Configuration files for editors and other UNIX tools. These make it easier for me to setup a programming environment. They include things, such as:
- neovim
- starship
- kitty
- zellij
- yazi
- zoxide
- fzf
- lazygit
- Nerd fonts
- zsh
On Mac:
chmod +x
On arch-based distro:
chmod +x
On SSH server you aren't an admin, but have rust/golang available:
chmod +x
After installing, you might need to perform extra actions.
You need to set GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL env variables in a ~/.env.local file, before first committing.
If available on your home directory, the following files will be used to extend whatever is defined on the stow/shell folder:
- ~/.bashrc.local
- ~/.zshrc.local
- ~/.env.local
Finally, anything that shouldn't be committed (e.g., secrets, work-specific env variables) should be put into them.
On the nonStow folder there are also other files, which are meant be reused without GNU stow (e.g., kde exports). Just in case the stow folders does not work after say an upgrade.