- Website: https://ydsh.ewsgit.uk or https://yourdash.ewsgit.uk
- Discord: https://discord.gg/aY5CjDZTpG
- GitHub: https://github.com/yourdash/yourdash
- YourDash's goal is to be a more-performant nextcloud alternative which can achieve a good level of performance on a Raspberry Pi 4.
- Built using Node.js, Vite, Express, Electron, Bun and Typescript
This repository 'yourdash' is a monorepo containing YourDash and it's related projects
Some of the YourDash projects include
- YourDash Backend (backend)
- YourDash Web (web)
- YourDash Desktop (desktop)
- UIKit (uikit)
- OpenGFX Engine (opengfx-engine)
# This has not been verified since September 2024
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yourdash/yourdash/main/toolchain/setupInstance.sh | bash
- Personal IDE / Text Editor of Choice (Webstorm is recommended but VSCode should work but is unverified)
- Linting And Formatting
- Package Manager
- Runtimes
- NodeJS
- Bun
- Python 3.11.7
- Emscripten (for CodeStudio builtin application)
- (Chocolately install method is prefered for windows)
- Version Control
- PostgreSQL
git clone git@github.com:yourdash/yourdash -b dev --recurse
- Install Node Version Manager
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
- Install Node v22
nvm install 22 source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
- Install Yarn
npm i -g yarn
# we do this twice because the first time will error but will succeed the seccond time
bun install && bun install
bun run dev-backend
bun run dev-web
- Bun - https://bun.sh/
- Git - https://git-scm.com/
- Node.js 22 or higher - https://nodejs.org/
git clone git@github.com:yourdash/yourdash -b dev --recurse
npm i -g yarn
# we do this twice because in some cases, the first time will error but will succeed the seccond time
yarn install && yarn install
Ensure Python 3.11.x is the default for installing yarn packages as 3.11.x+ will cause node-gyp errors during bun install
bun run dev-backend
bun run dev-web
- Created by Ewsgit