✨ Codesandbox CI improved - #1357

  • 🧹 Docs package removed from Codesandbox build - #1334

  • 🧹 Circular dependencies removed from FastStore SDK - #1333

  • 🧹 Purged unused CSS from the docs package - #1345

  • 🧹 Typescript errors fixed - #1352

  • 🧹 tsconfig package replaced by shared - #1379

  • 🧹 Eslint configs improved - #1368

  • 🧹 build script updated - #1362

  • 🧹 Prettier configured - #1369

  • 🧹 outdir added to all tsconfig - #1372

  • 🧹 Packages' module field updated - #1374

FastStore Release Notes - May 2022

06 Jun 16:27
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FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰New OutOfStock component - #1314

Use the OutOfStock component to display a subscription form for shoppers who want to be alerted when the product is back in stock.



  • πŸŽ‰New ProductCard component - #1272

Use the ProductCard component to provide a general view of a product, including images, name, price, discount, and buy button.


FastStore SDK


  • ✨Updated hook component - #1316

The shopping cart is now persistent across the browser's tabs. Before, if two items were added to the cart through distinct tabs, the last item would always overwrite the prior one.

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

  • πŸ› Top searches - #1321

All requests to the FastStore Search API now receive locale info so the search can return product suggestions according to the user locale.

  • πŸ› Fixed breadcrumb broken links - #1306

Breadcrumb links that were broken have been fixed, allowing shoppers to navigate the website without getting 404 errors.

  • ✨ Support for querying additional properties of a product - #1304

The FastStore API has been enhanced to support querying any additional property of a product.

  • ✨ Sync Cart with Checkout - #1299

The behavior of the validateCart resolver has been modified. After placing an order, the cart is now cleared, and any changes made during checkout are reflected in the cart.

  • πŸ›The Search API now receives selectedFacets component - #1297

Filtering search results according to the user's region has been fixed.

  • πŸ›Fixed promotion issues - #1289

Promotions such as Buy 2 Get 3 now work correctly.

  • πŸ›Fixed SKU offer issues - #1282

Product offers related to a specific SKU have been fixed, and now the offers are available only for available SKUs.

  • πŸ›Fixed in the Serch API - #1273

Suggestions are now working as expected.


  • πŸŽ‰Turborepo on FastStore - #1296

The FastStore project now uses Turborepo.

FastStore API reference documentation is now available. For more information, refer to this announcement.

  • πŸ“‘Improved the descriptions of FastStore API - #1303

  • πŸ›Fixed styles and data attributes - #1287

Styles used on the FastStore UI documentation have been updated after the adjustments to the data attributes.


  • πŸŽ‰New Community Starters

Check out the new Community Starters, created and maintained by FastStore community members:

FastStore Release Notes - April 2022

09 May 11:53
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FastStore UI


  • πŸ› otherProps parameter - #1218
    Other props can now be passed on the Banner component.


  • πŸ› Fix DropdownMenu position - #1199
    The DropdownMenu component no longer has issues with scrolling. Now the component has the properties scrollLeft and scrollTop to calculate the position, and adds event.preventDefault() in KeyDown press event, avoiding page scroll when pressed.

FastStore SDK


  • πŸ› Fixed URL to events - #1228
    The Analytics SDK types is now compliant with Google Analytics 4 (GA4), which means custom properties can't be added to events directly on the SDK.


Performance budget

  • 🧹 Increased the performance budget back to 95 - 1201

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

Breaking change

  • πŸ’₯ Removed Gatsby plugins - 1215
    All unused Gatsby plugins were removed to be more open to other frameworks. The removal of unused Gatsby plugins also improved the speed with which the FastStore monorepo was published and developed.
Before After
CI before CI after
  • πŸ’₯ Handle channel as facet for search and product queries - 1197
    The channel function is now a string object that contains salesChannel and regionId. Before, channel were a integer that represented a sales channel now it has the following format in store.config.js:
// Default channel
  channel: '{"salesChannel":"1"}',


  • ✨ New Search event API - #1241
    The search.query event has been added to the VTEX Intelligent Search Analytics API. This event is used to generate indices like Top Searches and Suggestions.

  • ✨ New Intelligent Search API - #1216
    The simulation of search queries has been removed in favor of the new Intelligent Search API, which already performs the simulation.

Bug fix

  • πŸ› @faststore/api and VTEX catalog slug mismatches - #1214
    The links between @faststore/api and VTEX Catalog are now fixed.


  • 🧹 Stable tests for the faststore/api - 1200
    The tests from @faststore/api are no longer reliant on dynamic data, which means they won't fail if something changes in the account from which the data is collected.



