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Small Bar Chart

grantges edited this page May 7, 2014 · 2 revisions


id: com.leorbrenman.tismallbarchart

Modeled after the Mint Bar Chart Visualization

Widget size can be set or will fills to parent container size

Widget has a default setting and can be configured at instantiation time via XML, TSS or JS and can also be modified at run time using built-in methods in JS

  • Arguments: height width negativeColor displayLegend displaySpacers colors data labelColor

  • Methods: setLegendOnStatus setColors setNegativeColor setSize setData

Sample instantiation:

  • Add Widget com.leorbrenman.tismallbarchart to project/app/widgets folder

  • Add dependency to config.json

"dependencies": { "com.leorbrenman.tismallbarchart": "1.0" }

  • Add widget to screen as follows:

(A) In XML

and position and size in a view as follows:

Monthly Revenue ($B)


(B) In JS var myChart = Alloy.createWidget("com.leorbrenman.tismallbarchart", {}); $.sv.add(myChart.getView());


(C) Combination:


$.myChart.setColors(["#168039"]); $.myChart.setData([{"month": "Jan", "val": -3}, {"month": "Feb", "val": 11}, {"month": "Mar", "val": 4}, {"month": "Apr", "val": 2} , {"month": "May", "val": -1} , {"month": "May", "val": 7} , {"month": "Jun", "val": 5}]);


"#mySmallBarChart2": { data: [{"month": "Jan", "val": 3}, {"month": "Feb", "val": 11}, {"month": "Mar", "val": 4}, {"month": "Apr", "val": 2} , {"month": "May", "val": -11} , {"month": "May", "val": 7} , {"month": "Jun", "val": 5}, {"month": "Jul", "val": -5}], negativeColor: "#D74B4B", colors: "#354B5E" }

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