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Lucas Nicodemus edited this page Mar 9, 2025 · 25 revisions


This is the rolling changelog for TShock for Terraria. Changes listed under "upcoming changes" are only available in experimental builds.

Upcoming changes

TShock 5.2.3

  • Updated TShockAPI.Handlers.SendTileRectHandler (@LaoSparrow):
    • Fixed incorrect validating range in TileRectMatch.MatchRemoval.
    • Fixed tile rect changes (e.g. turning on and off campfires) are not synced between clients.
    • Fixed unable to place Hat Rack without permission tshock.ignore.sendtilesquare.
  • Changed Bouncer to block updates which set the following fields to infinity or NaN: player position, projectile position, projectile velocity, item position, and item velocity. (@Arthri)
  • Rewrote bed spawning for SSC. (@PotatoCider)
    • Removed TSPlayer.s{X,Y} in favour of using desyncing client and server spawnpoint values (Terraria.Player.Spawn{X,Y}) until the player has changed their spawnpoint per session.
    • Partially fixed the bed spawning bug when SSC is enabled. Players would need to spawn at their beds at least once to tell TShock that the player's spawnpoint has changed.
  • Added a constructor for TShockAPI.PlayerData that accepts the includingStarterInventory parameter, which is responsible for loading the TShock inventory. (@AgaSpace)
  • Declared the constructor TShockAPI.PlayerData accepting the argument TShockAPI.TSPlayer obsolete. (@AgaSpace)
  • Updated the PlayerData.StoreSlot method: Added an overload that takes TShockAPI.NetItem. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a new permission,, for regulating use of Enchanted Moondial. (@Arthri)
  • Added a set of new permissions, tshock.specialeffects.{type}, for regulating use of new special effects(Packet 51) which are not yet recognized by TShock. (@Arthri)
  • Added check for tshock.npc.summonboss permission for Skeletron summoning. (@Arthri)
  • Fixed DisableDungeonGuardian disabling Skeletron summon instead. The config option is useless as of writing. (@Arthri)
  • Seed initial group database with default and guest names from config. (@drunderscore)
  • Improved checks on the previous state handling changes to prevent users from connecting and having activity on the server without fully completing the player handshake. (@ohayo)
  • Filtered outgoing data to clients that aren't fully connected, to improve the privacy of the server. (@ohayo)
  • Prevent spamming spawned enemies that aren't on the enemies list. (@ohayo)
  • Updated GetDataHandlers to ignore NpcItemStrike(msgid 24), which should never be sent by a vanilla client. (@LaoSparrow)

TShock 5.2.2

  • Fixed /dump-reference-data mutate the command names. (#2943, @sgkoishi)
  • Added ParryDamageBuff (Striking Moment with Brand of the Inferno and shield) for player, updated CursedInferno buff for NPC (@sgkoishi, #3005)
  • Changed the use of to TSPlayer.Active for consistency. (@sgkoishi, #2939)
  • Fix typo in config for IP bans. (@redchess64)
  • Fixed unable to transfer long response body for REST API. (@sgkoishi, #2925)
  • Fixed the /wind command not being very helpful. (@punchready)
  • Added automatic publishing of Docker images to GHCR. (@timschumi)
  • Updated TShockAPI.NetItem (@AgaSpace):
    • Added constructor overload with parameter Terraria.Item.
    • Added the ToItem method to get a copy of Terraria.Item.
    • In the constructor stack and prefix are now optional parameters.
  • Fixed /help, /me, and /p commands can't work in non-English languages. (@ACaiCat)
  • Added changing the SaveOnSeverExit variable before shutting down the server. This correctly makes the "off nosave" function work. (@Metratrj)
  • Added a hook AccountHooks.AccountGroupUpdate, which is called when you change the user group. (@AgaSpace)
  • Fixed the plugin manager crash when package contains XML, now it skips all the XML docs. (@sgkoishi, #3055)
  • Fixed the automatic language detection always returning en-US. (@sgkoishi, #3056)
  • Fixed forceupdate not working. (@Metratrj)
  • Ensured TSPlayer.PlayerData is non-null whilst syncing loadouts. (@drunderscore)
  • Added a terminal detection that avoids title spam. (@sgkoishi, #3057)
  • Groups are now virtual and support XNA colors. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added PlayerHooks.PrePlayerCommand hook, which fired before command execution. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added PlayerHooks.PostPlayerCommand hook, which fired after command execution. (@AgaSpace)
  • Detected invalid installations, by checking for a file named TerrariaServer.exe. (@drunderscore)
    • This made the two most common installation mistakes (extracting into the Terraria client directory, and extracting TShock 5 or newer into a TShock 4 or older install) prompt the user with a more useful diagnostic, rather than (likely) crashing moments later.

TShock 5.2.1

  • Updated TSPlayer.GodMode. (@AgaSpace)
    • Previously the field was used as some kind of dataset changed by /godmode command, but now it is a property that receives/changes data in journey mode.
  • Added the TSPlayer.Client property. It allows the developer to get the RemoteClient player, without an additional call to Terraria.Netplay.Clients. (@AgaSpace)
  • Updated the documentation for the TSPlayer.SetPvP method. The sendMsg parameter, which is responsible for sending a pvp mode change message, was not documented earlier. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added methods TSPlayer.KillPlayer and TSPlayer.DamagePlayer for which you can specify the cause (PlayerDeathReason) in parameters. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added an error when trying to change a TSPlayer team to, say, 9, when there are only 6. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added an error when trying to call the TSPlayer.SetTeam method with an argument (team) greater than 5 or less than 0. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a method TSPlayer.UpdateSection with arguments rectangle and isLoaded, which will load some area from the server to the player. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a method TSPlayer.GiveItem, which has TShockAPI.NetItem structure in its arguments. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a property TSPlayer.Hostile, which gets pvp player mode. (@AgaSpace)
  • Fixed bug where when the UseSqlLogs config property is true, an empty log file would still get created. (@ZakFahey)
  • Fixed typo in /gbuff. (@sgkoishi, #2955)
  • Rewrote the .dockerignore file into a denylist. (@timschumi)
  • Added CI for Docker images. (@timschumi)
  • Fixed Cursed Flares kicking players for invalid buff. (@Arthri)

TShock 5.2

  • An additional option pvpwithnoteam is added at PvPMode to enable PVP with no team. (@CelestialAnarchy, #2617, @ATFGK)
  • Corrected and updated deserialization of the following packets (@ATFGK):
    • ProjectileNew: Read the third AI value.
      • Before this change, it was previously possible for the projectile damage limit to falsely trigger, such as when using the Terra Balde and Fire Gauntlet together.
    • PlayerSpawn: Read the NumberOfDeathsPVE and NumberOfDeathsPVP values.
      • Before this change, the PlayerSpawnContext was always read incorrectly, due to the values above being placed in the middle of the existing structure.
    • NpcTeleportPortal: Read the NPC index as a ushort instead of a byte.
    • PlaceObject: Read the Random value.
      • Before this change, the Direction was always read incorrectly, due to the value above being placed in the middle of the existing structure.
    • Zones: Read the zone5 value.
    • PaintTile and PaintWall: Read the coatTile and coatWall values.
    • PlayerHurtV2: Read the cooldownCounter value.
  • Updated SpawnMsg to include the NumberOfDeathsPVE and NumberOfDeathsPVP, and allow them to be optionally used in TSPlayer.Spawn. (@ATFGK)
  • Added WorldTileProvider to the tshock config with values default, constileation or heaptile. This allows tile providers to be changed in environments where CLI args cannot be altered. See the documentation website for more info about these providers. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Updated the Utils.FindByIdOrName to follow same logic. Now fuzzy match fallback to StartsWith and then Contains. (@sgkoishi)
  • Added ShadowCandle and BrainOfConfusionBuff (BoC dodge buff) to the PlayerAddBuffWhitelist (@drunderscore)
  • Improved rejection message and code duplication in OnPlayerBuff. (@drunderscore)
    • This will make it so Bouncer rejections regarding PlayerAddBuff will now always include the sender index, buff type, receiver index, and time in ticks, allowing much faster triage of buff whitelist issues.
  • Allowed Digging Molecart and bomb fish to break tiles and place tracks. (@sgkoishi)
  • Added built-in package management capabilities for plugins. (@pontaoski)
  • Fixed Super Sponge unable to absorb shimmer. (@sgkoishi, #2833)
  • Increased whitelisted duration of the Mighty Wind (WindPushed) buff (from sandstorms). (@drunderscore)
  • Allowed the Hellfire (OnFire3) buff. (@drunderscore)
  • Allowed Digging Molecart and bomb fish to break tiles and place tracks (@sgkoishi)
  • Initialized achievements and the AchievementManager on the server. This ensures that players cannot cause exceptions to be thrown, chat messages are always logged, and allows achievement names to be localized in the console. Also added a test case for this. (@drunderscore)
  • Allowed multiple test cases to be in TShock's test suite. (@drunderscore)
  • Fixed unable to use Purification/Evil Powder in jungle. (@sgkoishi)
  • Set the GetDataHandledEventArgs.Player property for the SyncTilePicking data handler. (@drunderscore)
  • Relaxed custom death message restrictions to allow Inferno potions in PvP. (@drunderscore)
  • Allowed Flower Boots to place Ash Flowers on Ash Grass blocks. (@punchready)
  • Removed unnecessary range check that artifically shortened quick stack reach. (@boddyn, #2885, @bcat)

TShock 5.1.3

  • Added support for Terraria via OTAPI 3.1.20. (@SignatureBeef)

TShock 5.1.2

  • Added support for Terraria via OTAPI 3.1.19. (@SignatureBeef)

TShock 5.1.1

  • Fixed item giving potentially dropping too many items. (@PotatoCider, @punchready)
  • Excluded GeoIP.dat from release bundle. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Added TownSlimeRed to FishableNpcIDs list, allowing it to be fished up. (@drunderscore)
  • Bump to Terraria via OTAPI 3.1.18. (@hakusaro, @SignatureBeef)
    • In this version of Terraria, Main.maxBuffTypes and other maxWhateverTypes fields have been removed. Their replacements are in Terraria.ID.whateverID.Count. TShock calls to these fields have been swapped in order to bring forward compatibility with Terraria
  • In OTAPI 3.1.17, allowed Crystal Shard to grow. (@sgkoishi, @cc004, SignatureBeef/Open-Terraria-API#96)
  • Added permission for summoning Mechdusa, Deerclops and slime pet. (@sgkoishi, #2808)
  • Changed login to only restrict CC'd players during login whilst SSC is enabled. (@drunderscore)
    • This change allows the config option RequireLogin to function usefully again when SSC is not enabled.
  • Changed PlayerData.RestoreCharacter to remove all buffs. (@drunderscore)
    • Before this change, it was theoretically possible to smuggle buffs onto servers with SSC enabled, by using buff indexes past 22.
  • Allowed Torch God's Favor to place different types of torches and campfires. (@sgkoishi, #2811)
  • Updated translations! Currently, the major projects are at the following completion rates:
    • Chinese (93%)
    • Portuguese, Brazilian (89%)
    • Indonesian (89%)
    • Russian (56%)
    • Spanish (24%)
    • toki pona (10%)
    • Turkish (8%)
    • For complete credits, see the table below.

