Koikatsu Sunshine Translations v4 - 54.045% complete
Because of the EX expansion, total lines to translate increased by 13.1%. Translated lines increased by 18.5%, but because there's more lines overall now, the completion only went up by 2.4%.
What's Changed
- Dump update by @GeBo1 in 4f94e69
- Change common dialog button TLs to fit better by @ManlyMarco in d02a0f0
- Add missing confirmation box text by @ManlyMarco in e868d16
- sync asset translations by @GeBo1 in #135 (translations from https://github.com/IllusionMods/KoikatsuTranslation/releases/tag/v7)
- Update 3P animation names translation.txt by @IDontHaveIdea in #134
- Fix some missing quotes by @ManlyMarco in #137
- merge latest translations from KK by @GeBo1 in #138
- MTL update to master at 2022-04-14 by @ManlyMarco in #136
- Improve MTL with name tags in it by @ManlyMarco in #139
New Contributors
- @IDontHaveIdea made their first contribution in #134
Full Changelog: v3...v4