This is a fluid Simulation based on:
Simon Clavet, Philippe Beaudoin, and Pierre Poulin. Particle-based viscoelastic fuid simulation. In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, 2005.
It is implemented using C++ 11 and rendered with OpenGL 4.3.
A Windows build already exists, however feel free to build it yourself. Please mind that you might be running into problems with MSVC.
For Linux, you have to build it yourself.
Both Windows and Linux should work, provided all libraries for OpenGL are installed.
You can use Images in order to create custom maps
- A white pixels is counted as free space whereas a black pixels is counted as wall
- Only .png files are supported.
- When loading a custom map for the first time a data file gets created so on subsequent uses loading is way faster.
- If you wish to have a different back-/ foreground on loaded Maps, add the images you wish to use and name them filename_bg.png / filename_fb.png respectively.
This was supposed to be a small project but turned out to be a lot more complicated. Therefore please excuse the bugs and the performance issues.