Translation credits

The following translators contributed changes from November 1, 2022 to November 9, 2022 (from TShock 5.0.0 to 5.1.0).

Contributor Language Translated words
Shiva Goddess (ShivaGoddess) Portuguese, Brazilian 6979
Ricko (Rickojp) Portuguese, Brazilian 3154
RidnRaven (ridwankun2) Indonesian 2329
Janet Blackquill (pontaoski) toki pona 1216
SGKoishi Chinese Simplified 640
Cristofer GamerTVH (cristoferherame) Spanish 622
HDSeventh (hdseventh) Indonesian 315
EMRE ÇELİK (emre0447) Turkish 312
PHPoenX Russian 297
./ (lemon-sh) Polish 206
Сергей Червяков (chsergeyg) Russian 182
okaythisisepic Russian 80
KomashiOFC Portuguese, Brazilian 76
Runesicle toki pona 22
Marotheit Pirate English 7
ATFGK Chinese Simplified 4

TShock 5.1.0

This release was scrubbed. All changes have been re-allocated to the 5.1.1 release. We consider a verison "final" after the tick and do not apply more changes. Thus, we were unable to simply release 5.0.0 as-is, as a late-breaking bug was discovered and fixed after the tick.

TShock 5.0.0

  • Reduced load/save console spam. (@SignatureBeef, @YehnBeep)
  • Replaced SQLite library with Microsoft.Data.Sqlite for arm64 support. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Initial support for MonoMod hooks on Raspberry Pi (arm64). (@kevzhao2)
  • Ported to OTAPI3 and .NET6. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Introduced a new module framework for TShock developers. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Fixed a secondary crash when server init fails and log services were not initialised. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Added preliminary support for Terraria (@SignatureBeef)
  • GrassSpreadEventArgs Color property has been changed from a Byte to a TileColorCache type. (@SignatureBeef)
  • SetDefaultsEventArgs now includes a nullable ItemVariant instance. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Use a string interpolation and escape single quotes when escaping tables. (@drunderscore)
  • Removed obsolete resource files TShockAPI/Resources.resx and TShockAPI/Resources.Designer.cs. (@Arthri)
  • Fixed hardcore and mediumcore not banning on death when settings are enabled. This also alters the TSPlayer.Ban method to remove the force option which is no longer needed. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Plugins and ./bin dependencies are now loaded relative to the launcher, this improves the use of startup files. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Added preliminary support for Terraria (@drunderscore)
    • For clarity sake, we're listing the individual changes to Terraria's version, despite the fact that this version only supports the latest one.
  • Don't allow players to sync loadout index whilst disabled. (@drunderscore)
  • Fixed painting wall/tile being rejected from hand of creation. (@Rozen4334)
  • Added a second Utils.TryParseTime method for parsing large, positive time spans. (@punchready)
  • Fixed /tempgroup breaking on durations greater than roughly 24 days. (@punchready)
  • Fixed player not being checked for permissions to use the Shellphone (Ocean), Shellphone (Underworld) and Shellphone (Spawn). (@hufang360)
  • Updated to OTAPI 3.1.10-alpha, which allows FreeBSD .NET 6 to use Re-Logic's Linux platform. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Updated Github CI to not tarball files for Windows only. (@PotatoCider)
  • Allow Blood Butcherer and Shimmer buffs to be applied to NPCs by players. (@drunderscore)
  • In OTAPI 3.1.11-alpha, chest stacking was fixed. (@SignatureBeef)
  • In OTAPI 3.1.12-alpha, "server world deletions" were fixed. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Fixed NetTile errors by implementing new packet read/write data. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Fixed Inferno Fork causing kick from rejected abnormal buff. (@Stealownz)
  • Prevented Server Broadcast from executing without a message. (@PackmanDude, @punchready)
  • Added LiquidType.Shimmer. (@drunderscore)
  • Made Bouncer allow Bottomless Honey Bucket usage. (@drunderscore)
  • Made Bouncer reject Shimmer placement without bucket or whilst banned. (@drunderscore)
  • Fixed Bouncer rejecting Explosive Bunny critter release when using the Bunny Cannon, if the player had since stopped selecting the Explosive Bunny. (@drunderscore)
  • Allowed breaking of tiles that are in BreakableWhenPlacing set. This will allow you to place tiles over other tiles (like piles) properly, without being rejected. (@drunderscore)
  • Allowed the Axe of Regrowth and the Rubblemaker to pass Bouncer checks. (@drunderscore)
    • The Axe of Regrowth places a Saplings where a tree used to be, which previously failed.
    • The Rubblemaker places rubble (which are echo piles), of varying styles, which previously failed.
  • Fixed HandlePlayerAddBuff data handler always being marked as Handled, and therefore never allowing the PlayerAddBuff to be sent to anyone. (@drunderscore)
  • Improved OnPlayerBuff logic to properly handle players adding buffs to other players. (@drunderscore)
    • Check if the target ID is within bounds as the first thing to check.
    • Check if the buff type being applied is within bounds.
    • Introduce AddPlayerBuffWhitelist (replacing WhitelistBuffMaxTime), which allows us to specify the maximum amount of ticks a buff can be applied for, and if it can be applied without the target being in PvP.
    • When rejecting from OnPlayerBuff, instead of sending a PlayerAddBuff packet with the rejected buff (essentially a no-op, as the sender implicitly applies the buff to the target, and causes desync as the buff was rejected), send a PlayerBuff to re-sync the target's buffs, without the buff we just rejected.
  • Added new tile provider. Use -constileation or -c to use it. Constileation is an alternative tile provider to Tiled and HeapTile. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Fixed an exploit with grass mowing not removing hanging vines. (@punchready)
  • Added -additionalplugins command line argument to load additional plugins. (@pontaoski)
  • Added localization support for console spam reduction. (@KawaiiYuyu)
  • Added an internationalization system. The base for the i18n system was built by Janet Blackquill (@pontaoski). A small donation in her honor was made to the KDE project as a thankyou for this work. This also includes the TSHOCK_LANGUAGE environment variable. Setting TSHOCK_LANGUAGE=tok will enable a small number of Toki Pona translations as a proof-of-concept. (@pontaoski)
  • Added support for Terraria, through OTAPI 3.1.5. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Added GeoIP.dat back to the included list of files. (@SignatureBeef)
  • Allow loadouts to properly sync by allowing the SyncLoadout packet during early connection. (@drunderscore)
  • Introduced support for loadouts, and saving the current loadout index to SSC. Both NetItem and PlayerData were modified to support this. (@drunderscore)
  • Introduced checking of loadout slots for hacked item stacks. (@drunderscore)
  • Fixed players being kicked after using the Flamethrower to apply the OnFire3 debuff for 1200 ticks. (@BashGuy10)
  • Fixed being kicked for using the new sponge types on liquid. (@BashGuy10)
  • Fixed SSC not saving ateArtisanBread, usedAegisCrystal, usedAegisFruit, usedArcaneCrystal, usedGalaxyPearl, usedGummyWorm, usedAmbrosia, unlockedSuperCart, and enabledSuperCart data flags. (@hufang360)
  • Allowed flask buffs to be applied on town npc due to the Flymeal. Add a permission could skip the buff detection. (@KawaiiYuyu)
  • Dockerized TShock. (@PotatoCider)
  • Changed the log system to log the command itself without arguments if the command is not DoLog. (@sgkoishi, #2779)
  • Added ability for items given to players to be inserted directly into their inventory instead of spawned as an item drop. (@pontaoski)
  • Added support of -lang and -language flags for our i18n system. (@KawaiiYuyu)
  • Added support for Terraria (OTAPI 3.1.16). (@drunderscore)
  • Added support for various languages, most notably Chinese (99% complete), Russian (57% complete), Indonesian (53% complete), and Spanish (21% complete). Thank you to the lovely contributors who were responsible for this on Crowdin:
    • RidnRaven (ridwankun2)
    • okaythisisepic
    • xml3344 has stopped making trouble (1212122222)
    • Axeel (AxeelAnder)
    • SGKoishi
    • Leader-txt (Leader_txt)
    • Esteban Delgado (Kojirremer)
    • Cai233
    • Anzhelika (AnzhelikaO)
    • VariolaX
    • hufang 360 (hufang360)
    • AgaSpace (Zoom L1) (agaspacel1)
    • Killia0 (Killia)
    • EMRE ÇELİK (emre0447)
    • Marcus Persson (squidistaken)
    • StarCloud-cy
    • HDSeventh (hdseventh)
    • JJJJGGGG12345
    • xml3344
    • Seele Vollerei (aaa1115910)
    • 问心|MiaoVPS (WenXin_MiaoVPS)
    • avlensa
    • Sykhasamann (Syks)
    • AndPlay
    • TruffleToad
    • kuaizhi
    • Simone Caporale (caporalesimone)
    • josefcorosado
    • kuukiman
    • Kronex (Kronex6)
    • Jifeng
    • Janet Blackquill (pontaoski)
    • Yuiinar (Yuiinars)
    • Muteduanxing

TShock 4.5.18

  • Fixed TSPlayer.GiveItem not working if the player is in lava. (@PotatoCider)
  • Only allow using Teleportation Potions, Magic Conch, and Demon Conch whilst holding them. (@drunderscore)
  • Updated server startup language to be more clear when encountering a fatal startup error. Now, the server gives more context as to what happened so that there's a better chance of people being able to help themselves. (@hakusaro)
  • Added -worldevil <type> command line argument. (@NotGeri)
  • Added PlayerHasBuildPermission hook to PlayerHooks. (@AnzhelikaO, @Killia0)
  • Fixed an exploit in which the Ice Block deletion allowance from the Ice Rod bypassed region protection, allowing for deleting all tiles in a protected region and/or replacing them with Ice Blocks. (@punchready)
  • Changed SendTileRect handling from a denylist to an allowlist with stricter checks. This prevents essentially all exploits involving this packet. Most notably this stops people from placing arbitrary tiles with arbitrary framing values, which are the root of most exploits. (@punchready)
  • Removed the config options TileRectangleSizeThreshold and KickOnTileRectangleSizeThresholdBroken because they are made obsolete by the new system, which will only allow valid rectangle sizes (at a maximum of only 4 by 4 tiles in (@punchready)
  • Bumped Newtonsoft Json to 13.0.1. (@dependabot)
  • Allow the Cool Whip to apply CoolWhipNPCDebuff for 240 ticks, fixing abnormal NPC buff add rejects in Bouncer. (@drunderscore)

TShock 4.5.17

  • Fixed duplicate characters (twins) after repeatedly logging in as the same character due to connection not being immediately closed during NetHooks_NameCollision. (@PotatoCider)
  • Fixed mobs not dropping picked up coins. (@PotatoCider)

TShock 4.5.16

  • Added preliminary support for Terraria (@SignatureBeef, @hakusaro)

TShock 4.5.15

  • Added preliminary support for Terraria (@SignatureBeef, @hakusaro)

TShock 4.5.14

  • Improved the /grow command to reduce code duplication, use TileID constants for less ambiguous types. (@drunderscore)
  • Fixed item dupe via /logout & NPC. (@Terrarxxn)
  • Added preliminary support for Terraria Note that this has the side-effect of adding IEntitySource as the first parameter to Item.NewItem and NPC.NewNPC, and in TSAPI, NpcLootDropEventArgs passes IEntitySource as Source. If you're updating a plugin, you can either make something that implements with IEntitySource or just use new EntitySource_DebugCommand() like TShock does. (@SignatureBeef, @Patrikkk, @hakusaro)

