Utilizes various open source APIs and Libraries to bring to you a smart AI assistant capable of fulfilling your requests. Features include :
- Send Emails
- Checking Weather
- Stock Prices
- Answer any queries
- Computational or mathematical solutions
- Spotify Integration
- Speed Test And many more features to come!!
- Clone this repo ($ 'git clone https://github.com/ZakiRangwala/Virtual_Assistant.git')
- Naviagte to Virtual Assistant directory (% 'cd Virtual_Assistant')
- make empty config.py file in directory ($ 'type nul > config.py')
- Recomended to make virtual environment ($ 'py -m venv env')
- Acitvate Virtual Enviroment ($ 'env\Scripts\activate.bat')
- Install .whl file for PyAudio module depending on your python version and bit installed either 64 bit or 32 bit (Check via entering 'py' or 'python' in terminal) Install here : https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyaudio (Navigate to where whl file is downloaded via '$ cd ..' and install via '$ pip install FILENAME OF .WHL file'
- Return back to Virtual Assistant directory via '$ cd DEPENDS OF FILE PATH OF REPO'
- Install other required dependencies and modules (pip install -r requirements.txt)
- And you are good to go, enjoy the program!