This repository provides:
- A very minimal firmware targeting bluepill boards (f103c8_128k)1 which,
paired with a 433Mhz receiver (e.g. cheap Superheterodyne from AE) on pin
, decodes all Ambient Weather F007TH (OOK pulse manchester) frames and spits them out as JSON lines on USB serial. - A very minimal Go binary that reads back said JSON lines and exposes them as Prometheus gauges: device id, channel, temperature, humidity, battery and an optional location (matched using channel).
See platformio.ini for flashing instructions for bluepill boards.
is one possible source for the DFU bootloader.
$ nix build '.#upload-stm32'
$ ./result/bin/upload-stm32
$ nix build '.#rtl_433_f007th_prometheus'
$ ./result/bin/rtl_433_f007th_prometheus -serial /dev/ttyACM0
Should work for any Arduino-ready board. ↩