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output files

Bill Freeman edited this page Jun 30, 2014 · 10 revisions

There are a couple of output files when you run things. These all show up in the output 1d folder:

  1. 00_starinfo.txt - This is a very important file. The program references it to get the minimum width for each object. If you don't reduce the star as the first thing for each object, many warning messages should pop up (though it still works).
  2. 00_extract_info.txt - This is the most important file in regards to checking the spectra for consistency. It is output when you run the bmep_mosdef_getinfo program. The columns that are: mask, filter, slit-ap_num, [S/N], width, [W/B/N], (starwidth), ypos, yposdifference, [OK/BAD], actual_width, [OK/BAD]. [S/N] is either the character S or N and the S means that this is a star, and G means that this is a galaxy. [W/B/N] is either the character W, B, OR N. W means the width was edited by hand, B means this was blindly extracted, and N means this was done normally. There should be a W if you set the center by hand (using the n key)
  3. 00_redshift_catalog_bmep.txt - if you used the X or Z command to get the redshifts of certain objects, this will contain that info. The columns are the maskname, filter, slit, aperture number, redshift, redshift error (might be underestimated), line name, rest wavelength, and observed wavelength.
  4. 00_redshift_catalog_slim_bmep - This is the output of bmep_mosdef_redshift_analyze (with the mosdef=1 keyword for mosdef). This file has one line per object (that is in the 00_redshift_catalog_bmep.txt file). The columns are maskname, slitname, ap_num, most likely redshift, number of lines found at the most likely redshift, second most likely redshif, and number of lines found at the second most likely redshift.
  5. The spectra ([maskname].[filtername].[slitname][.ap_num].1d.fits- Obviously, the extracted 1D spectra are output. Different data are in different extensions. See the fits header for more info. The extensions are 1: the optimal flux, 2: the optimal flux error, 3: boxcar flux, 4: boxcar flux error, 5: y-profile, and 6: y-profile error. You would read in the optimal flux like this data=readfits([filename],hdr,exten=1) and you would read in the optimal error like data=readfits([filename],hdr,exten=2)
  6. 00_blind_info.txt
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