Refactor the whole codebase to use Kotlin Flow
Add new provider: OpenCritic
GiantBomb: Update to latest api changes about releaseDate
GiantBomb: Add another image that should be treated as 'no-image'
IGDB: Filter out scores with 0 votes
Allow pagination in provider search (support offset-limit in provider api)
Allow fetching a search result during provider game sync. Useful for OpenCritic
Set max screenshots to 12
Add screenshot url as tooltip to game details view
Remove CriticScore & UserScore priorities, use score with the most votes instead
Add version to preloader view
Add path being searched to providerSearchView, and stop persisting thumbnails of search results
Add ability to set a file as the main executable of the game, and execute the game by pressing a button
Allow setting main executable file from the 'edit game' view
Add a RichTextFx LogView, with a maximum of 1000 entries
Every time game details are opened, trace the RawGame as a pretty json to the log
Add some more default genre mappings
Make default HttpClient timeouts much shorter
Hide all currently showing overlays when pressing 'ctrl+f' to search
Allow cleanup db view to display which images & file cache entries are stale
Add ability to view raw game data as text
Remove debounce when navigating games
Catch errors thrown while calculating FileTree
Catch errors thrown while bulk updating games
Fix filter, sort & displayType popOver arrow to always be Top Left
Fix uncaught exception in RenameMove dialog when a communication error with the file system occurs
Fix uncaught exception when excluding or skipping all providers in a provider sync operation
Fix uncaught exception when cancelling bulk provider update Also update games by their update date, in increasing order.
Do not catch exceptions thrown when updating a single game
Limit game description width to 600, again
IGDB: Add missing genres (Visual Novel, Card & Board Game, MOBA)
Fix issue with cached image extensions sometimes having characters that are illegal in a file name
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