Supported Engine Versions
- 5.0
What's Changed
- Editor Tools
- All Editor Utility Widget Blueprints are auto-discovered on Editor startup
- New Editor Widget (Blueprint): ValidationHUB
- New Editor Widget (Blueprint): Layout Cheat Sheet
- New Editor Widget (C++): Material Analyzer
- Actor Map is now registered as tab widget in developer tools (it can still be opened via console command in dev builds)
- Added OUUMapsToCook developer settings that expose UI for Unreal's cook map list via MapIniSections in DefaultEditor.ini
- Gameplay Debugger
- New base class for gameplay debugger extensions and categories for simplified key binding and debug drawing
- Improved animation gameplay debugger
- New "View Modes" gameplay debugger. Similar functionality to DebugCamera, but in the regular game camera.
- New shortcuts for selecting local player, closest NPC, other players in Gameplay Debugger
- Commandlets
- Added a world partition builder that allows exporting a maps Minimap to PNG files
- Miscalaneous
- New animation utility libraries
- New template: TScopedAssign allows a scoped assignment to fields and restoration of previous value
- Literal gameplay tags can now be linked to gameplay tag subclasses for blueprint exposed typesafe gameplay tags
- New Actor Action Utility that draws selected actor bounding boxes
- Exposed OUU log to Blueprint, so you can log with controlled verbosity as alternative to Blueprint print messages
- Maintenance
- Reorganized plugin editor Blueprints
- Consistent styling of parameter docs that ensures UE picks up more reflection information
New Contributors
- @freezernick made their first contribution in #3
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0