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Releases: phaserjs/phaser-ce

Phaser CE v2.8.2

14 Jul 10:34
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Version 2.8.2 - 14th July 2017

New Features

  • Phaser.Point.set is a static counterpart to Phaser.Point#set. It can be used on any point-like object, e.g.,

    Phaser.Point.set(PIXI.Sprite.defaultAnchor, 0.5); //-> {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}


Bug Fixes


@bulgakovk, @cmd-johnson, @dolanmiu, @georgesboris, @johnbuttcoingalt, @mindcity, @photonstorm, @samme

Phaser CE v2.8.1

22 Jun 12:13
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Version 2.8.1 - 20th June 2017

New Features


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed WebGLRenderer#setTexturePriority not clearing the current batch.
  • Fixed incorrect worldRotation for some objects (#259).
  • Fixed NaN value for some objects' worldRotation and worldScale properties. worldTransform was still correct.
  • Fixed Phaser.Input#hitTest when texture resolution ≠ 1.
  • Fixed an incorrect area in Phaser.Input#hitTest when a Creature is reversed on either axis.
  • Fixed camera shake failing to be reset to 0 when camera is reset.
  • Added some missing TypeScript return values (#255).
  • Fixed typo for TypeScript definition of IGameConfig.multiTexture property.


@andrewjb123, @dhashvir, @Formic, @jbpuryear, @noidexe, @pavle-goloskokovic, @photonstorm, @rgk, @samme, stupot

Phaser CE v2.8.0

31 May 12:11
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We've bumped the minor version (2.8) for changes in how circular Arcade Physics bodies behave with scaled sprites. We consider this a bug fix (#235), but since the prior behavior wasn't documented and existing code might be relying on it, we wanted to give you a heads-up.

New Features


  • Arcade.Body#radius represents a length relative to the sprite's texture dimensions. The effective radius of the body scales automatically when the sprite scale changes, as with rectangular bodies, and the body is sized correctly when the sprite's scale is different from (1, 1) (#235).
  • Create#grid and Create#texture accept callbacks (#241, #136) and can return a BitmapData object when passed generateTexture=false.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect Phaser.Text dimensions when assigning a numeric string to strokeThickness (#239). (You should still use a number instead, though.)
  • Fixed Sounds ignoring changes to global volume when using audio tags.
  • Fixed looping timers not getting removed completely when destroyed.


@ColaColin, @GameDevFox, @goldfire, @netgfx, @photonstorm, @rblopes, @samme, @shunsei, @Xesenix

Phaser CE v2.7.10

22 May 14:05
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New Features


  • Group#checkProperty now returns false if the child argument is not a child of the Group. Use Phaser.Utils.getProperty instead to read a property value on any object.
  • Removed /docs and /resources from Phaser CE's Bower and NPM packages, which are now much smaller.
  • Removed some duplicate files from /build.

Bug Fixes


@andrewjb123, @EmilSV, @entozoon, @greut, @jbpuryear, @mikkoh85, @MrBaummann, @photonstorm, @rblopes, @rmkubik, @samme

Phaser CE v2.7.9

09 May 20:26
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Version 2.7.9 - 9th May 2017


  • Emitter#gravity can now be set as a number (as in Phaser versions prior to 2.7.2) or a Point (#203). Reading the value will always give you a Point.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when a Text object's alignment was not set (#208).

Phaser CE v2.7.8

08 May 14:26
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Version 2.7.8 - 8th May 2017

New Features


  • Removed the upper limit of 12 for Phaser.Loader#maxParallelDownloads. The default value is still 4. Most browsers limit parallel connections to 6 per domain. Older IE and Android browsers may suffer with a value above 4 (#170).
  • Arcade Physics Bodies no longer receive angular motion updates while they have allowRotation disabled, as this was unnecessary.
  • Phaser.Text#align can now be set in any case or mix of cases (e.g., 'left', 'Left', 'LEFT').
  • Phaser CE API now shows a synopsis like the Phaser 2.6 docs. You can still find the complete README on GitHub.
  • Updated ScaleManager docs.
  • Clarified gid argument in Phaser.Tilemap#createFromObjects. It can represent an object's gid, id, or name.
  • Clarified Phaser.Image's use of the Animation component (#185). Images can be animated the same way Sprites can.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Sprites sharing the same texture were distorted or hidden when a WebGLFilter was applied (#39, #153, #154).
  • Fixed a 'memory exhausted' error in PIXI.PixiFastShader when compiling shaders with multiTexture enabled.
  • Fixed a TypeError in PIXI.WebGLGraphics when trying to render a Graphics object with a missing WebGL context (#178)
  • Fixed a ReferenceError in PIXI.WebGLRenderer when running Phaser in ES5 strict mode.
  • Fixed some Typescript definitions (#167).
  • Phaser now correctly sets a Creature's anchor point (as set in Creature editor) when a creature mesh is loaded.
  • Fixed CreatureManager#CreateAllAnimations crashing in Chrome.


