This repository is a showcase of my computer graphics assignments which were developed using:
- OpenGL v3.3 (Core Profile)
- The version was manually set. If your GPU does not support this version, the applications will not work.
- GLFW v3.3.8, for creating windows and retrieving input
- GLEW v2.1.0, for accessing modern OpenGL API
- ImGui v1.88 (docking branch), for drawing basic GUI components
- FreeType v2.12.1, for better looking fonts for ImGui
- MagicEnum v0.8.1, for converting integer OpenGL errors into strings and for serializing enums
- stb-image.h v2.27 from the STB library, for importing images in C++, was used for importing texture assets
- tinyfiledialogs v3.8.8, for creating file dialogs for save & load purposes for the 1st assignment
You need to have
- C++ 17
minimum installed to run the applications, in addition to the minimum OpenGL version stated above. With a small change in the ErrorManager class, you can run the applications in other compilers, such as GCC, CLang etc, because that class uses the following MSVC instrinsic statement:
// In ErrorManager.h
// ... Some macros defined before
// At line 6:
#define GENERAL_BREAK() __debugbreak()
// Other macros and function definitions contn'd
If you are using MSVC compiler, you need to have Visual Studio 2017 installed minimum, although using Visual Studio 2022 is reccommended.
Figure 1: 2D Vector-based Geometric Paint Application
- Features:
- Drawing predefined shapes, rectangulars and equilateral triangles
- Changing the drawing color using a HSV color picker, as well as support for transparent shapes
- 2D selection system, which supports single and multiple selection
- Drawing a rectangle box around selected multiple shapes, in addition to highlighting any selected shape by drawing edges of the shape
- Moving a selected shape, does not support moving multiple shapes
- Removing shapes
- Supports removing multiple shapes if there are multiple selections
- Clears both the undo and redo stack
- Support for drawing convex polygons
- Drawing a line whenever a vertex is being added, from the previous created vertex to the current mouse position
- Also the polygon is drawn if there are at least 3 vertices
- Selection pane, which controls:
- Changing the colour of the shape
- Rotation of the shape, with buttons and a slider float. Rrotation with the slider float does not support undo/redo
- Support for undo/redo for the following operations:
- Drawing a predefined shape, or finishing a polygon shape
- Moving a shape
- Rotating a shape
- Interactive 2D Camera:
- Zooming, minimum zoom is 50 %, maximum zoom is 1000 %. The values can be changed very easily.
- Zooming towards mouse position - the world coordinate the cursor is poingting to won't change while zooming
- Camera movement and zoom also works when:
- a selection is being made
- a predefined shape is being drawn
- a vertex is added to a polygon
- a shape is being moved
- Support for copying selected shapes, and pasting shapes that are copied towards the mouse position
Figure 2: Modeling and Animating Randomly Generated Tree Models Demo
- Features:
- A simple 3D camera to move around the scene, using raw, pitch and roll angles
- Rendering hierarchical models, such as a tree, and changing the orientation and position of the model
- Smooth shading using the Phong model, along with textures
- Randomly generating hierarchical models so that these models look more like a tree
- Mouse picking for selecting a part of the model, or anything entity in the drawlist
- Also supports selection highlighting by rendering the green channel only (smoothly shaded entities only)
Figure 3: Realistic Rendering of Parametric Surfaces Demo
- Features:
- 3D camera which can zoom in and out
- Generating parametric surfaces
- Bump Mapping
- Display options:
- Wireframe
- Gouraud Shaded, bump mapping and shading per vertex
- Phong Shaded, bump mapping and shading per fragment
- Parameter tuning on the fly for shading and curve parameters
Huge shoutout to TheCherno, whom I followed his OpenGL series to implement my basic OpenGL framework for the assignments.