"032224_L4_all_cells_Seurat5.rds" found on the CeNGEN downloads page, the full dataset (100k cells) was used for this analysis. direct download link
Some genes were removed from analysis because they are prone to artifactual expression patterns due to their potential inclusion in promoter-fusion constructs used for FACS sorting.
Putative artifact gene identification described in: R/filter_marker_promoters.R
FACS plots and micrographs are not included here
PCA: R/plot_PCA.R

Single Cell - Bulk Correlation plot: R/Bulk_single_cell_correlation_heatmap.R

pre-processing LittleBites: R/subtraction.R
pre-processing bMIND: R/bMIND_deconvolution.R
pre-processing ENIGMA: R/ ENIGMA_L2_norm.R
ROC for non-neuronal and ubiquitous genes: R/UN_ROC_comparison_240401.R

ROC for neuronal genes: R/Neuronal_ROC_comparison_240516.R

AUROC barcharts for non-neuronal and ubiquitous genes: R/UN_ROC_comparison_240401.R

AUCROC barcharts for neuronal genes: R/Neuronal_ROC_comparison_240516.R

AUROC scatterplots for non-neuronal and ubiquitous genes per sample: R/UN_ROC_comparison_240401.R

AFD ttx-1 expression: R/AFD_UMAP.R

Single Cell ROC plot: R/Single_cell_ROC.R

Simulated and real logit models: R/240520_Logit_transform_parameter_comparison.R

Running Differential Expression analysis: R/single_cell_differential_expression.R
Visualizing Differential Expression vs Ground Truth: R/Differential_expression_metrics.R
Generating Integrated Datasets: R/Integrated_bulk_SingleCell.R
Neuronal ROC, AUROC, Precision-Recall, and Sensitivity bootstrapping plots: R/Integrated_Neuronal_ROC.R
Barchart of genes detected in single cell and integrated: R/Integrated_genes_new_detection.R

GO term and anatomical enrichment performed using the Enrichment Analysis tool on wormbase https://wormbase.org/tools/enrichment/tea/tea.cgi

Heatmaps of expresssion vs ground truth correspondence

Scatterplots and bar plots of genes detected in integrated data but missed in single cell: R/Integrated_genes_new_detection.R

GO term and anatomical enrichment performed using the Enrichment Analysis tool on wormbase https://wormbase.org/tools/enrichment/tea/tea.cgi
Gene lists for each cell that was used as input for the GSEA tool can be extracted using: R/Integrated_genes_new_detection.R

Noncoding RNA pie charts, and specific gene expression pattern heatmap: R/ncRNA_graphs_and_specificity.R

GPCR pseudogene expression plots: R/GPCR_gene_analysis_240731.R

Relative maximum gene expression distributions, Contamination correlation cutoffs, ubiquitous ncRNA gene distribution, and total ncRNA genes per cell (by gene biotype): R/ncRNA_graphs_and_specificity.R