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OJ7 (Web8.0) Programming language is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013 in java and modified in DOTWEB3.0 P.L in year 2016. and which is Ranked as Rank A' Programming Language


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WEB8.0(OJ7) is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013 in java and modified in DOTWEB3.0 P.L in year 2016.And now at year 2025, it's Further modified at CH$ P.L instead of java. OakJava7 is renamed as WEB8.0(OJ7) programming Langauge.


The Meaning of WEB8.0(OJ7) is Olive tree + Jemin Advanced Virtual Machine O gives the meaning a symbol of friendship and reconciliation, cleansing and healing, light, victory and richness and, above all, a sign of peace.

History about creation of WEB8.0(OJ7) Compiler

How WEB8.0(OJ7) is invented?

WEB8.0(OJ7) is invented by Wilmix Jemin J by Dotweb3.0 Programming language in Dotweb3.0 and java.But now the Java Implementation is changed to CH$ P.L. Because there is no code security in Java/J2ee when i create the WEB8.0(OJ7) compiler. So the WEB8.0(OJ7) implementation is changed to CH$ P.L. We know the fact Dotweb3.0 is invented in CH$ and CH$ is invented in GDollar P.L.

Evidence for creation of WEB8.0(OJ7) compiler

Dotweb3.0 is more advanced than any existing programming language in today's IT world.

How i write Dotweb program to create WEB8.0(OJ7) compiler is given below...?




Web8c { public void main()


//wilmix code

//Console Design

//If no input it will list how to use WEB8.0(OJ7) compiler.

if (args.Length <= 0) {

     <PRINTLN>(" WEB8.0(OJ7)  @JeminInformationTechnology (C)  2025  All Rights  Reserved ");
     <PRINTLN>("To  compile   WEB8.0(OJ7)  files use  => web8c  <filename.web8> ");
       <PRINTLN>("To  compile and   create  a  prototype software use  => web8c <filename.web>");
       <PRINTLN>("To  compile and   create a  DataScience and MachineLearning application use  \n" +
            "=> web8c <filename.oj7ua>");

//wilmix code


// Calling WEB8.0(OJ7) compiler libraries.



} }

  <CATCH> (Exception e)

    // print the  errors

    <PRINTLN>(" WEB8.0(OJ7)   Error.... "+e);



Other Evidence about WEB8.0(OJ7)

WEB8.0(OJ7) will work without the installation Java Jdk compiler. That we can see the Screen shot. WEB8.0(OJ7) borrows CJava runtime from Gdollar P.L.I will change it later when i release the WEB8.0(OJ7) P.L.Also you can see web8c.exe , and Web8 entirely different and run without installation of Java compiler JDK.You can see the ScreenShot for your Reference which given below..

ScreenShot about WEB8.0(OJ7) Evidence

This screen shot will be changed due to OakJava7 is renamed to Web8.0(OJ7)


Why we don't publish WEB8.0(OJ7) all the code ?

Because if the full implementation of WEB8.0(OJ7) is known to others,so hackers,etc can easily create the compiler in Dotweb3.0 and they may overtake WEB8.0(OJ7) easily. Because using Dotweb3.0 P.L one can create the compiler as fast as could.That's why we don't release Dotweb3.0

The Major common syntax for oakjava7 is given below..

Major Syntax for WEB8.0(OJ7) program SYNTAX-1:





<CLASS>  <classname>


  public void main()


    <! source  code !>




Advanced WEB8.0(OJ7) Program SYNTAX-2:


public class web8Prog


//This constructor with super method is mandatory,which indicates it is a oakjava7 program

public web8Prog() { super();


// it means it will not support any java compiler, it is entirely different.

public void main()


<! OAKJAVA7 Logic !>



Major Syntax for WEB8.0(OJ7) program :SYNTAX-3







<CLASS>  <classname>


  public void main()


    <! source  code !>





                    Program Structure


WEB8.0(OJ7) SYNTAX-1 Program Structure(.web)


Beginning Section :

Documentation Section

Package Statement;




<CLASS>  <classname>


  public void main()


    <! source  code !>





WEB8.0(OJ7) Ending section is } ; Ending your WEB8.0(OJ7) program Documentation Section means you can include description
with comments.

Package statement means you had to include WEB8.0(OJ7) program in Package .... statement to import all the packages. Interface statement for supporting multiple inheritance. Logic section for writing WEB8.0(OJ7) logic with Class followed by main method . after writing logic close the logic section.

WEB8.0(OJ7) SYNTAX-2 Program Structure(.web8)(Advanced WEB8.0(OJ7) program)


WEB8.0(OJ7) Section

WEB8.0(OJ7) constructor Section


class web8prog


public void main()


    <! WEB8.0(OJ7) source  code !>






All WEB8.0(OJ7) should start with class web8Prog {

and it should include the constructor of WEB8.0(OJ7) program..

public web8Prog() { super();


But public void main() is used in WEB8.0(OJ7) program

public void main() is for protection from hackers.

