I have been living seriously, constantly exploring, and committed to becoming a cultured and interesting developer.
I have been living seriously, constantly exploring, and committed to becoming a cultured and interesting developer.
自己手写的百度搜索接口的封装,pip安装,支持命令行执行。Baidu Search unofficial API for Python with no external dependencies
自动化邮件营销,通过电子邮件的方式与受众客户进行商业交流,并通过进一步追踪分析用户对营销邮件的反应获取新的销售线索, 以达到精准营销,差异化营销,提高营销转化率的目的
Python 1
2018年全球程序员大赛参赛作品, 在给定的数据基础上,加上自己采集的飞机、天气等影响因子, 利用svm算法预测航班延误率.
封装了logger配置,方便使用日志系统.Provide a function for anyone who want to configure log parameters easily, just call init_log_config when your app start up, the you can use the module of logging which build-i…
一个用 python 实现的简单python解释器,分版本逐步实现一个简单的python解释器功能,适合初学者了解解释器的工作原理。
Python 1