A javascript widget that creates an interactive walkthrough based upon a JSON array of element targets, title, icon, and html.
This is created to be used in Zesty.io, to have its sub apps probive a JSON array of info to provide a global help icon with an interactive guides
- vanilla javascript
- accepts a simple JSON array with an object of guide data
An array of the obects, the order of the array is the order of the guide. Objects the following data:
- target: a string that is read by document.querySelector()
- title: string of the title
- icon: string using font-awesome spec
- body: markdown or html string
let guideArray = [
"title": "my first highlight",
"target": "p .hello",
"body": "this is how you say hello",
"icon": "edit"
"title": "my second highlight",
"target": ".helloNumberTwo",
"body": "this is asdas asdhow you say hello",
"icon" : "alert"
"title": "my third highlight",
"target": ".rightside",
"body": "this isasdasd how you say hello",
"icon" : "alert"
Include the script to your html document
<script src="../interactive-help-guides.js"></script>
Inside of script tags, create a javascript array of object like so. Ensure the target exist in your dom
let guideArray = [
"title": "my first highlight",
"target": "p .hello",
"body": "this is how you say hello",
"icon": "edit"
"title": "my second highlight",
"target": ".helloNumberTwo",
"body": "this is asdas asdhow you say hello",
"icon" : "alert"
"title": "my third highlight",
"target": ".rightside",
"body": "this isasdasd how you say hello",
"icon" : "alert"
Run the guide after declaring the jacascript array, pass the javascript array as a parameter
new InteractiveHelpGuide(guideArray);