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Easy Settings python module allows you to save and retrieve applications settings quickly and easily.


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EasySettings allows you to easily save and retrieve simple application settings. Handles non-string types like boolean, integer, long, list, as well as normal string settings. No sections needed, just set(), get(), and save().

There are other *Settings objects that allow you to use a standard format, such as:

  • JSONSettings - UserDict that has methods to load/save config in JSON format. load_json_settings() is the preferred method for loading config files.

  • TOMLSettings - UserDict that has methods to load/save config in TOML format. load_toml_settings() is the preferred method for loading config files.

  • YAMLSettings - UserDict that has methods to load/save config in YAML format. load_yaml_settings() is the preferred method for loading config files.


Example of EasySettings basic usage:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# --------------- Creation ----------------

from easysettings import EasySettings

settings = EasySettings("myconfigfile.conf")

# configfile_exists() checks for existing config, and creates one if needed.
# ** this function is called automatically now when a filename is passed to easysettings. **
# if you wish to disable it, just do: settings = EasySettings() and set
# settings.configfile later.

# ------------- Basic Functions -----------
# set without saving
settings.set("username", "cjw")
settings.set("firstrun", False)

print settings.get("username")
# this results in "cjw"

# check if file is saved
if not settings.is_saved():
    print "you haven't saved the settings to disk yet."

# ...settings are still available even if they haven't
#    been saved to disk

# save

# you may also set & save in one line...
settings.setsave("homedir", "/myuserdir")


    # check if setting exists if you want
    if settings.has_option('username'):
        print "Yes, settings has 'username'"

    # list settings/options/values
    mysettings = settings.list_settings()
    myoptions = settings.list_options()
    myvalues = settings.list_values()

    # remove setting

    # clear all option names and values

    # clear all values, leave option names.


# compare two settings objects
settings2 = EasySettings('myconfigfile2.conf')

if settings.compare_opts(settings2):
    print "these have the same exact options, values may differ"
if settings.compare_vals(settings2):
    print "these have the exact same values, options may differ"

if settings == settings2:
    print "these have the exact same settings/values"
    # can also be written as settings.compare_settings(settings2)
    # if you like typing.. :)

if settings > settings2:
    print "settings has more options than settings2"
# all of them work ==, !=, <=, >= , > , <
# ... the < > features are based on amount of options.
#     the = features are based on option names and values.


EasySettings has the basic features you would expect out of a settings module, and it's very easy to use. If your project needs to save simple settings without the overhead and complication of other modules then this is for you. Save, load, set, & get are very easy to grasp. The more advanced features are there for you to use, but don't get in the way. Settings, options, & values can be listed, searched, detected, removed, & cleared.

EasySettings uses a dictionary to store settings before writing to disk, so you can also access settings like a dictionary object using easysettings.settings. The setsave() function will save every time you set an option, and is_saved() will tell you whether or not the file has been saved to disk yet. Code is documented for a newbie, so a help('EasySettings') in the python console will get you started.

The search_query argument in the list functions lets you find settings, options, and values by search string:

mydebugoptions = settings.list_options('debug')
# clear all debug values..

Non-string types were added, so any type that can be pickled can be used as an option's value. This includes all the major types like int, long, float, boolean, and list. All of these values will be retrieved as the same type that was set:

es = EasySettings('myconfigfile.conf')

# Boolean
es.set("newuser", True)
if es.get('newuser'):
    print "now you can use get() as a boolean."

# Integer
es.set('maxwidth', 560)
halfwidth = es.get('maxwidth') / 2 # this math works.

# Float
es.set('soda', 1.59)
f_withtax = es.get('soda') * 1.08

# List
es.set('users', ['cjw', 'joseph', 'amy']) # lists as settings, very convenient
for suser in es.get('users'):
    print "retrieved user name: " + suser

# i won't do them all, but if you can pickle it, you can use it with easysettings.

Errors are more descriptive and can be caught using their proper names:

except easysettings.esGetError as exErr:
    print "Error getting option!"
except Exception as exEx:
    print "General Error!"