WEB8.0(OJ7) SYNTAX-3 Program Structure




Beginning Section :

Documentation Section

Package Statement;




<CLASS>  <classname>


  public void main()


    <! source  code !>






WEB8.0(OJ7) Ending section is } ; Ending your WEB8.0(OJ7) program

Documentation Section means you can include description

with comments.

Package statement means you had to include WEB8.0(OJ7) program in Package ....

statement to import all the packages.

Interface statement for supporting multiple inheritance.

Logic section for writing WEB8.0(OJ7) logic with Class followed by main method .

after writing logic close the logic section.



a) JAVA class file has many demerits so any thing you create a compiler in java

the source code can be easily taken by JAD.

b) C# (.exe or .dll) source code can also be taken using code reflector.

so C# also fails in Code security.

That's why WEB8.0(OJ7) came to the picture.

WEB8.0(OJ7) is also used for creating datastructures

and compilers. ie) It is also used in Research side.

WEB8.0(OJ7) accepts ".web" filename and translate to .jclass file.

that java is said to WEB8.0(OJ7) different from orginal java.

which is not understood by hackers.

WEB8.0(OJ7) loads .dll in memory to create a Prototype software.

c) web8 <filename.web8> and => will also create .exe , .ojava7 prototype software

which jdk1.8 or any java compiler cannot do it.



How to compile WEB8.0(OJ7)) program?


web8 <filename.web8>


web8c <filname.web8>

.web8 is the view part of OakJava7 mvc program.

How to run WEB8.0(OJ7) ?


How to compile and create .exe or .dll file?

web8c <filename.web>

web8c <filename.web8> to generate .jclass files and .exe files.


a) WEB8.0(OJ7) behaves like his parent java and Dotweb3.0

which java fails completly in code security.

b) WEB8.0(OJ7) supports Garbage collection and explicity memory.

c) WEB8.0(OJ7) support Multiple inheritance ,friend function, and operator overloading

and all C/C++ oops concepts.

d) WEB8.0(OJ7) also supports CDollar concepts.

e) WEB8.0(OJ7) also includes C# oops concepts.

f) WEB8.0(OJ7) also follows attractive syntax.

g) WEB8.0(OJ7) provides High Security when compared to all the programming languages.

h) Since it had 100% oops concepts it is ranked as Rank A' Programming language. Due to the reasons given below...

WEB8.0(OJ7) is focused on creating Prototype software(when we used with Jdollar(CSHELL),used to create Gaming and utilities, used in web application with java frameworks , used with Machine Learning, Datascience ,Single Webpage application , Remote X Application, etc with WEB8.0(OJ7) frameworks, and it has Advanced Oops. It also supports obfuscation, Code Security, and it is Learnable .

Note : [ World Rank A' means Advanced programming language when compare to all the Programming languages and 10 times greater than Web1.0 programming language.]

Top quality software according to wilmixsolomonresearch lab.

i) WEB8.0(OJ7) is used with JDollar,CWEB section, C#, and with all writ Programming languages.

j) WEB8.0(OJ7) also provide Shortest function Statements ...

k) WEB8.0(OJ7) is easy to learn and focus . ie) it is Learnable Programming Language...

l) WEB8.0(OJ7) also had his own shell prompt known as Web8Shell...

you can execute and run Java7.0 Programs...

m) WEB8.0(OJ7) also focus on Code Security.

n) Web8 is an interactive Programming Language..

ie) It is used with Java , C# And other writ Programming Languages ..

Java and C# professionals can easily focus.

o) WEB8.0(OJ7) is focused on MachineLearning,Datascience ,etc.

p) WEB8.0(OJ7) is used with WNOSQL Database which provides high security...

q) WEB8.0(OJ7) is used with WXML which is very easy to create Forms ,Reports,etc.It avoids

typing html everytime.

r) WEB8.0(OJ7) also supports 100% OOPS concept. So it is called as a Pure OOPS Programming Language.

s) We can convert Java program to WEB8.0(OJ7) Program by using command ConvertToWeb8.

t) WEB8.0(OJ7) Intermediate Program is used to test the WEB8.0(OJ7) Program , when user

done mistake in WEB8.0(OJ7) Programming.

u) WEB8.0(OJ7) is designed in such a way that Java Programmers can easily follow it.

v) WEB8.0(OJ7) is best in security side. eg) when we use Machine learning or web application, it is best in security side.

w) WEB8.0(OJ7) will work in Linux platform like ubuntu, etc. So write once and run any where.

x) ScrollServer can be used with Java Frameworks like Hibernate, Mybatics, Java Spring,EJB. We can use this for constructing web application. but WEB8.0(OJ7) cannot be used with java Frameworks like Hibernate, Mybatics, Java Spring,EJB. Because WEB8.0(OJ7) and java/j2ee are invented in different programming Languages. eg) WEB8.0(OJ7) is implemented by Wilmix Jemin j in DOTWEB P.L and Jdk1.6. But Java/J2ee is implemented by James Gosling in Oak P.L. Dotweb P.L is used for compiler construction.

so we can call WEB8.0(OJ7) as an interactive programming Language when we used with scrollserver.

y) WEB8.0(OJ7) is Good for the Interviewer to select a rightful candidate.

