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Releases: vtex/faststore

Fixes in the Breadcrumb

10 Mar 15:59
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Store Breadcrumb fixes and improvements

This release addresses issues with the breadcrumb functionality. Key changes include the removal of redundant categories in the breadcrumb list, fixes to visibility issues during scrolling, and updates to the dropdown menu styling.

⚠️ To benefit from these fixes, update your store FastStore package to v3.25.6 using @faststore/cli. Refer to the previous release notes for further details.

πŸ› Fixes

Removed similar categories in the breadcrumb list #2711

The breadcrumb list previously displayed all similar categories, causing clutter.
Now, only the main categories are shown in the breadcrumb list.

⚠ If you implemented any workarounds for this issue, they can be removed as they are no longer necessary.

Before After
breadcrumb fix before breadcrumb fix after

Breadcrumb visibility and styling #2714

Resolved issues with the breadcrumb section display, including:

  • Ensuring either the RegionBar or the breadcrumb appears when scrolling.
Before - PDP After - PDP
image pdp before image
  • Restoring breadcrumb visibility on PLP (Product Listing Page) and search pages.
Before - Dropdown menu After - Dropdown menu
image dropdown before image
  • Updating the styling of the breadcrumb dropdown menu for consistency.
Before - PLP After - PLP
image plp before image

Introducing SKUMatrix Component

15 Jan 19:54
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The SKU Matrix feature allows users to select multiple product variations (such as color and size) simultaneously through an intuitive interface. It can be enabled on the Product Details Page via the SKU Matrix Configuration in the Headless CMS.


The component's documentation with more details will be published soon in FastStore Docs

FastStore: Improved search query with the `sponsoredCount` parameter

19 Dec 13:07
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We've added a new parameter, sponsoredCount, to the search query. This parameter gives more control over the number of sponsored products returned in your store’s search results.

⚠️ Extension API users: If you are using the ClientProductGallery fragment, this change may cause errors. Make sure your implementation is updated to handle the sponsoredCount parameter accordingly by following the instructions in the next section.

What needs to be done?

  1. Open your FastStore project using your preferred code editor.
  2. Update your FastStore project to version 3.0.157 or later, by running the following:
yarn upgrade -L --scope @faststore
  1. Run yarn build.

API extension users

If you are using the ClientProductGallery fragment, after updating the store version to the latest one, you may encounter the following error:

[FAILED] GraphQL Document Validation failed with 1 errors;
[FAILED]   Error 0: Fields "search" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
[FAILED]     at /Users/fanny.chien/Work/
[FAILED]     at /Users/fanny.chien/Work/
[SUCCESS] Generate outputs
Running lifecycle hook "afterStart" scripts...

To fix it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the file, where you are using the ClientManyProducts fragment, and add the missing sponsoredCount parameter.
import { gql } from "@faststore/core/api";

export const fragment = gql(`
 fragment ClientManyProducts on Query {
     first: $first
     after: $after
     sort: $sort
     term: $term
     selectedFacets: $selectedFacets
     sponsoredCount: $sponsoredCount  // Add this parameter!
   ) {
  1. Save the changes.
  2. Run yarn build once again.

FastStore v3.0.123: Renaming `faststore.config` to `discovery.config`

07 Oct 14:21
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⚠️ This is part of an ongoing initiative to turn the store's repository into a monorepo, allowing for more customizable modules.

The faststore will manage a module called discovery, so we have renamed all configuration file from faststore.config to discovery.config, while maintaining compatibility with the legacy name.

What needs to be done?

After updating your store's FastStore package to v3.0.123, everything should continue to work as before. To update the package, see the previous release notes for more details.

If you're manually using the configuration file (for example, if you're importing it directly), you might encounter an error like this:


To resolve this:

  1. Rename faststore.config.js file to discovery.config.js.
  2. Update any references pointing to faststore.config.js to use discovery.config.js instead.

If you encounter any other errors, please:

Run faststore in the terminal

  • If it's outdated, update it using the following command:
yarn upgrade -L --scope @faststore

PRs that is related to this changes:

FastStore v3.0.117: Integration between FastStore and VTEX Ad Network

03 Oct 19:48
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New integration between FastStore and VTEX Ad Network (#2438)

⚠️ This feature is only available for stores that are active publishers on the VTEX Ad Network.

FastStore now has support for displaying sponsored products when using Intelligent Search, helping retailers who are interested in VTEX Ad Network solution.

What needs to be done?

To benefit from this integration, follow these steps:

  1. Update your store FastStore package to v3.0.117 using @faststore/cli. To update the package, see the previous release notes for further details.

  2. Create a campaign to be delivered to the store with valid products.

  3. Update the showSponsored configuration in the store's settings to enable Intelligent Search to return sponsored products.

  • Open your FastStore project in a code editor and go to faststore.config.js file.

  • In the faststore.config.js file, add the following configuration for api:

      api: {
         showSponsored: true,
  1. We encourage to indicate in the ProductCard that the product is promoted.


For more details refer to #2438

FastStore v3.0.97: Package fixes

03 Sep 17:31
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This release addresses the following issues:

  • ClientManyProductsQuery parameter duplication: We've fixed product data fetching.
  • Product Listing Pages (PLPs) flickering issue: We've fixed the content stability on PLPs.

⚠️ To benefit from these fixes, update your store FastStore package to v3.0.97 using @faststore/cli. Refer to the previous release notes for further details.

