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Hattrick support request

LA-MJ edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 20 revisions

Request for small Hattrick enhancements

Last modified: 2020-06-19 13:02:08+0200

It would be a huge help for Foxtrick team if some things were implemented on the HT side.

Admittedly, this is a rather large list that need not be done at once or even fully completed to be useful.

The items are sorted roughly in the order of decreasing importance.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Every little bit helps.


Induced bugs

Default HT logic can be incomaptible with default FT logic at times. And in some cases workarounds are impractical/infeasable.

mat-slider widget broken in RTL mode

Broken mat-slider

When a user has RTL language, rather than using mat-slider-axis-inverted class [dir="rtl"] should be set on the container.

The widget supports both and is not CSS-only. Working around it with JS is impractical due to angular.

--- before
+++ after
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-<div _ngcontent-c0="" class="relative">
+<div _ngcontent-c0="" class="relative" dir="rtl">
   <span _ngcontent-c0="" class="tr-slider-val"><!-- elided --></span>
   <ht-average _ngcontent-c0="" _nghost-c2=""><!-- elided --></ht-average>
-  <mat-slider _ngcontent-c0="" class="tr-slider tr-slider-double-value mat-slider mat-accent mat-slider-horizontal mat-slider-axis-inverted">
+  <mat-slider _ngcontent-c0="" class="tr-slider tr-slider-double-value mat-slider mat-accent mat-slider-horizontal">
     <!-- elided -->

CHPP API enhancements

We need MOAR data 😈

  • nationalplayers is too bare
    • needs more fields from players, esp. Specialty;
    • avatar info as well perhaps?
  • youthtraining: get current training and the one that was active during last match or by matchID
  • avatars: ability to get avatar by playerID

Feature blockers

These are small things that prevent implementation of useful things.

Player skills and attributes in transfer compare

Transfer compare helpfully lists the criteria used to develop the player list:

TC criteria

We have an idea to list the attributes of the original player (i. e. the one that is being compared to) in a table alongside these criteria. However these are done using plain text nodes and are L10N-dependent.

First option would be creating this feature on the HT side. Barring that, it would be nice to wrap age and skill names in spans with distinct class names. E.g.:

<span class="pm">Playmaking</span> = <a href="/Help/Rules/AppDenominations.aspx?lt=skill&amp;ll=10#skill" class="skill">outstanding</a>

High complexity/instability features

These changes would make more features possible/bug-free or allow us to implement them without CHPP access.

Automatically redirect to Last played match

Leaving matchID blank for the ancient match lineup page would redirect to the last played match.

Trying the same with the old match page or new match page leads to an error Expected=matchID.

It would be nice to have this functionality for the newer match lineup pages as well.

Prohibitively expensive data access

These requests are needed for extremely frequent user feature requests that would require a lot of CHPP access

Player character in transfer search

We've been asked numerous times to include player character on transfer search result page. Using CHPP for each player in this case is extremely inefficient.

This also applies to classic pages. But here salary is also missing.

Secondary team information on the forum

People also want to see secondary team info on forum messages.

Classic view support

These functions only touch the old HT interface that is still supported by FT. It would be understandable if HTs no longer want to touch these features.

Tactic rating in old HT-Live

Tactic rating is currently only specified in match event texts. However, this was historically an unavailable/hidden/unknown feature, meaning that not all languages use the available tactic rating.

It would be nice to list the tactical rating somewhere separately in the UI.

Player data in old match order interface

ht.playerManager.players array in Match Order interface has a lot of useful data we can use:


However, one distinct information is curiously missing: mother club bonus. Would it be possible to add it?

Player data in classic match report (esp. NT)

  • It is not possible to get NT player specialties unless fetching them one by one for each player.
  • Generally speaking, match data from #matchdata [id$="lblPlayerData"] is very useful on the match report page. It would be nice to have specialty/avatar information here as well.

Salary & character in transfer search (classic page)

We've been asked numerous times to include player salary and character on transfer search result page. Using CHPP for each player in this case is extremely inefficient.

HTOIntegrated teamIDs in HeadToHead

When you go to a HTH tab (e. g. Latest matches) for a tournament match the tab link uses tournament teamIDs, e. g. HomeTeamID=7504003 (my teamID is actually 672194).

We'd like to use real HomeTeamID and AwayTeamID values on HTH. My testing indicates the actual teamID values are not really needed (can be 0) for HT to show the correct match list. Other tabs break though.

Alternatively, HT team IDs could be added somewhere else in HTML, of course.


Match type information on supported teams page

Next match link

Supported teams page includes links to next and previous match for each team.

However, additional information about the matches (match type icon, most importantly) would be invaluable to enable filtering & sorting.

Updated view:

Updated info

Mother club info

Player card

Mother club bonus is completely missing here and in the JSON data. Would it be possible to add it?


  • players:
    • TransferDetails, GoalsCurrentTeam and ArrivalDate from playerdetails;
    • OwnerNotes is curiously missing for Seniors;
    • new field: matchesCurrentTeam.
  • playerdetails: new field: matchesCurrentTeam