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Releases: phaserjs/phaser-ce

Phaser CE v2.20.2

04 Mar 20:47
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Bug Fixes

Fixed no sound from Web Audio in iOS 17 and 18 after refocusing Safari (#748).



Phaser CE v2.20.21

08 Oct 13:44
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Version 2.20.1 - 5 October 2024


  • The canvases used for device capability checks and input hit testing are now created with willReadFrequently: true.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error when a video loaded after the game was destroyed (#742).




Phaser CE v2.20.0

13 Dec 11:15
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Version 2.20.0 - 10 December 2022

API Changes

  • Removed Phaser.GAMES.
  • Removed PIXI.defaultRenderer.
  • Removed
  • Phaser.Game#isRunning has changed slightly: it now changes from false to true when the core game loop starts running and to false when the game is destroyed.

New Features

  • Phaser.Game#onDestroy is a new signal that is fired at the beginning of the game destroy sequence.
  • Phaser.CanvasPool.clear() empties the canvas pool.


  • Phaser.Utils.Debug now has all its methods stubbed when disabled.
  • There's a console message reminding you to disable the debug canvas in production, if it's enabled. You can disable it by passing { enableDebug: false } in the game config or making a custom build of Phaser CE without the debug module.
  • When the game is destroyed, its signals are disposed, more properties are nullified, and isBooted and isRunning change to false.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect result in Phaser.Point.multiplyAdd().
  • Fixed Phaser.Rope appearing in the Canvas renderer when invisible.
  • Fixed an error destroying the game before it's booted (#728).
  • Fixed an error creating a RenderTexture after destroying the game (#729).


@gm0nk, @timiyay

Phaser CE v2.19.2

25 Oct 16:39
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Version 2.19.2 - 24 October 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a WebGL error (#709).


@photonstorm, @XWILKINX

Phaser CE v2.19.1

21 Oct 17:11
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Version 2.19.1 - 13 October 2021

Bug Fixes

  • TilemapLayer#getRayCastTiles() was less efficient and behaved incorrectly for horizontal or vertical rays.
  • Text no longer errors when missing a style parameter.
  • Fixed some WebGL warnings.



Phaser CE v2.19.0

23 Aug 21:43
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API Changes


  • Text height is now calculated from actualBoundingBoxAscent and actualBoundingBoxDescent where available or estimated from character widths otherwise. If you need uniform display across devices, it's best to pass style.fontProperties when creating a Text object.
  • The default Text#testString changed to |MÂÉQfjq_.


New Features


Bug Fixes

  • Tilemap#createFromObjects() was adjusting y-coordinates for all tile objects, which was incorrect. Now it adjusts y-coordinates for tile objects only, which have origin (0, 1) in Tiled.

Phaser CE v2.18.0

12 May 20:54
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Version 2.18.0 - 7 May 2021


Bug Fixes


@drfrankius, @photonstorm, @samme

Phaser CE v2.17.0

16 Mar 20:41
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Version 2.17.0 - 16 March 2021

API Changes

The core game loop and timekeeping have been redone. Game timing should now work consistently at any device frame rate, for any desiredFps, with forceSingleUpdate on or off.

Animations, lifespan, particles, physics, timers, and tweens now all use the same delta time, represented by delta and deltaTotal. The delta is scaled by slowMotion. There's no need to adjust desiredFps to match slowMotion now; they work independently. The delta size is clamped by deltaMax, which can be controlled by desiredMinFps as well.

Phaser.Game#forceSingleUpdate now switches between a variable-step or fixed-step game loop.

When forceSingleUpdate is on (the default), the game makes one logic update and one render per animation frame received from the device. This is usually at 60Hz, but can be lower (33Hz) or higher (75Hz, 144Hz, 240Hz).

When forceSingleUpdate is off, the game makes logic updates only at the rate given by desiredFps (60Hz or 16.6ms by default). Depending on the desiredFps value and the device frame rate, this will make zero, one, or several logic updates per animation frame. There is one render per animation frame only if at least one update was made or forceSingleRender is on; otherwise there is none.

See the Phaser CE game loop plot example to try these out.


  • Phaser.Game#onBoot is a signal dispatched after the game boots but before the first update is made. You could use it to configure the game before a game state is started.
  • Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter#setGravity() sets the gravity of emitted particles.
  • Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter#setSpeed() sets the speed ranges of emitted particles.
  • Phaser.Time#delta is the time step for the current logic update, in game time.
  • Phaser.Time#deltaMax is the desired maximum delta size in ms. The default is 200ms.
  • Phaser.Time#deltaTotal is the cumulative delta, so the current "time" in game time.
  • Phaser.Time#desiredMinFps is the desired minimum logic update rate. It sets deltaMax. The default is 5.
  • PIXI.CanvasRenderer#postRender
  • PIXI.WebGLRenderer#postRender


  • Phaser.Game#dropFrames skips updates and renders when the animation frame interval is larger than deltaMax. It's probably not very useful.
  • Phaser.Game#forceSingleUpdate switches between a variable-step or fixed-step game loop.


  • Phaser.Game#maxUpdates
  • Phaser.Game#net (
  • Phaser.Net
  • Phaser.Time#physicsElapsed
  • Phaser.Time#physicsElapsedMS
  • Phaser.Time#prevTime
  • Phaser.Timer#timeCap
  • Phaser.Tween#frameBased
  • Phaser.TweenManager#frameBased
  • The elapsedTime argument in Phaser.State#preRender

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some errors when destroying a game while Web Audio sounds were decoding (#684).
  • Fixed tweens running at different speeds depending on device frame rate (#685).
  • Fixed incorrect step interval when using setTimeout() (#687)


@jf-m, @photonstorm, @samme

Phaser CE v2.16.2

08 Mar 22:11
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Change Log

Version 2.16.2 - 8 March 2021


  • Better parsing of Tiled object properties (#682)

Bug Fixes

  • Web Audio sounds will not progress while the audio context is suspended.


These will be removed in v2.17.0:


@f0rdP3rf3ct, @photonstorm, @samme

Phaser CE v2.16.1

28 Oct 14:16
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New Features


  • Removed the codec parameter for the Phaser.Device#wav test because it gave a false negative in Safari.


@jorginius, @photonstorm, @samme