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If you wish to use this bot locally, there are a few packages you need to install. These are:

  • hikari
  • hikari-lightbulb /lightbulb
  • hikari-miru /miru
  • python-dotenv /dotenv
  • requests
  • pillow /PIL

Then, in the terminal, you need to run:

python3 <echo/ache>

ECHO is the official bot. ACHE is the testing bot in the dedicated testing server.


This lists the commands per module in the source.

bold shows the command name, if preceded by italics it's a subcommand, with the italics being the command group.
(items inside the parentheses are your inputs/variables/options, what ever you want to call it.)
(italics inside these parentheses mean it's optional)
[italics inside these brackets show the command aliases]

Administration (

ban (user, reason): Bans a user from the server
unban (user): Unbans a user from the server
kick (user, reason): Kicks a user from the server
purge (amount) [clear]: Deletes up to 100 messages in the channel used in
warn add (user, reason): Warn a user
warn rmv (user, timestamp): Remove a warn from a user, uses timestamps as warn ID (use warn lst to see)
warn lst (user): Lists a user's warns

Economy (

balance (user) [bal]: See a user's bank and wallet balance
deposit (amount) [dep]: Deposit an amount into your bank (10% of net worth must remain in wallet)
withdraw (amount) [wd, with]: Withdraw money into your wallet
gamble (amount): Gamble your money, you might win!
leaderboard (page) [lb]: See the leaderboard's richest people in the server
work: Go to work (1hr cooldown)
daily: Get your daily bonus (24hr cooldown)
weekly: Get your weekly bonus (7d cooldown)
rob (user): Rob someone for their money (1hr cooldown)
pay (user, amount): Give someone your money

GIFs and Images (

kill (user): Kill a user
slap (user): Slap a user
bonk (user): Bonk a user
hbonk (user): Horny bonk a user
boop (user): Boop a user
boof (user): Pass the boof to a user
bark (user): Bark at a user
pat (user): Headpat a user
wag (user): Wag your tail at a user
hug (user): Hug a user
floof: Send a random fox
doggo: Send a random dog
ducky: Send a random duck

Information (

ping: Check the bot's latency
check: Check if the bot can respond
uid: Get the current user id
sid: Get the current server id
avatar (user) [av]: Get the avatar of a particular Discord user
userinfo (user) [whois]: Get information about a particular Discord user
serverinfo (server): Get information about a particular Discord server

Items and Inventory (

shop (page) [store, market]: See the available items to buy and their prices
buy (item): Buy an item
inv (page) [inventory]: Check your items
use (item, user): Use an item (on a user if needed)

Luck and RNG (

dice (amount, sides, bonus) [roll]: Roll a dice (example: /roll 1 d6 -2)
coin [flip]: Flip a coin
8ball (question): Ask the magic 8-ball something
rps (hand): Play RPS against the random bot
rtg dndalign (who): Align someone on the chaotic-lawful evil-good scales
rtg twunkscale (who): Put someone on the twink-bear-hunk scale
rtg futchscale (who): Put someone on the femme-butch scale
rtg smash_or_pass (who) [sop]: Smash or pass someone
rtg susmeter (who): Measure how sus someone is

Miscellaneous (

urban (word): Look up a word's definition on Urban Dictionary
dict (word): Look up a word's definition
xkcd (comic): Pull a (random) XKCD comic
echo (sentence) [parrot]: Repeat a sentence back
emojify (sentence) [emoji_echo]: Replace letters with emoji's
cookie [cookie_count, cookies]: Shows how many commands have been used since implementation.

Image Manipulation (

show_color (color): Display a 256x256px image of a particular color

Games (

weapon (sentence): Generate a random weapon (place § where you want it to appear)
ninemaze [9maze]: Small original RPG
chess: Play chess against a really bad robot

Roles (

role (user, role): Add or remove a role from a user if they don't or do have it (switch)
role add (user, role): Add a role to a user
role rmv (user, role): Remove a role from a user
role in (role): Lists all users that have a certain role
role list: List all the roles in the server
role info (role): Gets information about a role
role purge_role_members (role to remove, role to look in) [prm]: Remove a certain role from members with a different role
role add_role_members (role to add, role to add in) [arm]: Add a cartain role to members with a different role

Tags (

tag: Regular server tags
g_tag: Global tags added by the developer

(t) ena: Enable tags
(t) dis: Disable tags
(t/g) rec (name): Send a tag
(t) crt (name, content): Create a tag
(t) dlt (name): Delete a tag
(t/g) lst: Lists all tags


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