Automatic Creation:

If you pass a file name to EasySettings(), the configfile_exists() function is called. This function will create a blank config file if the file doesn't exist, otherwise it will return True. To use the 'automatic creation' do this:

settings = EasySettings('myconfigfile.conf')
# if file exists, all settings were loaded.
# if file did not exist, it was created.
# No permissions, disk-full, and other errors are still possible of course
# depending on the machine, or the current directory permissions.

You can disable the 'automatic creation' features by not passing a file name, and loading seperately like this:

settings = EasySettings()
settings.configfile = 'myconfigfile.conf'
# file has not been created or loaded.
# file must exist before calling 'load_file'
if settings.load_file():
    # all settings were loaded.
    # unable to load file for some reason.

This will work in the same way to disable the automatic creation:

settings = EasySettings()
# file has not been created or loaded.
# file 'myconfigfile.conf' must exist before calling load_file()
if settings.load_file('myconfigfile.conf'):
    # file was loaded.
    # settings.configfile was set by the load_file() function
    # file could not be loaded.

To check if the file exists without creating it automatically you can do this:

if not settings.configfile_exists(False):
    print 'config file does not exist, and was not created.'
# I actually prefer the os.path.isfile() method if you're not going to automatically
# create the file.
import os.path
if not os.path.isfile(settings.configfile):
    print 'config file does not exist, and was not created.'

JSONSettings, TOMLSettings, and YAMLSettings:

All of the *Settings objects are simple UserDicts that allow loading and saving in the specified format. All keys and values must be serializable using the specified format. If you don't already have the pyyaml and toml packages (not pytoml), be sure to use pip install "easysettings[all]" to install those along with EasySettings.

JSONSettings Example:

from easysettings import JSONSettings

# Starting from scratch:
js = JSONSettings(filename='myfile.json')
js['option'] = 'value'
from easysettings import JSONSettings, load_json_settings
# Loading settings that may not exist yet:
js = load_json_settings('myfile.json', default={'option': 'mydefault'})

# Set an item and save the settings.
js.setsave('option2', 'value2', sort_keys=True)

# Alternate load method, may raise FileNotFoundError.
js = JSONSettings.from_file('myjsonfile.json')

The same goes for TOMLSettings and YAMLSettings.

TOMLSettings Example:

# `toml` (not `pytoml`) must be installed, though you don't have to import it.
import toml

from easysettings import TOMLSettings

# Starting from scratch:
ts = TOMLSettings(filename='myfile.toml')
ts['option'] = 'value'
# `toml` (not `pytoml`) must be installed, though you don't have to import it.
from easysettings import TOMLSettings, load_toml_settings

# Loading settings that may not exist yet:
ts = load_toml_settings('myfile.toml', default={'option': 'mydefault'})

# Set an item and save the settings.
ts.setsave('option2', 'value2')

# Alternate load method, may raise FileNotFoundError.
ts = TOMLSettings.from_file('mytomlfile.toml')

YAMLSettings Example:

# `pyyaml` must be installed, though you don't have to import it.
from easysettings import YAMLSettings

# Starting from scratch:
ys = YAMLSettings(filename='myfile.yaml')
ys['option'] = 'value'
# `pyyaml` must be installed, though you don't have to import it.
from easysettings import YAMLSettings, load_yaml_settings

# Loading settings that may not exist yet:
ys = load_yaml_settings('myfile.yaml', default={'option': 'mydefault'})

# Set an item and save the settings.
ys.setsave('option2', 'value2')

# Alternate load method, may raise FileNotFoundError.
ys = YAMLSettings.from_file('myyamlfile.yaml')

PyPi Package

Full PyPi package available at:

Use pip to install EasySettings to be used globally. Ubuntu instructions to install pip:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

