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ESS Site-specific EPICS module : opcua

Dependency Plot

opcua dep
Figure 1 Depdendency Tree.

Unified Automation OPC UA C++ SDK Configuration

  • Debian OS
apt install libssl-dev  libxml2-dev  cmake
  • CentOS
yum install cmake3 libxml2-devel openssl-devel

Check where cmake3 is, and create a symbolic link in ${HOME}, and add PATH in .bashrc

which cmake3
ln -s /usr/bin/cmake3 ~/bin/cmake
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
  • Build SDK with SHARED_LIBS
UASDK $ ./ -s ON

e3 Configuration


, where UASDK is the path to the Unified Automation OPC UA C++ SDK.

The original opcua epics module supports the following option in order to handle its shared libraries :

  • SYSTEM = shared libs are in a system location
  • PROVIDED = shared libs are in $(UASDK_DIR)
  • INSTALL = shared libs are installed (copied) into this module However, e3-opcua only supports INSTALL only.

Test Server Configuration

One can download the UA OPCUA server from its own site [1]. Its configuration and running environment is found at [2].

Start an IOC

jhlee@kaffee:~/e3-3.15.5/e3-opcua$ iocsh.bash cmds/st3.cmd 


iocshLoad 'cmds/st3.cmd',''
require opcua,0.0.0
Module opcua version 0.0.0 found in /epics/base-
Loading library /epics/base-
Loaded opcua version 0.0.0
Loading dbd file /epics/base-
Calling function opcua_registerRecordDeviceDriver
Loading module info records for opcua
epicsEnvSet(TOP, "/home/jhlee/e3-")
epicsEnvSet("SESSION",   "OPC1")
epicsEnvSet("SUBSCRIPT", "SUB1")
epicsEnvSet("OPCSERVER", "")
#epicsEnvSet("OPCSERVER", "")
iocshLoad("/home/jhlee/e3-", "P=OPC:,SESS=OPC1,SUBS=SUB1,INET=, DEBUG=1, SUBSDEBUG=0")
opcuaCreateSession "OPC1" "opc.tcp://" "1" "y"
opcuaCreateSession: successfully created session 'OPC1'
opcuaCreateSubscription "SUB1" "OPC1" "200" "0" "0"
dbLoadRecords("opcuaServerInfo.template",   "P=OPC:,R=,SESS=OPC1")
dbLoadRecords("opcuaServerStats.template",  "P=OPC:,R=,SESS=OPC1,SUBS=SUB1")
dbLoadRecords("/home/jhlee/e3-", "P=OPC:,R=Demo:,SESS=OPC1,SUBS=SUB1")
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R7.0.1.1-E3-
## EPICS Base built Oct  3 2018
OPC UA: Autoconnecting sessions
OPC UA session OPC1: connection status changed from Disconnected to Connected
OPC UA session OPC1: (readAllNodes) beginRead service ok (transaction id 1; retrieving 34 nodes)
Session OPC1: (readComplete) getting data for read service (transaction id 1; data for 34 items)
OPC UA session OPC1: connect service ok
iocRun: All initialization complete
dbl > "/home/jhlee/e3-"
# Set the IOC Prompt String One 
epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 "3ba7801.kaffee.12355 > "

3ba7801.kaffee.12439 > 

  • Get PVs from the UaOpcUaAnsiCDemoServer.template, which is the exactly same as the substitutions file [3].
e3-opcua (master)$ ../caget_pvs.bash -l OPC1_PVs.list 
>> Selected PV and its value with caget
OPC:CumulatedSessionCount      84
OPC:CumulatedSubscriptionCount 84
OPC:CurrentSessionCount        4
OPC:CurrentSubscriptionCount   4
OPC:CurrentTime                2019-01-07T14:31:00.486Z
OPC:Demo:Boiler1_FillLevelSensor-RB 50
OPC:Demo:Boiler1_TemperatureSensor-RB 91.8717
OPC:Demo:BuildData             2018-10-22T10:58:07.000Z
OPC:Demo:BuildNumber           398
OPC:Demo:DynamicScalar_Double-RB 695087
OPC:Demo:DynamicScalar_Double-SP 695087
OPC:Demo:ProductName           ANSI C SDK UA Sample Server
OPC:Demo:ProductUri            urn:UnifiedAutomation:UaDemoServerAnsiC
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Boolean-RB true
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Boolean-RB_ true
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Boolean-SP true
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Byte-RB  25
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Byte-RB_ 25
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Byte-SP  25
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Double-RB 8.9
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Double-RB_ 8.9
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Double-SP 8.9
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Int16-RB -32768
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Int16-RB_ -32768
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Int16-SP -32768
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Int32-RB 214
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Int32-RB_ 214
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_Int32-SP 214
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_SByte-RB 127
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_SByte-RB_ 127
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_SByte-SP 127
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_UInt16-RB 200
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_UInt16-RB_ 200
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_UInt16-SP 200
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_UInt32-RB 4294
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_UInt32-RB_ 4294
OPC:Demo:StaticScalar_UInt32-SP 4294
OPC:ManufacturerName           Unified Automation GmbH
OPC:ProductName                ANSI C SDK UA Sample Server
OPC:ServerState                Running
OPC:SoftwareVersion            V1.8.3 / 149ebb531cbbd67a7f48ea1509d320
OPC:StartTime                  2019-01-03T13:58:05.911Z

Unified Automation Demo Server DB template




[3] exampleTop/DeviceDbApp/S7-1500-server.substitutions