This a simple package to wrap many APIs, including the Mojang and Hypixel ones
Requires Python 3.7+
#Usage guide
Import the package with
import mcapiwrapper
Or the preferred way
from mcapiwrapper import hypixel
The second way allows you to save some lines writing the actual code. To actually use this, create a Bedwars, Skywars, or Hypixel object. You must pass in a username and api key for the hypixel-related objects
from mcapiwrapper import hypixel
object = hypixel.Bedwars("ThePotatoPowers", "yourapikeyhere")
To get information from this object, use the stats()
method. Then, the object's attributes will be set
from mcapiwrapper import hypixel
object = hypixel.Bedwars("ThePotatoPowers", "yourapikeyhere")
print(object.wins) #prints bedwars wins for ThePotatoPowers
Create a skin object by first importing the skin file from the package from mcapiwrapper import skin
The class takes a username argument
The skingrab
method will return a link with the user's skin. You can access this with the skin attribute
The body
method will return a link with the user's body. You can access this with the body attribute
The head
method will return a link with the user's head. You can access this with the head attribute
The avatar
method will return a link with the user's head in 2D. You can access this with the avatar attribute
As shown above, import hypixel from mcapiwrapper. Then, create a Bedwars
object which takes a username and apikey parameter (in that order)
After the stats
method is run, you can access all attributes of the Bedwars object. This includes:
- display (displayname)
- wins
- losses
- deaths
- kills
- coins
- final_kills
- final_deaths
- beds_destroyed
- beds_lost
- winstreak
- level
As shown above, import hypixel from mcapiwrapper. Then, create a Skywars
object which takes a username and apikey parameter (in that order)
After the stats
method is run, you can access all attributes of the Skywars object. This includes:
- wins
- losses
- deaths
- kills
- coins
- souls
- heads
- winstreak
- display
As shown above, import hypixel from mcapiwrapper. Then, create a Hypixel
object which takes a username and apikey parameter (in that order)
After the stats
method is run, you can access all attributes of the Hypixel object. This includes:
- firstLogin
- lastLogin
- nameHistory
- display
- Source Code:
- Issue Tracker:
If you are having issues, please let me know @
The project is licensed under the MIT license.