TShock 4.5.13

  • Added hook GetDataHandlers.OnReleaseNpc to handling ReleaseNPC packet and a bouncer to stops unregistered and logged out players on SSC servers from releasing critters NPC. The bouncer has additional filter to stops players who tried to release different critter using crafted packet, e.g. using bunny item to release golden bunny. (@tru321)
  • Added filter in GetDataHandlers.HandleCatchNpc that stops unregistered and logged out players on SSC servers to catch critters. (@tru321)
  • Fixed rejection check inside of HandlePaintTile to account for the Paint Sprayer (or Architect Gizmo Pack) being inside your inventory, rather than on an accessory slot. (@drunderscore)
  • Added the lanterns night event to the /worldevent command. (@0x3fcf1bbd)
  • Marked TSPlayer.SendTileSquare as deprecated, and created TSPlayer.SendTileSquareCentered that sends a tile square centered around the passed coordinates. (@0x3fcf1bbd)
  • Added coordinates clamping to TSPlayer.SendTileRect so as to avoid OOBs. (@0x3fcf1bbd)
  • Removed extraneous space causing build commands in README to fail. (@EtherTyper)

TShock 4.5.12

  • Fixed the ability to spawn Zenith projectile with non-original items. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added hook GetDataHandlers.OnNpcTalk for NpcTalk and a handler for it that stops unregistered and logged out players from interacting with NPCs, preventing them from smuggling or duplicating items via NPC item slots. (@tru321)
  • Fixed the ability to create custom messages with your death (or the death of another player) (@AgaSpace)
  • Added the OnSignRead handler in GetDataHandler, and added the SignRead event. Added check to ensure the sign being read is within world bounds (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < Main.maxTilesX && y < Main.maxTilesY). (@drunderscore)
  • Added check to HandleNpcTalk to ensure the passed NPC index is within bounds (>= -1 && < Main.maxNPCs). (@drunderscore)

TShock 4.5.11

  • Add the new allowed buff TentacleSpike to NPC buff cheat detection bouncer. (@sgkoishi)
  • Changed hook GetDataHandlers.OnNewProjectile so that it passes the projectile's AI (by updating NewProjectileEventArgs and parsing this during the TShock hook) to support processing projectile AI in bouncer. (@AgaSpace)
  • Fixed an issue where certain projectiles could be sent to the server with uncapped size parameters, which resulted in large disruptive client artifacts that could be used to grief players. (@AgaSpace, @Arthri)
  • Added the currently running value of Main.GameMode to /worldmode as "Mode". (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.5.10

  • Changed the server behavior when SIGINT is received. When SIGINT is trapped, the server will attempt to shut down safely. When it is trapped a second time in a session, it will immediately exit. (SIGINT is typically triggered via CTRL + C.) This means that it is possible to corrupt your world if you force shutdown at the wrong time (e.g., while the world is saving), but hopefully you expect this to happen if you hit CTRL + C twice in a session and you read the warning. (@hakusaro, @Onusai)

TShock 4.5.9

  • Added the ability to change a TSPlayer's PVP mode. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added protocol level support for Terraria (@DeathCradle, @Patrikkk)

TShock 4.5.8

  • Removed TShockAPI/DB/DBTools.cs. This appears to have been dead code and not used by anything. (@hakusaro, @DeathCradle)
  • Fixed the /firework command not sending fireworks when specified without a firework color. The firework command now correctly sends red fireworks to a target if a color is not specified. (@hakusaro, @Kojirremer)
  • Fixed bad XML of TShock code documentation. (@Arthri)
  • Fixed Bouncer exploits allowing for invalid tiles' placement. These tiles(specifically torches) caused clients to crash. The fixed exploits are listed below. (@Arthri, @QuiCM)
    • Biome Torch Correction. Previously, it used unrelated values to validate biome torches, and unintentionally passed on invalid tiles. It's now fixed to use the correct values and block invalid torches. As well as a new right booster track correction/check, to allow right booster tracks to be placed. Right booster track is an extraneous place style because it depends on the direction the player is facing. The new check takes that into consideration so that the place style isn't considered mismatched and rejected.
    • Max Place Styles. Previously, it rejects only if both MaxPlaceStyles and ExtraneousPlaceStyles contains an entry for a tile, and unintentionally passed on invalid tiles. ExtraneousPlaceStyles only contains special max placeStyles, not all placeables unlike MaxPlaceStyles. It's now corrected to take from ExtraneousPlaceStyles first, then fallback to MaxPlaceStyles if there's no entry for that tile, and then finally -1 if there's no entry in either.

TShock 4.5.7

  • Fixed the /respawn command to permit respawning players from the console. (@hakusaro, @Kojirremer)
  • Removed the old password hashing system, which predated bcrypt hashes and allowed specifying the hash algorithm in the config file. This also removes the config option for setting the hash algorithm (HashAlgorithm). This is because it helps clear the way for .NET5/6 and OTAPI 3, and because bcrypt has been the default since TShock 4.3 in 2015. (@hakusaro)
  • Updated to OTAPI, which adds support for Terraria Protocol (@Patrikkk, @DeathCradle)
  • Change warning: a release of TShock for .NET 5 and OTAPI 3 may be imminent.

TShock 4.5.6

  • Updated Linux guide. (@NezbednikSK)
  • Fixed SendTileRectHandler not sending tile rect updates like Pylons/Mannequins to other clients. (@Stealownz)
  • Introduced SoftcoreOnly config option to allow only softcore characters to connect. (@drunderscore)
  • Fixed some typos that have been in the repository for over a lustrum. (@Killia0)
  • Added a tshock.npc.summonboss permission check for Lunatic Cultist, players who do not have this permission will not be able to kill Cultist Archers/Devotees to summon the Lunatic Cultist. (@moisterrific)
  • Added more usage examples for the ban command under ban help examples to explain how users can ban: offline players by account, offline players by IP, and online players by player index - useful for banning hard to type character names. (@moisterrific)
  • Changed /login and /register to provide login help depending on if UUID login is enabled or disabled, and whether or not a player can login via any username or not. In addition, the message parameters will now be differentiated by colour instead of <> (@moisterrific, @hakusaro)
  • Added a new DisablePrimeBombs config option (false by default). Highly recommended to set this to true in order to prevent griefing on servers doing a for the worthy play-through, since the prime bombs on this seed can destroy most tiles and bypass region protection. (@moisterrific)
  • Added a new /respawn command that lets you respawn yourself or another player. Respawning yourself requires the tshock.respawn permission and respawning others requires the tshock.respawn.other permission. The full command syntax is /respawn [player]. (@moisterrific)
  • Added a notification message and silent command support for permanently changing a target player's user group. Now players who received a group change will be notified of their new group if they are currently online. (@moisterrific, @QuiCM)
  • Changed the TSPlayer IP method to return the loopback IP if RealPlayer is false. (@Rozen4334)
  • Fixed a bug that caused sundials to be ignored all the time, instead of only when the player has no permission or time is frozen. (@Rozen4334)
  • Added colours and usage examples (similiar to how the new ban system looks) for many more commands. (@moisterrific)
  • Changed RespawnSeconds and RespawnBossSeconds from 10 to 0 to respect the game's default respawn timers. (@moisterrific)
  • Updated Open Terraria API (OTAPI) and TSAPI for preliminary support of Terraria This functionally changes OTAPI and points to from in previous versions. Developer note: SendData takes an extra arg in this version of Terraria but that's slated to be removed in a Terraria hotfix. This is vestigial and OTAPI "hacks that out" to preserve plugin compatibility. That's why it'll differ from the source code. (@Patrikkk, @DeathCradle, honorable mention: @Moneylover3246)
  • Added Deerclops to /spawnboss command. (@hakusaro, @HiddenStriker)
  • Fixed GHSA-6w5v-hxr3-m2wx. (@Yoraiz0r, @Arthri)
  • Fixed an issue where player build permissions would reject gem lock changes, even if RegionProtectGemLocks was disabled in the config file. Now, players will be permitted to use gem locks if they don't have build permission in a region, but RegionProtectGemLocks is disabled. If RegionProtectGemLocks is enabled, players will be unable to use gem locks in a build region. (@hakusaro, @Kojirremer, @Arthri)
  • Fixed an issue where /god [player] would tell [player] that they were in godmode regardless of whether or not they were or not. (@hakusaro, @Kojirremer)
  • In TSAPI: Updated PacketTypes to support SetMiscEventValues (140), RequestLucyPopup (141), and SyncProjectileTrackers (142). (@hakusaro)
  • Added DisableDefaultIPBan to the config file. If set to true, the server will not automatically IP ban players when banning them. This is useful if you run an intercepting proxy in front of TShock, and all players share the same IP. (@hakusaro, and Telegram user xmzzhh233)
  • Blank passwords will be upgraded to bcrypt hashes automatically. Previously, blank passwords were not upgraded to bcrypt hashes. This is in preparation to remove the old password hashing system and related fallback components in the next release. Most users have been using bcrypt hashes for the past...few years. (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.5.5