  • πŸ“‘ Updated homepage - #1250

  • πŸ“‘ Updated FAQ page in - #1249

  • πŸ“‘ Updated announcementBar in - #1237

  • πŸ“‘ Updated description for SEO - #1230

  • πŸ“‘ Added thumbnail - #1229

  • πŸ“‘ Updated docusaurus.config.js with GA4 trackingID - #1226

  • πŸ“‘ Implemented Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in - #1222

  • πŸ“‘ Updated Gatsby overview - #1205

FastStore Release Notes - March 2022

01 Apr 13:05
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FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰ New Dropdown molecule - #1178
    Use the Dropdown component as an options menu or a dropdown select.


FastStore SDK

setSession function

  • πŸ› Fixed setSession function type - #1172
    Now the ContextValue of the setSession function receives a session: Partial<Session> argument. With the fix, it's possible to pass partial information of a session. For example:
const { setSession } = useSession()
setSession({ postalCode: 'foo' })
  • ✨ Improve the performance of useStorage hook - #1186
    The setTimeout function was created to prevent the creation of tasks that take longer than 50ms to process. The function improves the performance of the useStorage hook by wrapping two of its tasks: the async promise and the set state of an item.

  • ✨ Add setFacets function to the search context - #1189
    The setFacets function sets all selected facets without any processing, allowing full control of the selected facets.

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

  • πŸ› Added missing totalCount field to pageInfo in allCollections query - #1173
    Now the resolver for the allCollections query returns the number of valid collections in the store when a user asks for pageInfo.totalCount field.

  • πŸŽ‰ New Session query - #1176
    The Session query returns only the channel and country values. The addition of this query enables VTEX regionalization, which requires the regionId located within the channel.

  • πŸŽ‰ Add local server and GraphQL tests - #1179
    The @faststore/api package now comes with an Express GraphQL Server setup allowing you to test the API without having to link the package to a store.

  • ✨ hideUnavaibleitems parameter in the search API - #1180
    The Search API now has a parameter called hideUnavailableItems. This parameter either hides (true) or displays (false) an out-of-stock product.

  • πŸ› Removed frontend computation to the backend - #1184
    Offers are now sorted according to the order of the offers array.

  • ✨ Returning null as profile - #1190
    Now the API returns null for the person query when executed by an anonymous user, avoiding a mismatch with the default user session values, preventing the session of the anonymous user from being reset, and lowering the Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric.



  • πŸ› Fixed codebase typos - #1183

FastStore Release Notes - February 2022

04 Mar 13:12
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FastStore UI


  • ✨ Adjust SearchInput reference - #1153 The SearchInput component now uses imperative code for input behaviors. The useImperativeHandle hook is used to give the component control over the value that is returned by explicitly stating the return value.



  • ✨ Stable useStorage hook - #1146
    The useStorage hook is now stable, meaning that if there is no value stored on the persistent storage, the hook won't trigger a re-rendering of the React API. Instead, the useStorage will use the initialValue. This behavior leads to a smaller footprint of the user's device and smaller total blocking time (TBTs).

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

  • πŸ› Fix allCollections query pagination and pagetype timeout errors - #1140
    The pagination of allCollections requests and timeouts during pagetype fetching were fixed.

  • πŸ› Fix PDP and PLP breadcrumb list item's URL paths - #1148
    Uppercase and spaces in PLP and PDP links used in the breadcrumb component have been fixed.

  • ✨ Moves some Filter logic to the API - #1154
    Logic from the Filter component was moved from the frontend to the backend (API) to reduce processing on the frontend. Thus, the VTEX API can now sort the facets values alphabetically. Also, the departamento facet was removed from the PLP page.

  • πŸ› Fix StoreProduct returning wrong SKU - #1156
    SKU IDs on accounts in which multiple SKUs are available for each product no longer retur incorrect StoreProduct values.

  • πŸ› Fix filter active brands - #1157
    The NotFoundError: Catalog returned FullText for slug: canyon. error no longer occurs for cases where the API returns a list of brands containing inactive brands.

  • πŸ› Fix Cart item availability - #1160
    Now, if a product has a limited inventory, the cart component limits the number of products the user can add to it. Also, if the user adds more items, a toast message is raised, warning the user.


  • πŸ› Remove trailing slash from incoming requests - #1145
    Now, headers are properly set when a requested page has an exact match, but the request URL contains a trailing slash.


  • ✨ Add performance budgets to lighthouse config - #1150
    Now, the Lighthouse report includes a Performance Budgets section.
    A performance budget establishes limits on metrics that influence site performance.

FastStore Release Notes - January 2022

04 Feb 16:27
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FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰ New Incentive atom - #1064 Use the Incentive component to display a trust badge for your store’s website.



