__ __ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _
| \/ |_ _| \| |_ _/ __| || | __| | | |
| |\/| || || .` || |\__ \ __ | _|| |__| |__
|_| |_|___|_|\_|___|___/_||_|___|____|____| @yechoi @jwon
20.09.02 ~ 20.09.14
Made by yechoi42 jwon42
my own little shell mimicking bash
- builtin functions(echo, cd, pwd, export, unset, env, exit etc...)
- ; seperates commands
- ' and " work like in bash except for multiline commands
- redirections >, >>, < work like in bash
- pipes | work like in bash
- environment variables($sth) work like in bash
- $? works like in bash
- ctrl-C, ctrl-D, ctrl-\ have same results as in bas
$ make
$ ./minishell