  • Changed the world autosave message so that it no longer warns of a "potential lag spike." (@hakusaro)
  • Added /slay as an alias for /kill to be more consistent with other server mods. (@hakusaro)
  • Added /god as an alias for /godmode to be more consistent with other server mods. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed ridiculous typo in Amethyst Gemtree text. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed CTRL + C / interactive console interrupt not safely shutting down the server. Now, interrupts will cause a safe shutdown (saving the world and disconnecting all players before fully shutting down). Previously, interrupts caused an unsafe shutdown (not saving the world). (@hakusaro)
  • Changed "success message" color to Color.LimeGreen instead of Color.Green. Color.Green looks ugly. Color.LimeGreen looks less ugly but isn't as offensively bright as pure green. (@hakusaro)
  • Changed the default respawn timer to 10 seconds, so as to not desynchronize from the game by default. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed /home allowing players to bypass the respawn timer. (@hakusaro, @moisterrific, @Arthri)
  • Added the config option SuppressPermissionFailureNotices. When set to true, the server will not send warning messages to players when they fail a build permission check from TSPlayer.HasBuildPermission (even if shouldWarnPlayer is set to true. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed /warp send failing a nullcheck if the warp didn't exist. The previous behavior may have always been buggy or broken. In other words, sending someone to a warp that doesn't exist should result in a nicer error. (@hakusaro, @punchready)
  • Fixed /group del allowing server operators to delete the default group that guests are put into. This is a really critical group and the server doesn't behave correctly when it happens. As a result, it's better to prevent this from happening than not. Additionally, GroupManagerExceptions will be thrown if this is attempted programmatically. Finally, if the exception is thrown in response to /group del (or if any other exception is thrown that the command handler can handle), the stack trace will no longer be present. Fixes #2165. (@hakusaro, @DeveloperLuxo, @Rozen4334, @moisterrific, @bartico6, @Quinci135)
  • Removed the old ConfigFile class. If you are updating a plugin, you should use TShock.Config.Settings instead of the accessor you were using. This is typically a really easy change. For most plugin authors, updating to the new config format is as simple as changing the reference to the old static config to point to the new location. If you were using this for your own configs, you should swap to using a IConfigFile (see TShockAPI.Configuration.ConfigFile). (@hakusaro, @bartico6)
  • Added Main.worldPathName to /worldinfo command. Now, if you need to see what the location on disk for your world file is, you can simply run /worldinfo to find out. This is particularly helpful on Linux and macOS, where the world path isn't obvious. (@hakusaro)
  • Correct rejection message in LandGolfBallInCupHandler to output the proper expected player id. (@drunderscore)
  • Clarified the error mesage that the console is presented if a rate-limit is reached over REST to indicate that "tokens" actually refers to rate-limit tokens, and not auth tokens, and added a hint as to what config setting determines this. (@hakusaro, @patsore)
  • Fixed an issue where, when the console was redirected, input was disabled and commands didn't work, in TSAPI. You can now pass -disable-commands to disable the input thread, but by default, it will be enabled. Fixes #1450. (@DeathCradle, @QuiCM)
  • Added summonboss permission check for Empress of Light. Players who do not have this permission will be unable to kill Prismatic Lacewings. Also added support for the AnonymousBossInvasions config option, if this is set to false it will now broadcast the name of the player who summoned her. (@moisterrific)
  • Added ForceTime config setting check for Enchanted Sundial usage. If ForceTime is set to anything other than normal, Sundial use will be rejected as this would lead to very janky game behavior. Additionally, players with cfgreload permission will be advised to change it back to normal in order to use sundial. (@moisterrific, @bartico6)
  • Added %onlineplayers% and %serverslots% placeholders for MOTD. The default MOTD message was also updated to use this. (@moisterrific, @bartico6)
  • Fixed Bouncer inconsistently using TilePlacementValid when validating tile coordinates, which could cause a DoS attack due to unexpectedly large world framing. The list below shows the corrected methods within Bouncer. This was assigned GHSA-jq4j-v8pr-jv7j. (@drunderscore)
    • OnTileEdit: The check was moved to be the first, and will no longer SendTileSquare upon failure.
    • OnPlaceObject: The check was moved to be the first, and will no longer SendTileSquare upon failure.
    • OnPlaceTileEntity: The check was newly added.
    • OnPlaceItemFrame: The check was newly added.
    • OnFoodPlatterTryPlacing: The check was newly added.
  • Fixed errors on startup not being reported to console. (@bartico6)
  • The server now correctly disconnects players with missing groups instead of throwing an exception, stalling the connection (@bartico6)
  • The server now rejects login attempts from players who would end up with a missing group. (@bartico6)

TShock 4.5.4

  • Fixed ridiculous typo in GetDataHandlers which caused TShock to read the wrong field in the packet for usingBiomeTorches. (@hakusaro, @Arthri)
  • Fixed torchgod settings to include whether or not torchgod has been fought by the player before and respect usingBiomeTorches setting. (@Quinci135)
  • Fixed /worldmode not synchronising data to players after updating the world state (@bartico6, @Arthri)
  • Added OnSendNetData hook to TSAPI, which enables developers to intercept traffic being sent from the server to clients using the new NetPacket protocol. (@Stealownz)
  • Fixed false positive OnNPCAddBuff detection when throwing rotten eggs at town NPCs while wearing Frost armor set. (@moisterrific)
  • Moved the emoji player index check into a new class of handlers called IllegalPerSe, which is designed to help isolate parts of TShock and make it so that "protocol violations" are treated separately from heuristic based anti-cheat checks. (@hakusaro)
  • Changed TSPlayer.FindByNameOrID so that it will continue searching for players and return a list of many players whem ambiguous matches exist in all cases. Specifically, this avoids a scenario where a griefer names themselves 1 and is difficult to enact justice on, because their name will not be found by the matching system used to kick players. To help with ambiguity, this method now processes requests with prefixes tsi: and tsn:. tsi:[number] will process the search as looking for an exact player by ID. tsn: will process the search as looking for an exact name, case sensitive. In both cases, the system will return an exact result in the "old-style" result, i.e., a List<TSPlayer> with exactly one result. For example, /kick tsid:1 will match the player with the ID 1. /kick tsn:1 will match the username 1. In addition, players who attempt to join the server with the name prefixes tsn: and tsi: will be rejected for having invalid names. (@hakusaro, @Onusai)
  • Added warnings for conditions where a password is set at runtime but can be bypassed. The thinking is that if a user sets a password when they're booting the server, that's what they expect to be the password. The only thing is that sometimes, other config options can basically defeat this as a security feature. The goal is just to communicate more and make things clearer. The server also warns users when UUID login is enabled, because it can be confusing and insecure. (@hakusaro, @Onusai)
  • Fixed Torch God's Favor biome torch placement being rejected by the server. (@moisterrific)
  • Changed backups created by the backup manager to use ISO8601-style timestamps. I say "style" because it's impossible to implement ISO8601 or RFC3389 dates in a filename on most modern filesystems. So instead of the proper ISO separators, we've got dashes and dots. (@hakusaro, change sponsored by @drunderscore)
  • Added hook for OnDoorUse (DoorUse) and associated DoorUseEventArgs fired when a door is used. Also added GetDataHandlers.DoorAction enum for determining the action of a door. (@hakusaro)
  • Disallowed loading of the AutoRegister plugin version 1.2.0 or lower. Versions of this plugin at or equal to 1.2.0 use low entropy material to create passwords. This effectively means that it's possible for any user to be easily impersonated on a server running AutoRegister by simply convincing a user to join a malicious server, even when UUID login is disabled. This was assigned GHSA-w3h6-j2gm-qf7q. (@hakusaro)
  • Disallowed loading of another plugin due to security issue GHSA-qj59-99v9-3gww. Due to the importance of this issue and severity, information is not available in the changelog. Information will be available June 8th, 2021, at 12:00 MDT. (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.5.3

  • Added permissions for using Teleportation Potions, Magic Conch, and Demon Conch. (@drunderscore)
    •,, and respectively.
  • Updated HealOtherPlayer damage check to make more sense by respecting ignoredamagecap permission. (@moisterrific)
  • Added preliminary support for Terraria (@moisterrific, @Moneylover3246, @DeathCradle)
  • Added celebration mk2 explosive to explosives ItemID set in TSAPI. Solves #2304. (@Quinci135)
  • TShock now writes its log files to the logs folder inside the tshock folder by default, as opposed to just the tshock folder. (@QuiCM)
  • The default MOTD is now prettier. The MOTD format can now contain %specifier% to send the command specifier. (@moisterrific)
  • The buff commands now support -1 as a time option to set buffs that last 415 days (the maximum buff time the game supports). (@moisterrific)
  • TShock defaults to saving backups every 10 minutes, and defaults to keeping backups for 4 hours. (@hakusaro)
  • Updated SSC bypass messaging. Now, when you connect, you're told if you're bypassing SSC. Console logging has been improved to warn when players are not being saved due to the bypass SSC permission. To turn this warning off, change WarnPlayersAboutBypassPermission to false in the sscconfig.json file. (@hakusaro)
  • Fix oversight & exploit allowing specially crafted SendTileRectangle packets to perform large-scale world griefing. In addition, NetTile.Slope is now the native value (byte), and accessor methods Slope1, Slope2, and Slope3 can be used to get the old style of values out. HalfBrick and Actuator were removed from NetTile because these were initialized to zero and never changed or used. (@bartico6)
  • Warning: a bug introduced in a prior TShock release may cause your SSC config file to be reset after applying this update. Please backup your config file prior to installing TShock 4.5.3+ if you use SSC. (@cardinal-system)

TShock 4.5.2

  • Added preliminary support for Terraria (@hakusaro)
  • Removed /ungodme and godmode warning (no longer necessary). Also, godmode now supports silent commands. (@hakusaro)
  • Added permission '' to the /v2/server/broadcast REST endpoint. (@TheBambino)

TShock 4.5.1

  • Fixed server crash from /v2/players/list & other parameterised REST endpoints. (@QuiCM, reported by @ATFGK)
  • Added handling to the PlayerChat hook event. (@QuiCM - Thanks for the suggestion @Arthri)
  • Changed the spawnboss command to support silent command specifiers. (@QuiCM, suggested by @nojomyth-dev)
  • Updated /godmode to use Journey Mode's Godmode power instead of healing on damage. (requested by @tlworks, backported by @bartico6, implemented preemptive bugfix for creative powers mentioned by @Stealownz)
  • Fixed /r attempting to send messages to players that have since disconnected. (@bartico6, reported by @Arthri)
  • Added ban ticket ID to ban messages (@QuiCM, suggested by @Bippity)
  • Refactored /wallow command. /reply no longer bypasses /wallow (@QuiCM)


  • Fixed conversion from old to new ban system for MySQL hosted ban databases. (@DeathCradle, @ATFGK)
  • Fixed wrong identifier used for UUID bans. (@DeathCradle, @ATFGK)
  • Fixed conversion from sqlite bans due to locking issue. (@DeathCradle, @Kojirremer)

TShock 4.5.0

  • Updated OTAPI and TSAPI to Terraria (@Stealownz, @DeathCradle)
  • Updated TShock with preliminary protocol support for Terraria (@Stealownz)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 16)

  • Patched protocol issue. Thanks to Off (@tlworks) and @bartico6 for contributions, including packet captures, packet analysis, exploit proof-of-concept testing, patch testing, and detailed reproduction steps. (@hakusaro)
  • Disabled debug by default. (@hakusaro)
  • Changed "WinVer" field in /serverinfo to "Operating System". (@Terrabade)
  • Rewritten /grow, added every default tree type & changed the default help response. (@Nova4334)
    • Added a new permission: to prevent players to grow evil biome trees, these trees spawn with evil biome blocks below them.
  • Introduced /wallow to disable or enable recieving whispers from other players. (@Nova4334)
  • Removed stoned & webbed from disabled status (@QuiCM)
  • Fix -forceupdate flag not forcing updates (@Quake)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 15)

  • Overhauled Bans system. Bans are now based on 'identifiers'. (@QuiCM)
    • The old Bans table (Bans) has been deprecated. New bans will go in PlayerBans. Old bans will be converted automatically to the new system.
    • All old ban routes in REST are now redirected. Please use /v3/bans/* for REST-based ban management.
    • TShock recognizes and acts upon 4 main identifiers: UUID, IP, Player Name, Account name. This can be extended by plugins. New identifiers can be added to the ban help identifiers output by registering them in TShockAPI.DB.Identifier.Register(string, string)
    • By default, bans are no longer removed upon expiry or 'deletion'. Instead, they remain in the system. A new ban for an indentifier can be added once an existing ban has expired.
  • Server Console now understands Terraria color codes (e.g., [c/FF00FF:Words]) and prints the colored text to the console. Note that console colors are limited and thus only approximations. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed a bug in /sudo that prevented quoted arguments being forwarded properly. Example: /sudo /user group "user name" "user group" should now work correctly. (@QuiCM)
  • Shutting down the server should now correctly display the shutdown message to players rather than 'Lost connection'. (@QuiCM)
  • For developers: TShock now provides IConfigFile<TSettings> and ConfigFile<TSettings> under the TShockAPI.Configuration namespace. No more needing to copy/pasting the same Read/Write code for your plugin configs. (@QuiCM)
    • ConfigFile<TSettings> implements Read and Write for you.
    • Check TShockConfig and ServerSideConfig for examples on how to use.
  • Added URI un-escaping on all inputs into REST. (@QuiCM)
  • Attempt to fix platinum coin pickup dupe. (Thanks @Quinci135)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 14)

