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Releases: phaserjs/phaser-ce

Phaser CE v2.11.1

05 Oct 08:45
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Version 2.11.1 - 2 October 2018

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error passing box2d options in the game configuration settings (#553).
  • Fixed some compressed texture formats failing to load (#562).
  • Fixed an issue where if the WebGL renderer failed to initialize that RenderTexture's would still try to use it if no renderer was provided (#575).
  • Fixed an inconsistent return value in BitmapData#copy (#580).
  • Tweens are now cleaned up completely when destroying the game (#581).
  • Game now nulls a reference to itself from PIXI after destroy (#583).
  • Fixed a BitmapFont frame error when using trim frame in atlas (#587).
  • Fixed BitmapData#shadow ignoring blur or x/y offset when set to 0 (#591).


  • AnimationParser.spriteSheet now tells you the minimum image dimensions it expects if it fails to produce at least one complete frame from the spritesheet (#559).
  • Game now checks SoundManager's muteOnPause property whenever the game's paused property is set so one can control whether sounds play when the game is manually paused. Previously, the property was only used when the game focus was lost in the DOM (#572).

TypeScript definitions

  • Fixed the definition for bitmapText() in GameObjectFactory (#561).
  • Fixed the definition for clear() in RenderTexture (#573).
  • Fixed the definition for Video volume.


  • Changed the game configuration object's canvasID property name. The previous name, canvasId, was incorrect and would be ignored.
  • Clarified the spacing argument in Loader#spritesheet (#448, #559).
  • Corrected P2#createGearConstraint (#566).
  • Corrected Tilemap#copy, Tilemap#replace (#586).
  • Typo (#594).
  • Corrected Key#upDuration, Keyboard#upDuration (#595).


@B10215029, @CorayThan, @FostUK, @Jazcash, @Lucas-C, @Mertank, @Nek-, @aeonwilliams, @dywedir, @foreverip, @giniwren, @josalmi, @joshlory, @rydash, @samme, @tiagokeller, @zhaxiu3

Phaser CE v2.11.0

26 Jun 20:57
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Version 2.11.0 - 26 June 2018

If you're starting or stopping input handlers manually, you'll have to make some simple changes to your code.

API Changes / New Features

  • Phaser now starts the Pointer Events handler (with capture off) or the Mouse handler (with capture off), but not both. This makes input behavior more consistent and avoids some rare conflicts between the two when running simultaneously.

    If you want to disable the Pointer Events handler, pass { mspointer: false } in your game config. The Mouse handler will be used instead.

    If you want to run both handlers together, you can start the Mouse handler manually. You should also turn on capture for the Pointer Events handler to avoid duplicate events:

    game.input.mspointer.capture = true;
  • Mouse wheel input was moved to input.mouseWheel. The changed properties are

    • input.mouse.mouseWheelCallbackinput.mouseWheel.callback

    The old properties will keep working for now.

  • Pointer lock input was moved to input.pointerLock. The changed properties are

    • input.mouse.pointerLockinput.pointerLock.onChange
    • input.mouse.requestPointerLock()input.pointerLock.request()
    • input.mouse.lockedinput.pointerLock.locked
    • input.mouse.releasePointerLock()input.pointerLock.exit()

    The old properties will keep working for now.

    There is a new Signal, input.pointerLock.onError, dispatched when a request fails.

    Beware that Chrome < 68 doesn't pass movement values when using Pointer Events with pointer lock, so you should use the Mouse handler instead for that.

  • game.debug.inputInfo() now shows which input handlers and pointers are active.

  • All the input handlers have an active property that shows whether they've been started. Their start methods return true if they've been started or false otherwise.

  • The skipFrames argument in AnimationParser#spriteSheet now works as an offset (#514). When positive, it's an offset from the start of the parsed frame list; when negative, it's an offset from the end. Negative frameWidth and frameHeight arguments are no longer allowed.

  • preRender() and postRender() hooks are no longer called for the HEADLESS renderer.

  • no longer assigns a default parent. This is more consistent with the rest of the game.make methods (#525). Use instead to add the Group to the game world.

  • Point.parse() no longer converts coordinates to integers (#502). Use the new method Point.trunc() as well if you want the previous behavior.

  • The default Debug#font is now '14px monospace'.

  • The unused and deprecated property MSPointer#button was removed.

New Features

  • States have a new postUpdate method hook. It's called after game objects have received all their own updates (including physics), but before the Stage has calculated the final transformations.
  • Debug#spriteInfo shows the sprite's parent, if any.
  • When a sprite is being dragged you can read its change in position (as deltaX, deltaY) in the onDragUpdate handler.
  • Phaser.Math.trunc() truncates a number.
  • Phaser.EmptyRectangle replaces PIXI.EmptyRectangle.
  • Debug#device shows device graphics, audio, and input support. It may be helpful on devices where you can't see console output easily.
  • Debug#pointer shows the pointer's movementX/movementY values and button states (for mouse pointers).
  • maxPointers can be passed in the game config, setting Input#maxPointers.


  • Removed the unnecessary 'Audio source already exists' warning.

Bug Fixes

  • Masks are no longer disabled by getBounds() and are excluded from bounds calculations (#334).
  • Sprites' bringToTop() and sendToBack() methods now work as expected for all parent types, not just Groups (#549).


@giniwren, @griever989, @mindcity, @omretterry, @photonstorm, @samme, @Siri0n, @tobspr

Phaser CE v2.10.6

04 Jun 10:33
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  • Fixed audio playback when restarting a paused sound (#538).
  • TypeScript and documentation fixes (#537, #540, #544, #545).


