Release Notes - ZK Calendar - Version 3.1.2
Bug Fixes
[ZKCAL-103 ] - onDayClick event is not fired
[ZKCAL-104 ] - AbstractCalendarItem have no arg constructor, fails to deserialize
[ZKCAL-105 ] - calendarsMonth use new Date() instead of current date when drawing from mold
[ZKCAL-109 ] - the hovering effect of texts day-of-week is gone
[ZKCAL-111 ] - Remove border-radius if the item is continued to a different row
[ZKCAL-113 ] - doesn't render consecutive calendar Items in full width and non-shifted
[ZKCAL-114 ] - a calendar item starts at 00:00 and end at 00:00 causes a js error
[ZKCAL-116 ] - CalendarItem's sclass is not rendered in a browser
[ZKCAL-117 ] - an item with the same begin time and end time is invisible
[ZKCAL-118 ] - an instant item covers another half-hour item at the same begin time
[ZKCAL-119 ] - an item starts and ends with 00:00 is not rendered on 1/1
[ZKCAL-120 ] - set content color and header color doesn't work as expected
[ZKCAL-121 ] - an item that spans 2 days, its width doesn't equal to the day column width in one-day view
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