  • Terraria v1.4.1.2 (Thanks @Patrikkk and @DeathCradle <3)
  • Added Torch God's Favor support in SSC. (@Stealownz)
  • SendTileSquare is now SendTileRect and can now send rectangles instead of squares. This is a breaking change (@QuiCM)
  • Destroying protected tiles underneath a tile object no longer causes the tile object to disappear for the client (@QuiCM)
  • 'RegionProtectGemLocks' config option now works correctly. Gems can now be placed in Gem Locks while this option is enabled (@QuiCM)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 13)

  • Terraria v1.4.1.1
  • Added Gravedigger's Shovel support. (@Zennos)
  • You can now start up multiple TShock servers at once without getting a startup error. (@ZakFahey)
  • Updated bouncer to include new Magma Stone, Frost Armor, and Spinal Tap inflicted npc debuffs to bouncer. (@Quinci135)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 12)

  • Fixed various bugs related to Snake Charmer's Flute. (@rustly)
    • The entirety of the snake now places.
    • The old snake now removes when placing a new snake.
    • Players are no longer disabled for breaking TilePlace/TileKill thresholds when modifying snakes.
  • Prevented players from seeing the npc spawnrate change permission error on join. (@rustly)
  • Installed new sprinklers!
  • Organized parameters by category and relevance in the config.json file. (@kubedzero)
  • Fixed multiple holes in Bouncer OnTileData. (@Patrikkk, @hakusaro)
    • Issue where players could replace tiles with banned tiles without permission.
    • Including replace action in TilePlace threshold incrementation, so players cannot bypass the threshold while replacing tiles/walls.
    • Including check for maxTileSets when player is replacing tiles, so players cannot send invalid tile data through the replace tile action.
    • Including a check for ReplaceWall when the tile is a Breakable/CutTile.
  • Adding checks in Bouncer OnNewProjectile (@Patrikkk):
    • For valid golf club and golf ball creation.
    • Renamed stabProjectile to directionalProjectile for a more accurate naming.
    • Adding staff projectiles to the directionalProjectiles Dictionary to include staffs in the valid projectile creation check.
    • Adding GolfBallItemIDs list in Handlers.LandGolfBallInCupHandler.cs
  • Fixed an issue in the SendTileSquare handler that was rejecting valid tile objects. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed the issue where players were unable to place regular ropes because of the valid placement being caught in Bouncer OnTileEdit. (@Patrikkk)
  • Added pet license usage permissions to trustedadmin and owner groups. Do note that this has a high network usage and can be easily be abused so it is not recommended to give out this permission to lower level groups. (@moisterrific)
  • Removed checks that prevented people placing personal storage tiles in SSC as the personal storage is synced with the server. (@Patrikkk)
  • Cleaned up a check in Bouner OnTileEdit where it checks for using the respective item when placing a tile to make it clearer. This change also fixed the issue in a previous commit where valid replace action was caught. Moved the check for max tile/wall types to the beginning of the method. (@Patrikkk)
  • Improved clarity for insufficient permission related error messages. (@moisterrific)
  • Removed redundant Boulder placement check that prevented placing chests on them, as it is no longer possible to place a chest on a boulder, so nothing crashes the server. "1.2.3: Boulders with Chests on them no longer crash the game if the boulder is hit." (@kevzhao2, @Patrikkk)
  • /itemban - /projban - /tileban - Added a default: case to the commands so an invalid subcommand promts the player to enter the help subcommand to get more information on valid subcommands. (@Patrikkk)
  • /world - Renamed to /worldinfo to be more accurate to it's function. Command now displays the world's Seed. Reformatted the world information so each line isn't repeatedly starting with "World". (@Patrikkk)
  • /who - Changed the display format of the online players when the -i flag is used. From PlayerName (ID: 0, ID: 0) to PlayerName (Index: 0, Account ID: 0) for clarification. (@Patrikkk)
  • Added DisplayDollItemSync event. An event that is called when a player modifies the slot of a DisplayDoll (Mannequin). This event provides information about the current item in the displaydoll, as well as the item that the player is about to set. (@Patrikkk)
  • Added DisplayDollItemSyncHandler, which checks for building permissions of the player at the position of the DisplayDoll. (If they do not have permissions, it means they are hacking as they could not even open the doll in the first place.) (@Patrikkk)
  • Added RequestTileEntity packet handling. (@Patrikkk)
    • Implemented the OnRequestTileEntityInteraction even hook in GetDataHandler. (@Patrikkk)
    • Created RequestTileEntityInteractionHandler which checks for building permissions when the player is attempting to open a display doll (Mannequin) or a Hat Rack. This now prevents players from opening a Mannequin or a Hat Rack if they have no building permissions at the position of these tile entities. As of, these are the only two items that use this packet. (@Patrikkk)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 11)

  • Added new permission to enable teleporting via Teleportation Pylons (@QuiCM)
  • Added new permission tshock.journey.research to enable sharing research via item sacrifice (@QuiCM)
  • Add Emoji event to GetDataHandler. This packet is received when a player tries to display an emote. (@Patrikkk)
    • Added EmojiHandler to handle an exploit. Adding tshock.sendemoji permission and checks. Added this permission to guest group by default. (@Patrikkk)
  • Handled SyncCavernMonsterType packet to prevent an exploit where players could modify the server's cavern monster types and make the server spawn any NPCs - including bosses - onto other players. (@Patrikkk)
  • Added LandGolfBallInCup event which is accessible for developers to work with, as well as LandGolfBallInCup handler to handle exploits where players could send direct packets to trigger and imitate golf ball cup landing anywhere in the game world. Added two public lists in Handlers.LandGolfBallInCupHandler: GolfBallProjectileIDs and GolfClubItemIDs. (@Patrikkk)
  • Added SyncTilePicking event. This is called when a player damages a tile. Implementing SyncTilePickingHandler and patching tile damaging related exploits. (Preventing player sending invalid world position data which disconnects other players.)
  • Fixed the issue where mobs could not be fished out during bloodmoon because of Bouncer checks. (@Patrikkk)
    • Fixed the issue where certain fishing rods could not fish out NPCs due to a Bouncer check. (@Patrikkk)
  • Update for OTAPI and Terraria (@hakusaro, @Patrikkk)
  • Added additional config options for automatically kicking clients from the server upon breaking anti-cheat thresholds. (@moisterrific)
  • Added pylon teleportation permission to default group, added /spawn permission to admin group, added the new journey mode research permission to trustedadmin, and moved all previous journey mode permissions from owner to trustedadmin. (@moisterrific)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 10)

  • Fixed all rope coils. (@Olink)
  • Fixed a longstanding issue with SendTileSquare that could result in desyncs and visual errors. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed placement issues with Item Frames, Teleportation Pylons, etc. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed doors, and they are good now for real probably. (@QuiCM, @Hakusaro, @Olink)
  • Bumped default max damage received cap to 42,000 to accommodate the Empress of Light's instant kill death amount. (@hakusaro, @moisterrific, @Irethia, @Ayrawei)
  • Updated /spawnboss command to include Empress of Light, Queen Slime, and other additional bosses that have a health bar. (@moisterrific)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 9)

  • Fixed pet licenses. (@Olink)
  • Added initial support for Journey mode in SSC worlds. (@Olink)
  • Made TShock database MySQL 8 compatible by escaping column names in our IQueryBuilder code. (Name Groups is a reserved element in this version, which is used in our Region table.) (@Patrikkk)
  • Reintroduced -worldselectpath per feedback from @fjfnaranjo. This command line argument should be used to specify the place where the interactive server startup will look for worlds to show on the world select screen. The original version of this argument, -worldpath, was removed because several game service providers have broken configurations that stop the server from running with an unhelpful error. This specific configuration was -world and -worldpath. In the new world, you can do the following:
    • -worldselectpath should be used if you want to customize the server interactive boot world list (so that you can select from a number of worlds in non-standard locations).
    • -world will behave as an absolute path to the world to load. This is the most common thing you want if you're starting the server and have a specific world in mind.
    • -worldselectpath and -worldname should work together enabling you to select from a world from the list that you specify. This is not a world file name, but a world name as described by Terraria.
    • -worldselectpath is identical to the old -worldpath. If you specify -worldselectpath and -world without specifying an absolute path the server will crash for sure.
    • Thank you again to @fjfnaranjo for supplying a detailed feature request explaining precisely why this option should be available. Without this, we would have had no context as to why this feature was useful or important. Thank you, @fjfnaranjo!
    • This change was implemented by (@QuiCM, @hakusaro).
  • Updated Bouncer to include Sparkle Slime debuff that can be applied to town NPCs. (@moisterrific)
  • Updated /spawnboss command to include Empress of Light, Queen Slime, and other additional bosses that have a health bar. (@moisterrific)
  • Added journey mode permissions to owner group by default. (@moisterrific)
  • Fixed kick on hardcore death / kick on mediumcore death / ban on either from taking action against journey mode players. (@hakusaro)
  • Attempted to fix the problem with the magic mirror spawn problems. You should be able to remove your spawn point in SSC by right clicking on a bed now. (@hakusaro, @AxeelAnder)
  • Added HandleFoodPlatterTryPlacing event, which is called whenever a player places a food in a plate. Add antihack to bouncer, to prevent removing food from plates if the region is protected; To prevent placement if they are not in range; To prevent placement if the item is not placed from player hand. (@Patrikkk)
  • Fixed an offset error in NetTile that impacted SendTileSquare. It was being read as a byte and not a ushort. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed coins not dropping after being picked up by npcs. The ExtraValue packet was not being read correctly. (@Olink)
  • Removed packet monitoring from debug logs. To achieve the same results, install @QuiCM's packet monitor plugin (it does better things). (@hakusaro)
  • Updated packet monitoring in send tile square handler for Bouncer debugging. (@hakusaro)
  • Added /sync, activated with tshock.synclocalarea. This is a default guest permission. When the command is issued, the server will resync area around the player in the event of a desync issue. (@hakusaro)
    • If your doors disappear, this command will allow a player to resync without having to disconnect from the server.
    • The default group that gets this permission is Guest for the time being.
    • To add this command to your guest group, give them tshock.synclocalarea, with /group addperm guest tshock.synclocalarea.
    • This command may be removed at any time in the future (and will likely be removed when send tile square handling is fixed).
  • Add FishOutNPC event handler, which is called whenever a player fishes out an NPC using a fishing rod. Added antihack to Bouncer, to prevent unathorized and invalid mob spawning, by checking player action, NPC IDs and range. (@Patrikkk, @moisterrific)
  • Fixed smart door automatic door desync and deletion issue. (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 8)

  • Update for OTAPI and Terraria (@hakusaro, @Patrikkk, @DeathCradle)
  • Fixed /wind command. (@AxeelAnder)
  • Fixed NPC debuff issue when attempting to fight bosses resulting in kicks. (@AxeelAnder)
  • Fixed players are unable to remove an NPC. Change byte NPCHomeChangeEventArgs.Homeless to HouseholdStatus NPCHomeChangeEventArgs.HouseholdStatus. (@AxeelAnder)
  • Fixed lava, wet, honey, and dry bombs;
    and lava, wet, honey, and dry grenades;
    and lava, wet, honey, and dry rockets;
    and lava, wet, honey, and dry mines. (@Olink)
  • Fix Bloody Tear displaying the wrong text when used. (@Olink)
  • Fix the visibility toggle for the last two accessory slots. (@Olink)
  • Adding Journey mode user account permissions. Journey mode must be enabled for these to have any effect. (@Patrikkk)
    • tshock.journey.time.freeze
    • tshock.journey.time.set
    • tshock.journey.time.setspeed
    • tshock.journey.godmode
    • tshock.journey.wind.strength
    • tshock.journey.wind.freeze
    • tshock.journey.rain.strength
    • tshock.journey.rain.freeze
    • tshock.journey.placementrange
    • tshock.journey.setdifficulty
    • tshock.journey.biomespreadfreeze
    • tshock.journey.setspawnrate
  • Changed default thresholds for some changes in the config file to accommodate new items & changes to Terraria. (@hakusaro)
  • Store projectile type in ProjectileStruct RecentlyCreatedProjectiles to identify the recently created projectiles by type. Make RecentlyCreatedProjectiles and ProjectileStruct public for developers to access from plugins.

