Tags: Markil3/MinecraftImmersiveHUD
Toggle v1.3-1.18-fabric's commit message
Version 1.3 release for 1.18-fabric
Toggle v1.2-1.17-fabric's commit message
Version 1.2 release for 1.17-fabric
Toggle v1.2-1.16.4-fabric's commit message
Version 1.2 release for 1.16.4-fabric
Toggle v1.2-1.15-fabric's commit message
Version 1.2 release for 1.15-fabric
Toggle v1.2-1.14-fabric's commit message
Version 1.2 release for 1.14-fabric
Toggle v1.1.1-1.17-fabric's commit message
v1.1.1-1.17-fabric: Version 1.1.1 release for 1.17-fabric
Toggle v1.1.1-1.16.4-fabric's commit message
Bug Fixes:
* Fixes a bug where the mod would not operate when paired with mods that forgot to rename their mixins file.
Toggle v1.1.1-1.15-fabric's commit message
Bug Fixes:
* Fixes a bug where the mod would not operate when paired with mods that forgot to rename their mixins file.
Toggle v1.1.1-1.14-fabric's commit message
Bug Fixes:
* Fixes a bug where the mod would not operate when paired with mods that forgot to rename their mixins file.
Toggle v1.1.1-1.16.4-forge's commit message
Bug Fixes:
* Fixes a crash where the mod sometimes wasn't able to find the configuration file.
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