  • πŸŽ‰ New Link atom - #1067 Use the Link component to display a hyperlink as any HTML tag.



  • πŸŽ‰ New Card organism - #1079 Use the Card component to display summarized information about a product.



  • πŸŽ‰ New QuantitySelector molecule - #1083 Use the QuantitySelector component to allow shoppers to select the quantity of a given product to purchase.


  • πŸŽ‰ Add missing components. - #1063
    Breadcrumb, LoadingButton, PriceRange, RadioGroup components are now exported by @faststore/ui.


  • ✨ Add ...otherProps to the Badge component - #1085 Other props can now be passed on the Badge component.


  • πŸ› Fix FastStore UI imports - #1069
    The RadioGroup and RadioOption components are now correctly imported in the UI.

Payment Methods

  • πŸ› Removing aria-labelledby from payment methods component - #1092
    The PaymentMethods component is no longer returning an accessibility error on FastStore UI.


  • πŸ› Fix accessibility issues on FastStore UI components - #1096 The following components are no longer with accessibility issues: Badge, Form, Price, Radio, Select, Textarea, Carousel, IconButton, PriceRange and Table.


  • ✨ Add prefixId attribute to AccordionItem - #1118 The prefixId attribute, avoids the problem of having two Accordio IDs in the same page.


  • ✨ Update Starter Library - #1133 The Starter Library has new Base Store images.


FastStore SDK


  • ✨ Add item generics to analytics events - #1101 With the item property, users can control over a variety of types rather than a single one. This allows users to add extra properties inside an item.

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

  • πŸŽ‰ Add Sales channel to product query - #1108
    The salesChannel is now available in the product query.
  • πŸ› Fix JS files exposure - #1081
    This fix makes the graphql-utils package compatible with other frameworks.
  • πŸ› Fix ordering of breadcrumbList - #1094
    The categoryTrees of the Breadcrumb component is now reversed and displaying the right category and subcategories in the store.
  • πŸ› Fix SKU loader - #1100
    The SKU dataLoader algorithm is now fixed and can avoid potential errors, such as the Could not find SKU for product message.
  • πŸ› Fix Breadcrumb data on collection pages - #1104
    Breadcrumb lists no longer return empty, now the catalog data fills the Breadcrumb information.
  • πŸ› Fix redirect to external pages - #1114
    The redirect.csv file now allows redirecting to an external page.
  • πŸ› Fix unfiltered allCollections query - #1131
    The collection query no longer opens to many requests to fetch categories, brands, and landing pages, since the collection field resolver respects the first and after parameters to not open to many requests.

VTEX Headless CMS

  • ✨ fetch content by ID using REST API from CMS for preview - #1120 Now the gatsby-plugin-cms receives webhookBody params, fetch the values on the CMS API and return it to preview on webOps.


  • πŸ“‘New SDK Search reference - #1065
    Check out the new Search SDK module documentation and learn how to increase product discoverability by implementing a faceted search in your store.

  • πŸ“‘Updated the Quickstart documentation - #1066 Now you configure your FastStore project settings in the store.config.js file, an easy way to set up the repo without creating environment variables.

  • πŸ“‘New FasStore FAQ - #1068
    Check out the Frequently Asked Questions on FastStore Portal.

  • πŸ“‘New Starters Library - #1065
    Check out the new Starter Library and quickly start your FastStore website with the templates.

  • πŸ“‘New SDK Cart documentation - #1095
    Check out the new SDK Card documentation and start managing your store’s shopping cart.

  • πŸ“‘New VTEX IO WebOps Secrets guides - #1105
    Check out the new Security documentation and learn how to use the Secrets API. Use it to hold confidential data and avoid exposing sensitive data in your FastStore code..

  • πŸ“‘New VTEX Headless CMS documentation - #1111 Check out the new track for VTEX Headless CMS and learn how to integrate your FastStore project with VTEX Headless CMS, our preferred solution for content management.

  • πŸ“‘New Migrating from gatsby-plugin-cms to gatsby-source-cms guide - #1126
    Check out the new Migrating from gatsby-plugin-cms to gatsby-source-cms guide and learn how to migrate to the newer gatsby-source-cms plugin that uses a dedicated API to fetch the content from the VTEX Headless CMS. Also it lets you use the Gatsby Preview Server to build and preview your pages before publishing them.

  • πŸ“‘New on VTEX Platform integration - Hosting a FastStore + VTEX website - #1129
    Check out the new Hosting a FastStore + VTEX website guide and learn how to integrate your FastStore storefront project with VTEX, how to make it publicly available to end-users and have the VTEX Checkout functioning in your store.

  • πŸ“‘New on VTEX Platform integration - Integrating VTEX login - #1132
    Check out the new Integrating VTEX login guide and learn how to integrate the VTEX Login with your FastStore project.


