- 🔭 I’m currently working on updating my existing mod collection: ...
- 🌱 I’m currently learning C#, python, 3D modeling in Blendr, Animation in Unity, rocket engineering in Kerbal Space Program, how to livestream, and how to be human.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: any of my Mod Ideas listed in the above link.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with any of the mods I currently curate - and translations. I also like pickles.
- 💬 Ask me about: my mods
- 📫 How to reach me: forums or mod discussions.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have no sense of humor. :P
From insolitum [Expat-MIT]
- Errol Welcome Aboard as a 1st class passenger. o7
- eengie for going above and beyond. o7
- eightiesboi for KSP2 and so much more. o7
- 🗣 Commented on #198 in zer0Kerbal/SimpleConstruction
- 🗣 Commented on #199 in zer0Kerbal/SimpleConstruction
- 🗣 Commented on #63 in zer0Kerbal/SimpleLogistics
- 🗣 Commented on #78 in zer0Kerbal/TheGoldStandard
- 🗣 Commented on #82 in zer0Kerbal/SimpleHyperdrive
- ❗ Opened issue #51 in zer0Kerbal/PiratesoftheKeribbean
- ❗ Opened issue #50 in zer0Kerbal/PiratesoftheKeribbean
- 🚀 Published release Version -
<Bedankt Sjorza>
edition in zer0Kerbal/PiratesoftheKeribbean - 🔒 Closed issue #46 in zer0Kerbal/PiratesoftheKeribbean
- 🔒 Closed issue #45 in zer0Kerbal/PiratesoftheKeribbean
addon testing: Stack Inline Lights (SIL) v0.9.0.0-release - `Thank you Alexustas` Feb 28, 2023 |
addon testing: KSP2 Feb 24, 2023 |
addon testing: Space Shuttle Engines (SSE) v2.3.99.3-prerelease Feb 20, 2023 |
addon testing: Space Shuttle Engines (SSE) v2.3.99.3-prerelease Feb 20, 2023 |
addon testing: Wernher's Old Stuff (WOS) V1.9.99.4-prerelease `Fifth First Steps` Feb 19, 2023 |
/u/zer0Kerbal on Future mod support vs current mod support on KSP 1? Dec 15, 2024 |
/u/zer0Kerbal on I installed MechJeb 2 from CKAN, but the number of downloads seems to be too low. Is this an untrustworthy source to download this add-on from? Oct 8, 2024 |
/u/zer0Kerbal on I installed MechJeb 2 from CKAN, but the number of downloads seems to be too low. Is this an untrustworthy source to download this add-on from? Oct 8, 2024 |
/u/zer0Kerbal on I installed MechJeb 2 from CKAN, but the number of downloads seems to be too low. Is this an untrustworthy source to download this add-on from? Oct 6, 2024 |
/u/zer0Kerbal on Why did some modders oppose CKAN for KSP1, refusing to support it? May 27, 2024 |
- zer0Kerbal, zed'K, zedK, 0K, zer0Kerman, and zer0Kermin (along with variants and misspellings) are All Rights Reserved
- All add-on/mod names are ™ and © will All Rights Reserved.
- fun
- learn
- experience
- give back
- respect shown to authors
- no mod left behind (play style indifferent, how you play is up to you)
- enhance a game we love
- continuous improvement of portfolio, documentation, experience, processes, procedures, communications, and knowledge.
- Localizations:
- Kerbal Space Program players often aren't native English speakers; world focused - make sure every mod is translated to as many languages as possible.
- Help to motivate STEAM and the future of science and innovation by facilitating players KSP play.
- Supported by Kerbal Space Program as of 1.12.x
- include non-standard localizations such as:
- non-profit: yes some profit; however the financial RIO (return on investment) will be negative due to number of hours per day invested (6-10).
- is this thing on?
- Kerbal Space Program exterior enhancements and adjustments.
- automated backend systems allowing maximum efficiency in updating and releasing mods.
- rapid iterative / kaizen approach
, the Sino-Japanese word for ‘change for the better‘ or ‘rapid improvement’, is a concept referring to business activities that continuously improve all functions and involve all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers. Kaizen also applies to processes, such as purchasing and logistics, that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain’ The concept of kaizen encompasses a wide range of ideas. It involves making the work environment more efficient and effective by creating a team atmosphere, improving everyday procedures, ensuring player engagement, and making things more fulfilling, less tiring, and safer.
- the best dependency is no dependency.
THIS FILE: CC BY-ND 4.0 by zer0Kerbal used with express permission from zer0Kerbal
oh no, not again! oh no, not again! oh no, not again! oh no, not again! dakine! dakine! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! RUD Day! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! 52 🎴 - n0 🃏 (yet) dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! 2/? dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! 47 dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! what a catch! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! Happy Kerbalween! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! DDAY dakine! dakine! pow dakine! EKG dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! boom! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! Gobble! Gobble! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! thank you Patreon! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! Merry Christmas! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! Joyous New Year! 🎉🍾🥂🎆🥳 dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine! dakine!