一个用 python 实现的简单python解释器,分版本(与分支对应)逐步实现一个简单的python解释器功能,适合初学者了解解释器的工作原理
为了方便渐进式学习进度,每一个版本都创建了一个独立的分支,比如 v1.0版本对应的分支名为 v1.0, 该分支只实现了 v1.0 的功能,以此类推,逐步进行功能迭代。
only support single-digit integers +
support multi-digit integers +/-, support process whitespace
support to parse (recognize) and interpret arithmetic expressions that have any number of plus or minus operators in it, for example “7 - 3 + 2 - 1”.
support to parse and interpret arithmetic expressions with any number of multiplication and division operators in them, for example “7 * 4 / 2 * 3”
support to handle valid arithmetic expressions containing integers and any number of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operators.
support to evaluates arithmetic expressions that have different operators and parentheses.
using ASTs represent the operator-operand model of arithmetic expressions. 支持使用 AST (abstract syntax tree 抽象语法树)来表示算术表达式
python genastdot.py "7 + 3 * (10 / (12 / (3 + 1) - 1))" > ast.dot && dot -Tpng -o ast.png ast.dot
执行之前需要先按照dot, 参考:https://graphviz.org/
support unary operators (+, -)
python genastdot.py "5---2" > ast.dot && dot -Tpng -o ast_v8.png ast.dot
support to handle python assignment statements.
python interpreter.py assignments.txt
python genastdot.py assignments.txt > ast.dot && dot -Tpng -o ast_v9.png ast.dot