After that you should be able to install EasySettings by typing:

pip install --user easysettings

If you are using Python 2.7, you will need to use EasySettings v3.3.3:

pip install --user "easysettings==3.3.3"


If you would like to use the opt-in YAML and TOML features, you will need the pyyaml and toml packages (not pytoml). These can be requested individually, or together during the EasySettings installation:

# Install with the yaml dependency to use YAMLSettings:
pip install --user "easysettings[yaml]"

# Install with the toml dependency to use TOMLSettings:
pip install --user "easysettings[toml]"

# Install with both dependencies to use YAMLSettings and TOMLSettings:
pip install --user "easysettings[all]"

Bug Fixes

  • Version 4.0.1:

You can now merge files with existing settings instances. This allows multiple config files to be used. The last call to add_file() will overwrite existing values, and add new ones. If optional=False is used, a FileNotFoundError will be raised for missing files. This works for all settings classes ( EasySettings, JSONSettings, etc.).

import os
from easysettings import load_json_settings

settings = (
    # Non-optional config file.
    # Optional files that will overwrite existing values.
    .add_file(os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share/myapp/myapp.json'), optional=True)
    .add_file('myapp.json', optional=True)
  • Version 4.0.0:

Python 2.7 is no longer supported. If you are using Python 2.7 you will need to be specific when installing EasySettings. Version 3.3.3 was the last version with Python 2.7 support. It will no longer receive bug fixes or new features. If the latest version of EasySettings has broken your application, uninstall it and install version 3.3.3:

pip install 'easysettings==3.3.3'

# Or, with TOML/YAML dependencies:
pip install 'easysettings[all]==3.3.3'

You can use this in your requirements.txt:

easysettings == 3.3.3

You can still clone version 3.3.3 using the 3.3.3 branch:

git clone -b 3.3.3
  • Version 3.3.3:

Extra kwargs can be passed to the load()/from_file() methods on YAMLSettings and TOMLSettings. You have to use load_kwargs=kwargs when instantiating the class directly. It will forward the kwargs to the loader later in this case. This allows a Loader to be specified when using the yaml settings, and future-proofs EasySettings.

  • Version 3.3.2:

Extra dependencies for YAMLSettings/TOMLSettings can be installed as extras by specifying them:

pip install --user "easysettings[all]"

Source Code

You can view the source for this package at:


Be sure to visit for more projects and information from Welborn Productions.


Since you've scrolled all the way down here, I thought I would tell you that the EasySettings class itself was created a long time ago, when I was still learning Python. I don't use that specific class anymore for new projects. I prefer to use the other *Settings classes in the easysettings package. I've been fixing bugs and adding features in all of the easysettings code for years now, so I don't want to say that it's "abandoned" or "deprecated". I'm still using it with some of my projects because there is no real reason to change them.

It was designed for me at the time (a beginner), so maybe it's still useful for beginners, but the other classes are much cleaner and not so "opinionated". They're also widely accepted config formats, where the EasySettings format (a mix of custom INI and Python's pickle) is not. They raise exceptions instead of silently trying to "do the right thing". If you only ever save string values, EasySettings is nice because it looks like an INI file with helpers for values like "true", "false", "yes", "no", "1", and "0" (if you use get_bool()).

If you start saving other types, you may want to switch to JSONSettings, TOMLSettings, or YAMLSettings (depending on what your flavor is).

It's better to be explicit than implicit.

This is much cleaner:

from easysettings import load_json_settings

config = load_json_settings(
    # File is created if needed.
    # config will have *at least* these keys/values.
    default={'key1': 'value', 'key2': 2600},
# It's just a dict.
config['key3'] = config.get('key3', [1, 2, 3])

# Next time this code runs you can start where you left off.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Contributions are welcome in all forms. File an issue, or create a Pull Request if you would like to see a new feature in EasySettings.


Easy Settings python module allows you to save and retrieve applications settings quickly and easily.







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