πŸ› Fixes

Reduced duplicate data fetching - #2429

Resolved an issue where the ClientManyProductsQuery was fetched twice with nearly identical parameters. This optimization eliminates redundant data fetching and the system can load product information more quickly. The only difference was the hasOnlyDefaultSalesChannel introduced on this PR and used only by the useAuth hook.

Before After
Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 14 00 24 Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 13 58 30

Eliminated PLP content instability - #2427

A recent change introduced a flickering effect on PLPs. In other words, the PLPs had visual instability, where the content of the page appeared to rapidly refresh or change without user interaction. We've rolled back the prior change to ensure a stable browsing experience. The FastStore team is working on alternative approaches to address fuzzy logic usage and operators in Intelligent Search requests, allowing the search engine to decide the best parameters for the search.

Before After
before rollback_blink_plp

Improvements in the Design System

01 Aug 15:51
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Updates to the Brandless theme, design system, and bug fixes.


The official documentation is not available with these updates yet.

✨ Enhancements #2390

  • Type Scale: Updated mobile and desktop type scales for a more dynamic reading experience.
Before After
image image
Before After
image image
Global token Value
--fs-text-weight-medium 500
--fs-text-weight-semibold 600

πŸ› Bug fixes #2390

  • InputField: Fixed label centering for inputs with custom heights.
  • Payment Methods:
    • Added Amex and Pix logo options.
    • Improved payment method icon visibility within the store component.
Before After
image image
  • Product Card: Removed gray background for out-of-stock products due to new design pattern.
Before After
image image
  • Quantity Selector: Fixed border-radius declaration, moved to input.

  • ProductGallery: ProductPrice styles are now imported, enabling proper price rendering within the component.

Before After
image image

Reverse the dependency between @faststore/core and @faststore/cli

12 Aug 14:31
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Reverse the dependency between @faststore/core and @faststore/cli

What has changed?

The new CLI version now depends on the core package, reversing the previous dependency. Therefore, an explicit dependency on @faststore/cli is sufficient, eliminating the need for both dependencies decreasing the possibility of incompatibilities between versions of different packages.

What needs to be done?

In your local FastStore project, go to package.json file and check the dependencies list:

 "dependencies": {
    "@faststore/cli": "^3.0.87",
    "next": "^13.5.6",
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0"

If @faststore/cli is already listed there, no action is needed. If not, follow the instructions below:

1. Remove the explicit dependency on @faststore/core in favor of depending only on @faststore/cli. The dependency list should look like:

 "dependencies": {
    "@faststore/cli": "^3.0.87",  // it was @faststore/core": "^3.0.xx"
    "next": "^13.5.6",
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0"

2. Remove @faststore/cli from devDependencies list:

 "devDependencies": {
    "@cypress/code-coverage": "^3.12.1",
    "@lhci/cli": "^0.9.0",
    "@testing-library/cypress": "^10.0.1",
    "cypress": "12.17.4",
    "cypress-axe": "^1.5.0",
    "cypress-wait-until": "^2.0.1",
    "typescript": "^4.9.4"

3. Apply changes:

Run yarn to install the changes. Your yarn.lock file should be modified.

Refer to this PR to see the necessary changes.


We strongly recommend trying this in your local development environment to ensure compatibility with your existing codebase before changing to production.

These changes should not cause any issues in your project. After verifying that everything is working as expected, create a pull request with these changes to your remote repository.

@faststore/core v3.0.0 Package Updates

31 Jan 19:11
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This version introduces API extension improvements, error page customization in the Headless CMS, and FastStore v2 users can benefit from Next.js 13 support.

To benefit from the following updates, upgrade your store @faststore/core and @faststore/cli packages to v3.0.0. In your local FastStore project, install the @faststore/core and @faststore/cli up-to-date version by running yarn add @faststore/core@3.0.0 and then yarn add -D @faststore/cli@3.0.0. Run the project locally with yarn dev.

⚠️ We strongly recommend trying this in your local development environment to ensure compatibility with your existing codebase before changing to production.

✨ Improvements to API extension - #2176

@faststore/graphql-utils deprecated in favor of the client-preset plugin, reducing bundle sizes, aligning with community standards, and adopting modern bundling and compilation tools for FastStore API extension users.

To benefit from these improvements, update your store's @faststore/core package to v3.0.0 and follow the Improvements to API extensions guide for more information.

✨ Enhance error page customization in the Headless CMS with new content types and section - #2184

Stores using FastStore v2 now support content customization on the login, 500, and 404 error pages through the EmptyState section via the Headless CMS.

image image

To benefit from the new content types, update your store's @faststore/core package to v3.0.0 and sync the changes:

  • To sync the updated version, open a new terminal and run faststore cms-sync.
  • Access the VTEX Admin and go to Headless CMS > FastStore. You should be able to see the three new content types listed there.
  • Click on one of the content types, and in Add section ( +).
  • Choose the EmptyState section and update its fields according to your store's requirements.

✨ FastStore now supports Next.js 13 - #2198

FastStore now supports Next.js 13 which brings general improvements related to performance and stability that stores can leverage from.

Edit your store's package.json :

  "dependencies": {
    "next": "^13.5.6",

Refer to the Upgrading from 12 to 13 official Next.js documentation for more information on how to migrate to version 13.

Adds Newsletter component to @faststore/ui package

17 Jan 19:34
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  • Newsletter component are now available in the FastStore UI. Refer to Newsletter documentation for further details.

  • Breaking Change: We are deprecating the __experimentalNewsletterAddendum override from Newsletter Section. You should override it using NewsletterAddendum.