  • ✨ Auto generate reference documentation for FastStore UI comoponents with react-docgen-typescript plugin - #1070

  • πŸŽ‰ Send feedback for any documentation available on FastStore Portal. - #1097
    To submit the feedback, look for Was this page helpful? at the end of any documentation on the Portal.

FastStore Release Notes - December 2021

22 Dec 13:56
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  • πŸŽ‰ New FastStore Documentation Portal. - #1061

    The first iteration of the FastStore Documentation Portal is now available at Send feedback and open documentation requests via GitHub issues. Bear in mind that this is still a work in progress.

FastStore UI


  • πŸŽ‰ New Label component. - #1001
    Use the Label component to identify text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and drop-down menus.

    Show code


  • πŸŽ‰ New Alert component. - #1020
    Use the Alert component to display short messages related to the behavior of a system, feature, or page.


    Show code
      function Component() {
        const styles = {
          warning: {
            backgroundColor: '#fff2d4',
            color: "#eea236",
            borderRadius: "0.5rem",
            padding: "1rem"
        return (
        <Alert style={styles.warning}>
          <React.Fragment key=".0">
            <Icon component={<Warning />} />
              This is an example of how you can use the Alert component along with icons!


  • πŸŽ‰ New PaymentMethods component. - #1020
    Use the PaymentMethods component to display the logos of the available payment options in a store.


    Show code
    function Component() {
      const VisaCard = () => (
          alt= "Visa logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const MasterCard = () => (
          alt= "Mastercard logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const AmericanExpressCard = () => (
          alt= "American express logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const MaestroCard = () => (
          alt= "Maestro logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const EloCard = () => (
          alt= "Elo logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const HiperCard = () => (
          alt= "Hipercard logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const PayPal = () => (
          alt= "PayPal brand"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      const DinersClub = () => (
          alt= "Diners club logo"
          width = { 50}
          height = { 50}
          src = ""
      return (
        <PaymentMethods title= "Payment Methods" >
          <VisaCard />
          <MasterCard />
          <MaestroCard />
          <AmericanExpressCard />
          <HiperCard />
          <EloCard />
          <DinersClub />
          <PayPal />


  • πŸŽ‰ New RadioGroup component. - #1033
    Use the RadioGroup component to allow users to select a single option from a list of two or more mutually exclusive options.


    Show code
    function Component () {
      const [option, setOption] = useState('radio-1')
      return (
          onChange={(v) => setOption(v.currentTarget.value)}
          <RadioOption value="radio-1" label="Radio 1">
              <span>Radio 1</span>
          <RadioOption value="radio-2" label="Radio 2">
              <span>Radio 2</span>


  • ✨ Improved FastStore UI Storybook with web accessibility checks for components. - #1036

    FastStore UI Storybook now has a new tab called Accessibility that helps developers test components' compliance with web accessibility standards.

  • ✨ Enhanced process to create components in the FastStore UI. - #1039

    If you are developing new components for the FastStore UI, just run yarn generate-ui-component in the FastStore project, give a name to your component and answer which component type you are developing to automatically create all the basic files your component will need.


    For more information, please refer to our Contribution guide.

FastStore API

VTEX Platform

  • πŸ› Fix SKU unavailability issue. - #1014

    The checkout process is no longer interrupted when an SKU has sellers that are not available on the current sales channel.

  • πŸ› Fix facets selection. - #1026

    Faceted search now accepts multiple selection.

FastStore Release Notes - November 2021

18 Nov 14:28
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Full changelog

Features πŸš€

  • New component: Accordion molecule (#985)
    We have added the Accordion component to the FastStore UI. The Accordion component hides its content by default.


  • New component: Breadcrumb molecule (#986)
    We have added the Breadcrumb Molecule to the FastStore UI. Use it to create secondary navigation and help users identify their location in the store.



Bug fixes πŸ›

Improvements βœ”οΈ

  • Add a11y tests for all atoms (#988)
    We have added accessibility tests for atoms of FastStore UI

  • Add a11y tests for all molecules (#992)
    We have added accessibility tests for molecules of FastStore UI.

  • Accordion doc (#994)
    We have improved the Storybook doc to show more information about the components that compose the Accordion.

Breaking Changes πŸ’₯

  • Lighthouse CI updated: Changes on performance score and Lighthouse report
    We have updated the Lighthouse CI to the version 8 of Google Lighthouse that can reflect on score variations in Lighthouse CI of Pull Requests.

From now on, the overall score of Cumulative Shift Layout and Total Blocking Time have increased in importance, and the deprioritized metrics are First Contentful Paint, Speed Index, and Time to Interactive.