@aaronransley, @andrewjb123, @Cryt1c, @goldfire, @gre, @LandonSchropp, @NickH-nz, @noseglid, @photonstorm, @samme, @tanquetav, @vantreeseba, @vpmedia, @Xan0C

Phaser CE v2.7.7

20 Apr 15:47
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Version 2.7.7 - 20th April 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed failure to load compressed textures when using URLs with query strings (#166)
  • Fixed some TypeScript definitions (#168)
  • Fixed missing default values for resolution in Phaser.LoaderParser BitmapFont methods (#168).
  • Fixed particle autoAlpha and autoScale tweens running at double speed (#160).
  • Fixed loading of compressed textures (#17, #162)
  • Removed any key in Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#checkCollision. It was never used, so setting it had no effect (#161). Use !checkCollision.none instead.
  • Fixed Phaser.Sound exception when using IE with AudioTag and high volume values (#157). Now volume is clamped between 0 and 1 in every browser when using AudioTags.
  • Fixed incorrect worldScale calculation (#15)


@fridrisnew, @goldfire, @hdodov, @Peter42, @photonstorm, @samme, @SBCGames, @vpmedia

For changes in previous releases please see the extensive Version History.

Phaser CE v2.7.6

13 Apr 22:36
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New Features

  • New method Phaser.Loader#imageFromBitmapData lets you preload an image extracted from a BitmapData canvas.
  • BitmapData#generateTexture now has an optional callback argument. Most browsers now load the generated image asynchronously, so without a callback you're not guaranteed a valid texture (#136).
  • Phaser.GameObjectFactory#weapon (used as game.add.weapon) now has a bulletClass argument. Without this it was difficult to set bulletClass before creating the bullet pool.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a display object's preUpdate call would be skipped if a sibling was removed or destroyed, which could create small discrepancies in position, lifespan, or renderOrderID (#103).
  • Fixed an issue where display objects using the default texture could have an incorrect size (1×1) and appear blank (#138). The built-in DEFAULT and MISSING textures are now loaded asynchronously to ensure that they're valid.
  • Fixed an issue where game.device.canUseMultiply could hold a false negative on first (Firefox, Safari) or even subsequent (Chrome 57) page loads, disabling most blend modes when using the Canvas renderer (#130).
  • Phaser.Keyboard#lastChar is now null if Phaser has recorded no key presses yet. Reading it before a key press no longer raises an error (#132).
  • Previously, the center of a moving Arcade Physics Body was inaccurate during the game's update phase, and that made collision checks of circular Bodies less accurate (#122). This was fixed by updating center during preUpdate.
  • Fixed an issue when dragging a sprite whose parent is scaled or rotated (#108). Now the sprite follows the cursor correctly.
  • Fixed audio skipping when restarting playback (#78)
  • Fixed bad rendering of multiple tinted BitmapText objects (#58)
  • Fixed Object.assign not existing on older devices (#81)
  • Previously, the HEADLESS renderer essentially became a CANVAS renderer after boot, which was incorrect (#74). Phaser.HEADLESS now sets up a PIXI.CanvasRenderer and a detached (invisible) canvas. It skips render hooks but not the preRender and postRender hooks (strange). game.renderType now contains either Phaser.CANVAS, Phaser.HEADLESS, or Phaser.WEBGL after boot.


@alexus85, @Arcanorum, @digitsensitive, @Dreaded-Gnu, @hdodov, @IVA-apps, @JTronLabs, @Lightning3105, @mikewesthad, @nalgorry, @photonstorm, @qarlosh, @samme, @trpzn, @vpmedia

Phaser CE 2.7.5

23 Mar 14:25
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Version 2.7.5 - 23rd March 2017

  • A hotfix to patch the error this.preUpdateLifeSpan is not a function in 2.7.4 (#72)

Version 2.7.4 - 23rd March 2017

New Features

  • New method Phaser.Math.hypot() calculates the length of the hypotenuse spanning two given lengths
  • Added copyBitmapData function to Phaser.Bitmap
  • Added noPause logic to src/input/Pointer.js
  • Added timeStep parameter pass to state.pauseUpdate call at src/core/Game.js
  • Added tileOffset (Phaser.Point) property to Phaser.TilemapLayer. This allows offsetting layer positions in a way that plays well with the camera and Arcade physics. Also, the offsetx and offsety properties are now read from the layer properties of Tiled maps.