@bseiller, @GrindheadGames, @josalmi, @photonstorm, @qdrj, @samme, @Siri0n, @zhanghuanchong

Phaser CE v2.10.5

08 May 20:21
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Bug Fixes

  • Phaser could fail to resume a suspended Web Audio context if the mouse cursor left the browser window before clicking on the game canvas (#437).

Phaser CE v2.10.4

04 May 14:27
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New Features

  • Phaser.Text#testString is the character string used to calculate the text's width and height.
  • Ellipse#centerX
  • Ellipse#centerY


  • Callbacks added with Phaser.Input#addMoveCallback receive an event parameter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bogus warning when selecting tilemap layer 0 (#511).
  • Fixed wrong position in Ellipse#random (#522).
  • Fixed an Animation skipping the final frame in low-FPS situations (#524).
  • Fixed wrong ellipse position in Debug#geom (#526).
  • Fixed forceType failing to override some geometry types in Debug#geom.
  • Fixed unnecessary text updates when using Text#setText with immediate=true (#525).
  • Fixed issues restarting a Sound in Firefox (#530).
  • Fixed an IndexSizeError in Edge/Firefox when a very small texture crop rectangle is used (#532).

TypeScript definitions

  • Corrected definitions for ContactMaterial#frictionStiffness, Convex (#513).


  • Fixed typos (#517, #521).
  • The Tilemap methods fill, random, replace, shuffle, and swap modify the tile index only (#484).
  • The special GameConfig.transparent value 'notMultiplied' disables the WebGL context attribute premultipliedAlpha.


@budda, @Hagisus, @HaoboZ, @hardylr, @intersrc, @jamesjsewell, @josalmi, @joshlory, @melissaelopez, @mickeyren, @photonstorm, @samme, @tobspr

Phaser CE v2.10.3

22 Mar 22:07
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error when activating a Cocoon application (#506).


@KIVassilev, @photonstorm, @samme

Phaser CE v2.10.2

16 Mar 12:18
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New Features


  • Phaser tries to resume a suspended WebAudio context after a user click/tap on any device (#437, #482).

Bug Fixes


  • PIXI.Rectangle includes more of Phaser.Rectangle's properties (#491).



@KIVassilev, @koalaylj, @photonstorm, @RedPanduzer, @samme, @Siri0n

Phaser CE v2.10.1

19 Feb 21:20
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Version 2.10.1 - 18th February 2018

New Features


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed audio sprites failing to loop after pause and resume (#323).
  • Fixed sounds not looping when using audio tags (#446).
  • Fixed circular Arcade bodies sticking to each other during some collisions (#451).
  • Fixed a sprite with input.enabled false triggering its onInputOut signal when the mouse leaves the game canvas (#454).
  • Fixed spelling error in API documentation (#458).
  • Fixed some TypeScript definitions (#442, #447, #455, #460, #462, #463, #469, #475).
  • The canvas now correctly scales inside a container if using relative values for width and height in the Phaser.Game constructor (#367). Make sure you give the container a height.
  • Fixed State#loadUpdate being called once when no assets have been loaded (#468).
  • Fixed Debug#spriteInfo failing to show as promised (#471).


@bseiller, @dhashvir, @Lucas-C, @mmacvicar, @Nek-, @netdreamer, @omretterry, @pantoninho, @photonstorm, @samme, @seiyria, @squaresun, @Tembac, @wtravO

Phaser CE v2.10.0

19 Jan 14:11
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Version 2.10.0 - 18th January 2018

New Features

  • New game config arguments:
    • alignH, alignV
    • crisp
    • disableStart
    • failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat
    • roundPixels
    • scaleH, scaleV, trimH, trimV
  • New game loop features:
    • Phaser.Game#dropFrames skips renders when the game loop delta time is spiraling upwards (#314).
    • Phaser.Game#forceSingleRender can be set to false to reduce the render rate to match Phaser.Time#desiredFps (#313).
    • Phaser.Time#ups tracks updates per second when advanced timing is enabled.
    • Phaser.Time#rps tracks renders per second when advanced timing is enabled.
  • Phaser.Color constants AQUA, BLACK, BLUE, GRAY, GREEN, ORANGE, RED, VIOLET, WHITE, and YELLOW. You can use these anywhere you use a numeric (hex) color value: Graphics, Sprite#tint, Stage#backgroundColor.
  • Phaser.Game#pendingDestroy marks the game for destruction at the next update. It can be used safely within an update callback.
  • Phaser.Point#round rounds a point's coordinates.
  • Phaser.SoundManager#onTouchUnlock signal (#434)
  • Phaser.SoundManager#removeAll destroys all sounds and removes them from the Manager.
  • Phaser.Utils.Debug methods:
  • Phaser.Video#playWhenUnlocked
  • Phaser.Video#onTouchUnlock signal


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a false positive in TweenManager#isTweening (#414).
  • Changing a display object's smoothed property now marks the WebGL texture as dirty (#432, #433).
  • Fixed Phaser.Sound temporarily having an incorrect gain setting at creation time.
  • Fixed sprites not receiving onInputOut when the pointer leaves the game canvas (#429).
  • Fixed some TypeScript definitions.


@ankush-badyal, @Dreaded-Gnu, @Mertank, @pavle-goloskokovic, @photonstorm, @qdrj, @samme, @squaresun

Phaser CE v2.9.4

20 Dec 21:53
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Version 2.9.4 - 20th December 2017

New Features


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a TypeError when a Text object is created without a style argument (#415).


@bananatron, @mblais, @mepsoid, @naglfar, @photonstorm, @samme