esplorative-idiot is a throwaway repository to test the LoRa technology from within zephyr.
It intends to build a firmware to run on Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 boards.
Create and enter the workspace directory:
mkdir esplorative-workspace
cd esplorative-workspace
Fetch the sources down to the workspace:
west init -m
west update
Build and flash the LoRa samples from the source tree:
The receiver on one hand:
west build -d build/lora/receive -b heltec_wifi_lora32_v2 esplorative-idiot/samples/drivers/lora/receive/
west flash -d build/lora/receive
The sender on the other hand:
west build -d build/lora/send -b heltec_wifi_lora32_v2 esplorative-idiot/samples/drivers/lora/send/
west flash -d build/lora/send
Install the Zephyr CMake package using west zephyr-export
west zephyr-export
Install the toolchain by extracting the archive to the home directory
Example on Linux x86_64:
mkdir -p ~/.espressif/tools/zephyr
curl -s | tar xvzf - -C ~/.espressif/tools/zephyr
Eventually, install the shell completion script using west completion
and relog then (or source ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/west
Example for bash:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions
west completion bash >~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/west
Report bugs at
Written by Gaël PORTAY
Copyright (c) 2022 Gaël PORTAY
This program is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0.