  • Changed Loader.loadImageTag behavior to exclude firefox from loading cached images (#2534)
  • Added yarn lock file
  • Added travis-ci build script
  • Fixed Phaser.Plugin.AStar Typescript definitions and phaser-ce module name to get grunt tsdocs to work again (#33)
  • Fixed Phaser.Plugin.AStar.DISTANCE_MANHATTAN according to documentation
  • Changed bower package name to phaser-ce
  • Emitter.explode() now launches all particles if the quantity argument is omitted (#7). You should pass quantity 0 if you want to launch no particles.
  • overlapR, overlapX, and overlapY are now reset to 0 when an Arcade Physics Body isn't colliding (#23)
  • Extened Phaser.Physics.P2.Body.loadPolygon() method by scale parameter, that allows the loaded polygon to have a different scale
  • Fixed documentation of Phaser.Video#createVideoFromBlob
  • Clarify documentation of Phaser.AnimationManager#updateIfVisible
  • Update Phaser.Text#setStyle to not mutate the passed style
  • Extended Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter#makeParticles by parameter to pass custom parameters to particle class
  • Fixed jshint issues (#46)
  • Added call of preUpdateLifeSpan for Phaser.Image#preUpdate (#46)
  • Added missing parameter particleArguments at typescript definition file (#46)
  • Updated changes at readme and changelog markdown (#69)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Arcade.Body.reset() so it resizes the body if the sprite scale has changed (#10).
  • Fixed Phaser.Camera.checkBounds() so it doesn't flicker when its view is bigger than its bounds.
  • Fixed Phaser.Math#between and Phaser.Math#random to work again
  • Reset loader state at Phaser.Loader before complete callbacks (#53)
  • Fixed rendering on devices that use older versions of javascript
  • Fixed crashes on very old devices
  • Phaser.Group#update Fixed group updating if a sprite has been destroyed
  • Phaser.Weapon#fire Fix local rotation tracking (#66)
  • Fixed memory leak on webaudio at Phaser.Sound

Pixi Updates

  • Fix wrong parameter by calling Phaser.RenderTexture in pixi _generateCachedSprite at DisplayObject
  • Fixed jshint issues
  • Added preUpdateLifeSpan for Image
  • Added missing parameter particleArguments at typescript definition file
  • Fixed duplicate touch events in Android Chrome >= 55 due to introduction of PointerEvents.

Phaser CE 2.7.4

23 Mar 13:39
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Version 2.7.4 - 23rd March 2017

New Features

  • New method Phaser.Math.hypot() calculates the length of the hypotenuse spanning two given lengths
  • Added copyBitmapData function to Phaser.Bitmap
  • Added noPause logic to src/input/Pointer.js
  • Added timeStep parameter pass to state.pauseUpdate call at src/core/Game.js
  • Added tileOffset (Phaser.Point) property to Phaser.TilemapLayer. This allows offsetting layer positions in a way that plays well with the camera and Arcade physics. Also, the offsetx and offsety properties are now read from the layer properties of Tiled maps.


  • Changed Loader.loadImageTag behavior to exclude firefox from loading cached images (#2534)
  • Added yarn lock file
  • Added travis-ci build script
  • Fixed Phaser.Plugin.AStar Typescript definitions and phaser-ce module name to get grunt tsdocs to work again (#33)
  • Fixed Phaser.Plugin.AStar.DISTANCE_MANHATTAN according to documentation
  • Changed bower package name to phaser-ce
  • Emitter.explode() now launches all particles if the quantity argument is omitted (#7). You should pass quantity 0 if you want to launch no particles.
  • overlapR, overlapX, and overlapY are now reset to 0 when an Arcade Physics Body isn't colliding (#23)
  • Extened Phaser.Physics.P2.Body.loadPolygon() method by scale parameter, that allows the loaded polygon to have a different scale
  • Fixed documentation of Phaser.Video#createVideoFromBlob
  • Clarify documentation of Phaser.AnimationManager#updateIfVisible
  • Update Phaser.Text#setStyle to not mutate the passed style
  • Extended Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter#makeParticles by parameter to pass custom parameters to particle class
  • Fixed jshint issues (#46)
  • Added call of preUpdateLifeSpan for Phaser.Image#preUpdate (#46)
  • Added missing parameter particleArguments at typescript definition file (#46)
  • Updated changes at readme and changelog markdown (#69)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Arcade.Body.reset() so it resizes the body if the sprite scale has changed (#10).
  • Fixed Phaser.Camera.checkBounds() so it doesn't flicker when its view is bigger than its bounds.
  • Fixed Phaser.Math#between and Phaser.Math#random to work again
  • Reset loader state at Phaser.Loader before complete callbacks (#53)
  • Fixed rendering on devices that use older versions of javascript
  • Fixed crashes on very old devices
  • Phaser.Group#update Fixed group updating if a sprite has been destroyed
  • Phaser.Weapon#fire Fix local rotation tracking (#66)
  • Fixed memory leak on webaudio at Phaser.Sound

Pixi Updates

  • Fix wrong parameter by calling Phaser.RenderTexture in pixi _generateCachedSprite at DisplayObject
  • Fixed jshint issues
  • Added preUpdateLifeSpan for Image
  • Added missing parameter particleArguments at typescript definition file
  • Fixed duplicate touch events in Android Chrome >= 55 due to introduction of PointerEvents.