Z) To Write WEB8.0(OJ7) program for any task it will take only few minutes or

if it is a miniproject we can finish the mini project with in 1 hour.

Thus WEB8.0(OJ7) Programming Language is very easy, it saves time and cost. So it is a user friendly Programming Language.

AA) WEB8.0(OJ7) Programming Language also compile and run the file like .web

and .web8 at the same time using webp7.exe.

Note: Here only WEB8.0(OJ7) Programming language is focused.

ABOUT WEB8.0(OJ7) Modules

a)IMF Framework is another module of WEB8.0(OJ7).

b) OAKJAVA8(JAVA8.0) Programming Language

WEB8.0(OJ7) Tutorial website is: For WEB8.0(OJ7),Datascience,Machinelearning,OakJava7 samples see the given below url

OAKJAVA8(JAVA8.0) Tutorial website is: For Oakjava8 - Mobile type applications see the given below url...

WEB8.0(OJ7) Introduction with machine learning syntax with user friendly

framework OJ7UA (WEB8.0(OJ7) userfriendly Application)

Syntax for WEB8.0(OJ7) Machine Learning program


// Beginning of WEB8.0(OJ7) ML Program


// Design is the HTML GUI or variable declarations or method declarations

// SRC include methods declarations


// Method declarations

public static void Methods1()





//Close Design for GUI

//Mention name of Package value in Package always mention wnosql as a default value for the Database.

// Mention WEB8.0(OJ7) library files for machine Learning in J7Lib eg) Java7ML

// Mention Package as ML , Names as sampleml1 for namespace name and class name as misctype1

// Mention Type as .exe or .dll

<OakJava7 Package='ML' Database='wnosql' J7Lib='{Java7ML}' Names='sampleml1,misctype1' Type='exe'

//Mention MAIN section for WEB8.0(OJ7) main program ie) public void main() can be written as MAIN

// Mention what are the Business logic methods inside the main program eg) Methods1(),Methods2() in the MAIN section


// Methods call



// This ( ?> ) is equivalent to }}.Close the Main Section



//LOGIC sections represent Business Logic for WEB8.0(OJ7)


//Business logic methods

public static void Method2()


} // Close the Logic section '> // Close the WEB8.0(OJ7) program // End of WEB8.0(OJ7) Program ==================================================== EXPLANATION ============ Here when you code the Machine Learning program using this syntax and compile it using web8c , it will automatically convert to WEB8.0(OJ7) program ie(.web) . And you will get a optimized WEB8.0(OJ7) code and .exe and .ojava7 files. You can also test the WEB8.0(OJ7) Machine Learning program using generated (.web) code...So when we notice that here act like a WEB8.0(OJ7) user friendly framework. It act like a XML syntax with data present inside it. This WEB8.0(OJ7) Machine Learning program () program has attractive syntax.So it is considered as a WEB8.0(OJ7) advanced framework or WEB8.0(OJ7) Machine learning framework. It reduces the pain of writing program for (.web). And It saves time and cost.The Full form of syntax is "WEB8-MACHINELEARNING". It is used for Dynamic Webpages construction ie) DB with GUI + Business Logic and WEB8.0(OJ7) Servlet. We can also generate .dll using this syntax by using .dll value as a Type. So when you include .exe value as a Type means when you compile the WEB8.0(OJ7) it will generate the .exe files and .ojava7 files. Note: ==== Kindly refer WEB8.0(OJ7) Google site... [Project Period : 2005 to 2016,2013,2021,2022,2023,2024,2025] Note: ==== This document is under construction to change all the names due to hackers /other institute / Companies oppose Oakjava7 and to destroy oakjava7 ,so this name is changed. Because they want to implement oakjava7 features in their technology and to gain the profit. THis copying features is violating according to SIT rules. Everything is implemented but document preparation is changed due to hackers. Note: ==== ABout WEB8.0(OJ7) is under construction for document changes due to hackers.


OJ7 (Web8.0) Programming language is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013 in java and modified in DOTWEB3.0 P.L in year 2016. and which is Ranked as Rank A' Programming Language








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