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 7 (Entangled))

  • Fixed bed spawn issues when trying to remove spawn point in SSC. (@Olink)
  • Fixed Snake Flute. (@Olink)
  • Fixed lava absorbant sponge not capturing lava. LiquidSetEventArgs now returns a LiquidType instead of a byte type. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed bottomless lava bucket from not being able to create lava. (@hakusaro)
    • Ban a lava bucket to ban lava on the server entirely, until we figure out a better way to handle liquids.
  • Fixed scarab bombs not detonating on pick style tiles. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed dirt bombs not creating dirt. (@hakusaro)
  • Added a ridiculous amount of debug information. If you're experiencing any problems with 1.4 items being caught by the TShock anticheat system, please turn on DebugLogs in your config file and capture log data. It'll be extremely helpful in narrowing down precisely how to fix your problem. (@hakusaro)
  • Released with entangled support for based on @Patrikkk local build and latest snapshot gen-dev. (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 6)

  • Updates to OTAPI (@DeathCradle).

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 5)

  • Update player spawn related things to 1.4. Terraria.Player.Spawn method now has a required argument, PlayerSpawnContext context. (@AxeelAnder)
  • Make sqlite db path configurable. (@AxeelAnder)
  • Terraria experimental support. (@Patrikkk)
  • Updated changelog. (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 4)

  • Debug logging now provides ConsoleDebug and ILog has been updated to support the concept of debug logs. Debug logs are now controlled by config.json instead of by preprocessor debug flag. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed /confuse command and Terraria player data resync from @Zidonuke. (@hakusaro)
  • Attempted to fix the player desync issue by changing LastNetPosition logic and disabling a check in Bouncer that would normally reject player update packets from players. (@QuiCM, @hakusaro)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 3)

  • Fixed /worldmode command to correctly target world mode. (@Ristellise)

  • The following commands have been removed: tbloodmoon, invade, dropmeteor. fullmoon, sandstorm, rain, eclipse

  • The following command has been added to replace them: worldevent. This command requires the permission.

    • worldevent can be used as so: worldevent [event type] [sub type] [wave (if invasion event)]
    • Valid event types are meteor, fullmoon, bloodmoon, eclipse, invasion, sandstorm, rain
    • Valid sub types are goblins, snowmen, pirates, pumpkinmoon, frostmoon for invasions, and slime for rain.
  • A new set of permissions has been added under the node

    • Enables access to the worldevent bloodmoon command
    • Enables access to the worldevent fullmoon command
    • Enables access to the worldevent invasion command
    • Enables access to the worldevent eclipse command
    • Enables access to the worldevent sandstorm command
    • Enables access to the worldevent rain command
    • Enables access to the worldevent meteor command

Please note that the permissions previously tied to the removed commands are also still used to confirm access to the new commands, so if you have existing configurations no one should have any new or lost access.

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 2)

  • Replaced /expert with /worldmode command. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed NPC buff anticheat issue conflicting with Terraria gameplay changes (whips). (@Patrikkk)

TShock 4.4.0 (Pre-release 1)

  • Added confused debuff to Bouncer for confusion applied from Brain of Confusion
  • API: Added return in OnNameCollision if hook has been handled. (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Added hooks for item, projectile and tile bans (@deadsurgeon42)
  • API: Changed PlayerHooks permission hook mechanisms to allow negation from hooks (@deadsurgeon42)
  • API: New WorldGrassSpread hook which shold allow corruption/crimson/hallow creep config options to work (@DeathCradle)
  • Fixed a missing case in UserManager exception handling, which caused a rather cryptic console error instead of the intended error message (@deadsurgeon42)
  • Fixed saving when one player is one the server and another one joins (@MarioE)
  • Fixed /spawnmob not spawning negative IDs (@MarioE)
  • Validated tile placement on PlaceObject; clients can no longer place frames, paintings etc with dirt blocks (@bartico6, @ProfessorXZ)
  • Updated to new stat tracking system with more data so we can actually make informed software decisions (Jordan Coulam)
  • Fixed /time display at the end of Terraria hours (@koneko-nyan)
  • Added a warning notifying users of the minimum memory required to run TShock (@bartico6)
  • Added /group rename to allow changing group names (@ColinBohn, @ProfessorXZ)
  • Added /region rename and OnRegionRenamed hook (@koneko-nyan, @deadsurgeon42)
  • Rebuilt /ban add. New syntax is /ban add [time] [reason] where target is the target online player, offline player, or IP; where time is the time format or 0 for permanent; and where [reason] is the reason. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed /ban addip and /ban addtemp. Now covered under /ban add. (@hakusaro)
  • Added /su, which temporarily elevates players with the permission to super admin. In addition added, a new group, owner, that is suggested for new users to setup TShock with as opposed to superadmin. Finally, /su is implemented such that a 10 minute timeout will occur preventing people from just camping with it on. (@hakusaro)
  • Added /sudo, which runs a command as the superadmin group. If a user fails to execute a command but can sudo, they'll be told that they can override the permission check with sudo. Much better than just telling them to run /su and then re-run the command. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed /savessc not bothering to save ssc data for people who bypass ssc. (@hakusaro)
  • Default permission sets for new databases are more modern. (@hakusaro)
  • Added the ability to ban by account name instead of just banning a character name assuming its an account name. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed a bug in the CommandLineParser which caused some command lines to fail (@QuicM)
  • Renamed TShock.DB.User to TShock.DB.UserAccount, including all the related methods, classes and events. (@Ryozuki)
  • Update OTAPI to, which also updates Newtonsoft.Json to 10.0.3 (@Ryozuki)
  • Fixed DumpItems() from trying to dump older versions of certain items (negative item IDs). (@Zaicon)
  • Added the /dump-reference-data command, which when run, runs Utils.Dump() and outputs Terraria reference data to the server folder. (@hakusaro)
  • Added DateTime datatype support for both MySQL and SQLite. (@Ryozuki)
  • Fixed builds to not require a specific version of OTAPI and to not fail when in Release mode (@bartico6)
  • Update Assembly Company to Pryaxis (@Ryozuki)
  • Removed /restart command. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed Permissions.updateplugins permission. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed REST /v3/server/restart/ route and /server/restart/ route. (@hakusaro)
  • The "auth system" is now referred to as the initial setup system (what it actually is). This is better verbiage for basically all situations. Who really wants to turn off the "authentication system?" In addition, the system now makes it more clear what the point of it is, rather than that it grants permissions. (@hakusaro)
  • GetDataHandlers.SendTileSquare hook now sends a TSPlayer and a MemoryStream of raw data. (@hakusaro)
  • Added GetDataHandlers.HealOtherPlayer hook. (@hakusaro)
  • Added GetDataHandlers.PlaceObject hook. (@hakusaro)
  • GetDataHandlers.KillMe now sends a TSPlayer and a PlayerDeathReason. (@hakusaro)
  • Added GetDataHandlers.ProjectileKill hook. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed TShock.CheckProjectilePermission. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer object to GetDataHandlers.LiquidSetEventArgs. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed TShock.StartInvasion for public use (moved to Utils and marked internal). (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed invasions started by TShock not reporting size correctly and probably not working at all. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed GetDataHandlers.TileKill and replaced it with GetDataHandlers.PlaceChest as the packet originally designated as tile kill is now only used for chests. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer to GetDataHandlers.NPCHome. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer to GetDataHandlers.ChestItemChanged. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed chest item changes not triggering any range checks, tile checks, or correct chest checks. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer to GetDataHandlers.PlayerBuff. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer and PlayerDeathReason to GetDataHandlers.PlayerDamage. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer to GetDataHandlers.NPCStrike. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer to GetDataHandlers.PlayerAnimation. (@hakusaro)
  • Added GetDataHandlers.MassWireOperation hook and related arguments. (@hakusaro)
  • Added GetDataHandlers.PlaceTileEntity hook and related arguments. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer to GetDataHandlers.GemLockToggle. (@hakusaro)
  • Added GetDataHandlers.PlaceItemFrame hook and related arguments. (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer.IsBouncerThrottled(). (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer.IsBeingDisabled() and removed TShock.CheckIgnores(TSPlayer). (@hakusaro)
  • Added TSPlayer.CheckIgnores() and removed TShock.CheckIgnores(TSPlayer). (@hakusaro)
  • Hooks inside TShock can now be registered with their Register method and can be prioritized according to the TShock HandlerList system. (@hakusaro)
  • Fix message requiring login not using the command specifier set in the config file. (@hakusaro)
  • Move TShock.CheckRangePermission() to TSPlayer.IsInRange which returns the opposite of what the previous method did (see updated docs). (@hakusaro)
  • Move TShock.CheckSpawn to Utils.IsInSpawn. (@hakusaro)
  • Replace TShock.CheckTilePermission with TSPlayer.HasBuildPermission, TSPlayer.HasPaintPermission, and TSPlayer.HasModifiedIceSuccessfully respectively. (@hakusaro)
  • Fix stack hack detection being inconsistent between two different check points. Moved TShock.HackedInventory to TSPlayer.HasHackedItemStacks. Added GetDataHandlers.GetDataHandledEventArgs which is where most hooks will inherit from in the future. (@hakusaro)
  • All GetDataHandlers hooks now inherit from GetDataHandledEventArgs which includes a TSPlayer and a MemoryStream of raw data. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed all obsolete methods in TShock marked obsolete prior to this version (all of them) (@hakusaro).
  • Removed broken noclip detection and attempted prevention. TShock wasn't doing a good job at stopping noclip. It's always worse to claim that you do something that you can't/don't do, so removing this is better than keeping broken detection in. (@hakusaro)
  • Replaced Utils.FindPlayer with TSPlayer.FindByNameOrID to more appropriately be object orientated. (@hakusaro)
  • Moved Utils.Kick() to TSPlayer since its first argument was a TSPlayer object. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed Utils.ForceKick(). (@hakusaro)
  • Removed Utils.GetPlayerIP(). (@hakusaro)
  • Moved Utils.Ban() to TSPlayer.Ban(). (@hakusaro)
  • Moved Utils.SendMultipleMatchError() to TSPlayer.SendMultipleMatchError. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed Utils.GetPlayers(). Iterate over the TSPlayers on the server and make your own list.
  • Removed Utils.HasBanExpired() and replaced with Bans.RemoveBanIfExpired(). (@hakusaro)
  • Removed Utils.SendFileToUser() and replaced with TSPlayer.SendFileTextAsMessage(). (@hakusaro)
  • Removed Utils.GetGroup() also have you seen Groups.GetGroupByName()? (@hakusaro)
  • Utils.MaxChests() is now Utils.HasWorldReachedMaxChests(). (@hakusaro)
  • Utils.GetIPv4Address() is now Utils.GetIPv4AddressFromHostname(). (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed the disappearing problem when placing tile entities. (@mistzzt)
  • Removed the stat tracking system. (@hakusaro)
  • Fixed erroneous kicks and bans when using KickOnMediumcoreDeath and BanOnMediumcoreDeath options. (@DankRank)
  • Removed TSPlayer.InitSpawn field. (@DankRank)
  • OnPlayerSpawn's player ID field is now PlayerId. (@DankRank)
  • Fixed null reference console spam in non-SSC mode (@QuiCM)
  • Utils.TryParseTime can now take spaces (e.g., 3d 5h 2m 3s) (@QuiCM)
  • Enabled banning unregistered users (@QuiCM)
  • Added filtering and validation on packet 96 (Teleport player through portal) (@QuiCM)
  • Update tracker now uses TLS (@pandabear41)
  • When deleting an user account, any player logged in to that account is now logged out properly (@Enerdy)
  • Add NPCAddBuff data handler and bouncer (@AxeelAnder)
  • Improved config file documentation (@Enerdy)
  • Add PlayerZone data handler and bouncer (@AxeelAnder)
  • Update sqlite binaries to 32bit 3.27.2 for Windows (@hakusaro)
  • Fix banned armour checks not clearing properly (thanks @tysonstrange)
  • Added warning message on invalid group comand (@hakusaro, thanks to IcyPhoenix, nuLLzy & Cy on Discord)
  • Moved item bans subsystem to isolated file/contained mini-plugin & reorganized codebase accordingly. (@hakusaro)
  • Moved bouncer checks for item bans in OnTileEdit to item bans subsystem. (@hakusaro)
  • Compatibility with Terraria (@AxeelAnder, @Patrikkk)
    • Multiple fields got slightly renamed.
    • Modifying ToggleExpert command. Main.expertMode is no longer settable. Using a Main.GameMode int property comparsion.
    • GameCulture no longer has static fields to get local language. Using methods to return/compare language.
    • Added permission "tshock.npc.spawnpets" which restricts pet spawns. This can cause high network load, so it's restricted. (@hakusaro)
    • Updated OnTeleport to support new args per protocol changes. (@hakusaro)
    • Disabled anticheat checks for projectile updates due to issues with game changes. (@hakusaro)
    • This update has been brought to you by: Patrikkk, Icy, Chris, Death, Axeel, Zaicon, hakusaro, and Yoraiz0r! <3

