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MOSDEF procedures

Bill Freeman edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 6 revisions
  1. Update BMEP by opening a terminal and running "git pull" in the folder where BMEP is installed

  2. Since we're doing new masks, I would recommend moving current files in your 2d/1d mosdef folders into some kind of backup folder or just deleting them entirely.

  3. Download the masks you are supposed to reduce and put them in the mosdef 2d folder (from the enviornments)

  4. extract all of the stars for all of the masks

  5. extract all the spectra and calculate redshifts

  6. run bmep_mosdef_getinfo (in IDL) and check the output. If there are any issues fix them and then re-run bmep_mosdef_getinfo. (REMEMBER: the getinfo script is just a sanity check to make sure there are no issues like accidentally extracting a serendip object as the primary. Just because a spectra has "BAD" by it, doesn't mean it is wrong. Just go back and make sure everything is OK with that spectrum. If everything is fine, then you can safely ignore the "BAD" message. Also, the issue may be with the spectrum one line above where BAD is written so check that spectrum too.)

  7. Once all the spectra look fine run the IDL command > bmep_redshift_analyze,/mosdef

  8. To blindly extract spectra where you couldn't see any emission or continuum run bmep_mosdef_blind (Note: the bmep_mosdef_blind command should always be run last. This is because if you run it before you're done extracting, the blind program will happily extract any spectra that you haven't gotten to yet. This is also why I recommend only downloading the masks that you are going to do. If the other masks are in your folder the blind program will extract them anyway)

  9. Run bmep_mosdef_getinfo again and check the output (yes, again). If you change anything I would recommend re-running the redshift analyze program and blind extract program again.

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