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This project provides REST and WEBSOCKETS APIs for the new customer service module weni chats
- Python (3.8)
- Poetry
- Docker
- Docker-compose
Define a .env
file with the required environment variables bellow
Command | Description |
make install | Install all dependencies, enter the virtual environment, start databases, run migrations, add initial data to the database and run the project at localhost:8000. Use this if it's your first time cloning the project. |
poetry install | Install dependencies and create virtual environment |
poetry shell | Enter virtual enviroment |
pre-commit install | Install pre-commit to check the code before commiting any changes |
make dev_up | Run postgres and redis on docker compose |
python makemigrations | Make migrations when changing models |
python migrate | Run migrations when changing models |
python runserver | Run the project at localhost:8000 |
make test | Run tests and show the coverage report |
make lint | Run all linters(black, flake8 and isort) |
make help | Explains make commands |
We use swagger to document the REST api, access localhost:8000 to get the api documentation. The Websockets api still need to be documented.
You can set environment variables in your OS or write on .env file.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
DEBUG | Bool | False | False | If True, debug actions are made and shown in stdout. |
SECRET_KEY | String | True | None | Secret key used on django security. |
ALLOWED_HOSTS | List | False | [] | List of urls that can host this project. |
DATABASE_URL | String | True | sqlite:///db.sqlite3 | Default database url. |
CHANNEL_LAYERS_REDIS | String | True | redis:// | Url for the redis used for django channels. |
ADMIN_USER_EMAIL | String | False | | Email that will receive emails with logs when something happens in the api. |
REST_PAGINATION_SIZE | Int | False | 20 | Limit the number of objects returned when using pagination on an endpoint. |
OLD_MESSAGES_LIMIT | Int | False | 10 | Limit the messages returned when a chat is opened. |
OIDC_ENABLED | bool | False | False | Enable using OIDC. |
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID | string | False | None | OpenID Connect client ID provided by your OP. |
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET | string | False | None | OpenID Connect client secret provided by your OP. |
OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT | string | False | None | URL of your OpenID Connect provider authorization endpoint. |
OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT | string | False | None | URL of your OpenID Connect provider token endpoint. |
OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT | string | False | None | URL of your OpenID Connect provider userinfo endpoint. |
OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT | string | False | None | URL of your OpenID Connect provider JWKS endpoint. |
OIDC_RP_SIGN_ALGO | string | False | RS256 | Sets the algorithm the IdP uses to sign ID tokens. |
OIDC_DRF_AUTH_BACKEND | string | False | chats.apps.accounts.authentication.drf.backends.WeniOIDCAuthenticationBackend | Define the authentication middleware for the django rest framework. |
OIDC_RP_SCOPES | string | False | openid email | The OpenID Connect scopes to request during login. |
USE_S3 | Bool | False | False | Boolean that defines if S3 should be used. |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | String | False | None | Amazon S3 bucket Access Key. |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | String | False | None | Amazon S3 bucket Secret Key. |
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME | String | False | None | Amazon S3 bucket name. |
USE_SENTRY | Bool | False | False | Boolean that defines if Sentry should be initialized. |
USE_SENTRY | String | False | None | Sentry's DSN URL. |
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