TShock 4.3.26

  • Removed the stat tracking system. (@hakusaro)
  • Updated SQLite binaries. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed server-sided healing when disabled. (@QuiCM)
  • Patched an exploit that allowed users to kill town NPCs (@QuiCM)
  • [API] Added a patch for the 0-length crash (@QuiCM)

TShock 4.3.25

  • Fixed a critical exploit in the Terraria protocol that could cause massive unpreventable world corruption as well as a number of other problems. Thanks to @bartico6 for reporting. Fixed by the efforts of @QuiCM, @hakusaro, and tips in the right directioon from @bartico6.

TShock 4.3.24

  • Updated OpenTerraria API to (@DeathCradle)
  • Updated Terraria Server API to (@QuiCM, @hakusaro)
  • Updated TShock core components to (@hakusaro)
  • Terraria Server API version tick: 2.1
  • Added OnNpcKilled hook to Server API: 2.2 (@tylerjwatson)
  • Added CreateCombatTextExtended to PacketTypes. This packet allows for the same functionality that packet 82 (CreateCombatText) used to have. (@QuiCM)
  • Updated ServerBroadcast hook to provide a NetworkText object. (@tylerjwatson)
  • Fixed levers and things not updating properly. (@deathcradle)
  • Deprecated PacketTypes.ChatText. Chat is now handled using the NetTextModule and packet 82. (@QuiCM, @Hakusaro)
  • Removed the -lang command-line flag from TShock. It is now a vanilla feature. (@hakusaro)

TShock 4.3.23

  • Added evil type option during world creation (@mistzzt)
  • Bans can be sorted. TShock's default sorting will retrieve bans sorted from newest to oldest based on the date the ban was added (@QuiCM)
  • Resolved issues with mob and item spawning. Thanks to @OnsenManju for your investigative work :) (@QuiCM)
  • Patched a crashing exploit (@Simon311)

TShock 4.3.22

  • Compatibility with Terraria
  • API: Version tick 2.0
  • API: Reduced RAM usage by ~80MB (Large server) (@deathcradle)
  • API: Added TSPlayer.KillPlayer() (@QuiCM)
  • API: Added TSPlayer.Logout() (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed connections after max slot is reached (@DeathCradle)
  • Fixed server crashes caused by client disconnections when attempting to read closed sockets (@Enerdy)
  • Added some code to make trapdoors work better (@DogooFalchion)
  • AllowCutTilesAndBreakables config option now correctly allows flowers/vines/herbs to be cut in regions without breaking walls (@QuiCM)
  • REST: /v3/players/read now includes a muted field (@QuiCM)
  • REST: Token creation is now more secure (Thanks to @Plazmaz for reporting the issue!)
  • REST: Deprecated the RestRequestEvent. If you use this event, please let us know.
  • REST: ALL endpoints now have a base route (eg you can use /server/motd instead of /v3/server/motd). These base routes will never change, but will provide an upgrade field describing any newer routes
  • REST: Added /v3/world/autosave and /v3/world/bloodmoon which use GET parameter style arguments. I.e., /v3/world/autosave?state=[true|false] & /v3/world/bloodmoon?state=[true|false]. The state argument is optional
  • Fixed fishing quests not saving/loading correctly when login before join, UUID login, and SSC were enabled together (@DogooFalchion)

TShock 4.3.21

  • Compatibility with Terraria (@Patrikkk, @Zaicon).
  • API: Version tick 1.26.
  • API: Deprecated PlayerDamage and PlayerKillMe packets (now uses PlayerHurtV2 and PlayerDeathV2).
  • API: Main.rand now uses UnifiedRandom instead of Random. This WILL break any existing plugin that uses Main.rand.
  • Fixed HealOtherPlayer packet exploit (@Simon311).
  • Added associated config option for HealOtherPlayer exploit prevention (@Simon311).
  • Added /accountinfo command to get account information for a given TShock account (@Simon311).
  • Removed TShock color parsing from MOTDs (@QuiCM).
  • Fixed butterfly statues spawning catchable butterflies (@DogooFalchion).
  • Implemented some missing balance changes lost in prior version patches (@DogooFalchion).
  • Added alias for server shutdown command: stop (@nicatronTg).
  • Removed the old REST model. This includes the following endpoints:
  • /status
  • /v2/players/read
  • /v2/server/rawcmd (@QuiCM).
  • Fixed /user group always giving an unhelpful error messaging telling you to check the console, even if we knew exactly why it failed (@nicatronTg).
  • Removed all obsolete methods in TShock marked obsolete prior to this version (all of them) (@nicatronTg).
  • Fixed issue where registration + login would fail because KnownIps had 0 items and .Last() doesn't work on collections with 0 items (@DogooFalchion, @nicatronTg, @Simon311).
  • Added /uploadssc [player] which allows someone to upload SSC data for [player] and store it on the server. Adds tshock.ssc.upload and tshock.ssc.upload.others permission nodes to match (@DogooFalchion).
  • Added hardened stone to the whitelist of tiles editable by players (@DogooFalchion).
  • Added conversion system to send convert old MOTD format into smart text, while preserving initial line starting values to keep byte optimization for background colors Thanks to (@QuiCM, @Simon311, and especially @DogooFalchion) for the hard work on this issue.

TShock 4.3.20

  • Security improvement: The auth system is now automatically disabled if a superadmin exists in the database (@Enerdy).
  • Removed the auth-verify command since auth now serves its purpose when necessary (@Enerdy).
  • Security: /" exploit can no longer break chat mute filters (@Simon311).
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players could connect briefly during server shutdown, leading to errors (@Simon311).
  • Fixed wyverns despawning & not behaving like normal (@QuiCM).
  • Fixed major security issue where InvokeClientConnect could be exploited to do terrible, terrible things (@Simon311, @nicatronTg, @popstarfreas, @ProfessorXZ, @QuiCM).

TShock 4.3.19

  • Compatibility with Terraria (@Simon311)
  • API: Version tick 1.25
  • API: Resolved some issues with the ItemForceIntoChest hook (@QuiCM, @Patrikkk)
  • API: Resolved some shonky code that caused Vitamins and other Ankh Shield related items to drop at strange rates or not at all (@ProfessorXZ, @QuiCM, @nicatronTg)
  • Fixed magical ice blocks not working correctly (@ProfessorXZ)

TShock 4.3.18

  • Compatibility with Terraria
  • API: Version tick 1.24
  • API: Fixed chat line breaks when using chat tags and long strings of text (@ProfessorXZ)
  • API: Added ItemForceIntoChest hook (@QuiCM)
  • API: Included the player's registration date in REST's players/read endpoints (@ProfessorXZ)
  • The setdungeon command correctly uses as its permission (@OnsenManju)
  • Fixed clients being able to "Catch" and remove NPCs (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed clients being able to remove other players' portals (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed possible client crashes caused by invalid item netIDs (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed players being able to bypass permission checks when placing Tile Entities (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed players being able to bypass permission checks when placing items in Item Frames (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed a bug involving Item Frames which allowed players to duplicate items (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed an issue allowing clients to teleport NPCs to arbitrary locations (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed a bug where players would get teleported to their previous location after dismounting the Unicorn Mount (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Players can no longer quick stack items into region protected chests (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Rope placement is no longer blocked by range checks (@ProfessorXZ)
  • The Drill Containment Unit breaks blocks properly now (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed item duplications caused by range checks and invalid netIDs (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed Expert mode coin duplication (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Players are no longer able to place liquids using LoadNetModule packet (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Explosives are no longer blocked by range checks (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Players can no longer bypass tile checks by using the Tile packet (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Fixed a bug where players couldn't hammer a Junction Box without "allowclientsideworldedit" permission (@Patrikkk)
  • Fixed the client's UI not being draw when setting wind speed to abnormal values (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Added a command to start and stop sandstorms (@QuiCM)

TShock 4.3.17

  • Compatibility with Terraria
  • Updated superadmin behaviour to conform to expected behaviour (@QuiCM, @Patrikk)
  • Fixed a crash involving teleporters and dressers (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed pressure plates (@Enerdy, @Patrikk)
  • Fixed a deadlock in wiring (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed a crash in wiring (@Patrikk)
  • Improved network syncing on client joins (@Patrikk)
  • The Presserator can now place actuators (@ProfessorXZ)
  • Resolved a region error when removing unlisted users from regions (@QuiCM)
  • Added a SetDungeon command to set the dungeon position (@webmilio)
  • The currently running world name is now part of the server application's title (@webmilio)
  • Gem locks can now be region protected (@mistzzt)
  • Players can now place sensors (@mistzzt)
  • Repackaged GeoIP with TShock so that GeoIP works (@Enerdy)
  • Added permissions to use sundials and start/stop parties (@Patrikk)
  • Added an announcement box hook (@mistzzt)
  • Added the ability to choose what type of world (crimson/corruption) you generate (@NoNiMad)

TShock 4.3.16

  • Terraria 1.3.1 wiring bugfixes
  • Terraria compatibility

TShock 4.3.15

  • This release is actually 4.3.14, but was ticked extra due to a version issue on gen-dev prior to master push.
  • Update to 1.3.1

TShock 4.3.13

  • Fixed an issue preventing TShock from starting on certain mono versions (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed a deadlock in Wiring (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed character styles/gender not being saved properly on first login while SSC is on (@QuiCM)
  • Added a PlayerPermission hook fired whenever a permission check involving said player occurs (when the new TSPlayer.HasPermission method is called) (@Enerdy)
  • Resolved an issue where martian invasions and eclipses would have empty messages if AnonymousBossInvasions was set to true (@QuiCM)
  • Added an optional slime parameter to the rain command, allowing slime rain to be started and stopped. New syntax is rain [slime] <start/stop> (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed performance issues due to concurrent dictionary access in TSPlayer (@CoderCow)
  • Added an ID property to Regions (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed an issue where region sizes were calculated incorrectly (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed a bug in RegionManager preventing regions adding correctly (@pink_panther)
  • Fixed another bug in RegionManager preventing regions adding correctly (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed a routing issue with the /v2/token/create REST endpoint
  • Removed the /token/create REST endpoint. /v2/token/create should be used instead.

TShock 4.3.12

  • Fixed issues with TSPlayer.SetTeam not working (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed /butcher not killing bosses in expert difficulty (@QuiCM)
  • API: Deprecated PacketBufferer (now obviated by SendQ) (@QuiCM)
  • API: Building on Windows no longer breaks traps (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed bombs, dynamite, and sticky bombs (@Wolfje)
  • Removed spammy messages from OnSecondUpdate that confused some server owners (@Wolfje)
  • Rewrote some stat tracker code to send actually relevant data to the stats server (@Cleant / George from Multiplay UK)
  • Added an opt-out command line switch to disable the stat tracker (--stats-optout) (@Cleant / George from Multiplay UK)
  • Added a unique provider token which can be passed to the stat tracker (--provider-token [token]) for tracking servers from the same GSP. (@Cleant / George from Multiplay UK)

TShock 4.3.11

  • This release is actually 4.3.10, but was ticked extra due to a version issue on gen-dev prior to master push.

TShock 4.3.10

This version features a drop-in tile replacement system by @Wolfje that reduces RAM requirements by up to 70% on all worlds and CPU requirements up to 10% in the running process.

  • Large worlds: from 700MB-1GB -> ~325MB
  • Medium worlds: from 500MB -> ~200MB
  • Small worlds: from 400MB -> ~125MB

Other notable changes include:

  • API: Drop-in tile storage replacement system (@Wolfje)
  • API: Fixed some possible packet leaks in sendq (@Wolfje)
  • API: APIVersion 1.22
  • API: Added crash protection around malicious and/or invalid packets (@Wolfje)
  • API: Fixed worlds not loading sometimes (@tysonstrange)
  • API: Fixed living leaf walls not working as housing
  • Fixed an issue preventing some players from joining when the world is saving (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed an issue adding a ban on a player who has previously been banned (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed /invade martian (@Wolfje)
  • Fixed target dummies not working properly (@QuiCM)
  • Added a config option (DisableSecondUpdateLogs) to prevent log spam from OnSecondUpdate() (@QuiCM)
  • Added RESTful API login rate limiting (@George)
  • Added config options (MaximumRequestsPerInterval, RequestBucketDecreaseIntervalMinutes, LimitOnlyFailedLoginRequests) for rate limiting (@George)
  • DEPRECATION: Deprecated Disable(string, bool) and added Disable(string, DisableFlags). Please update your plugins accordingly (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed Halloween and Christmas events not working properly (@TomyLobo)
  • Fixed the demon heart's extra accessory slot not working correctly in SSC (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed gender-changing potions not working correctly in SSC (@hastinbe)
  • Fixed IP bans not working correctly (@hastinbe)
  • Fixed /reload not using the correct permission (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed TSPlayer.ActiveChest not being tracked correctly resulting in item dupes while disabled (@QuiCM)
  • /reload now reloads tile and projectile bans

TShock 4.3.8

  • API: Update to Terraria (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Added a crash reporter which collects memory dumps on Windows (@Wolfje)
  • API: New commandline param: -crashdir - Writes crash reports to the specified directory (@Wolfje)
  • API: Sendq now doesn't disconnect people when it cant send a packet (@Wolfje)
  • API: Fixed more crashes on disconnect in sendq (@Wolfje)
  • API: Now ignores unknown server packets (@Wolfje)
  • API: Potentially removed arithmetic overflows in server (@Wolfje)

Using the Crash Reporter

TShock now has a crash reporter built in which writes crash logs to the crashes directory in the event of a catastrophic failure. To change where TShock writes its crash logs, specify the -crashdir parameter on the command line.

  1. In the event of a crash, look for a file called in the crashes directory
  2. Upload the file somewhere, beware the crash file may be quite large (>100MB), anywhere like google drive, dropbox or mega will be fine
  3. Post a link to the crash with reproduction steps in the TShock support forum

Alternatively, if you do not want to report the crash, just delete the file.

TShock 4.3.7

  • Auth system kicks players if system is disabled. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed /login permitting multiple logins without a logout in between. (@nicatronTg)
  • Allow[Hallow/Corruption/Crimson]Creep in config now work. (@QuiCM)
  • API: Treasure bags are now named properly. (@QuiCM)
  • API: Clients no longer close on disconnect. (@Wolfje)
  • API: Add server broadcast hook. (@Patrikk)
  • API: Fixed pressure plate hook triggering multiple times. (@Patrikk)
  • API: Fixed issues with SendQ writes failing. (@Wolfje)
  • API: Version tick to 1.21

TShock 4.3.6

  • API: NPCs shoot the right way (@QuiCM)
  • API: The server config file works correctly with priority and port (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Removed support for favorites and removed JSON dependencies. (@Enerdy)
  • API: Removed support for clouds. (@Enerdy)
  • API: Fixed a whole lot of bugs with wiring, and in general re-wrote some core bits that were bugged. (@QuiCM)
  • API: Fixed projectile AI bugs. (@AndrioCelos)
  • API: Fixed world saving problems. (WhiteXZ)
  • API: Fixed server not accepting more connections once max slots was filled. (@QuiCM)
  • API: Removed startup parameters and moved them to TShock. (@Cleant)
  • API: Item.SetDefaults() no longer kills some tools. (@Enerdy)
  • API: Restored chat bubbles. (@QuiCM)
  • API: Updated to (@Enerdy & @Patrikkk)
  • API: Lots and I mean lots of network improvements in the SendQ department. (@tylerjwatson)
  • API: Added NpcLootDrop and DropBossBag hooks. (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcTriggerPressurePlate (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: ProjectileTriggerPressurePlate (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: ItemSetDefaultsString (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: ItemSetDefaultsInt (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: ItemNetDefaults (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: GameStatueSpawn (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcNetDefaults (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcNetSetDefaultsString (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcNetSetDefaultsInt (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcSpawn (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcTransformation (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Fixed hook: NpcStrike (@Patrikkk)
  • API: Updated AssemblyInfo to (@nicatronTg)
  • API: Moved to .NET Framework 4.5. (@tylerjwatson)
  • API: Dedicated server input thread doesn't run if input is redirected/piped. (@tylerjwatson)
  • API: Wiring.cs methods are now public. (@Stealownz)
  • API: Added PlayerTriggerPressurePlate hook. (@Patrikkk)
  • API: API Version Tick to 1.20.
  • The config option disabling the DCU has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed bubble tile triggering noclip checks. (@Enerdy)
  • Updated projectile handling in GetDataHandlers. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed issue #992. (@QuiCM)
  • Teleport handler now handles wormholes. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed tall gates and trap doors (issue #998). (@QuiCM)
  • Added monoliths to orientable tiles (issue #999). (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed vortex stealth armor (issue #964). (@QuiCM)
  • Added moon lord to spawn boss. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed serverpassword syntax error error message. (@JordyMoos)
  • Fixed issue #1019. (@QuiCM)
  • Fix: Region protection prevents placement of objects. (@Patrikkk)
  • Moved all startup parameters to TShock. (@Cleant)
  • Fix: Target dummies are no longer butchered. (@Denway)
  • Added projectile 465 to the ignore list, which fixes some other issues. (@Enerdy)
  • Fix: Logging out is now safe with SSC (/logout) (issue #1037). (@QuiCM)
  • API/TShock: Removed -world parameter from TShock, put it back in the API. (@tylerjwatson)

TShock 4.3.5

  • Fix HandleSpawnBoss, and as a result the spawnboss command and boss spawning items. (@Ijwu)
  • Rewrite SendQ for more network stack improvements (@tylerjwatson)
  • Update to Terraria (@Patrikkk)

TShock 4.3.4

  • Fix invasion progress messages (@QuiCM)
  • Completely rewrite SendQ to have less deadlocks (@tylerjwatson)

TShock 4.3.3

  • Fix dihydrogen monoxide (@tylerjwatson)
  • Whitelist another boss projectile (@Patrikkk, @QuiCM)

TShock 4.3.2

  • Fixed the issue where using the Super Absorbent Sponge would disable users (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed an issue in NetGetData where e.Length - 1 would be -1 (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed /who -i and /userinfo (@Enerdy)
  • API: OnRegionEntered hook now returns the region entered (@Patrikkk)
  • Support for Terraria (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed dressers being unbreakable. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed wall placement mechanics (@nicatronTg, @Ijwu, @QuiCM)
  • Fixed Moon Lord projectiles disabling players (@k0rd, @nicatronTg)
  • Fixed several potential crashes in server (@Patrikkk)
  • Fixed -autocreate command line argument (@QuiCM, @nicatronTg)
  • Added more world data to world load menu (@QuiCM)
  • Moved server password to TShock config (@Enerdy)
  • Fixed world delete in server (@benjiro)
  • Fixed disappearing NPCs (@QuiCM)
  • Added much more performant code, SendQ, to server module. Reduces downstream network overhead by at least 40% (@tylerjwatson)
  • API: Updated TSPlayer.Disable to use new buffs (@Enerdy)
  • Updated default max damage & projectile damage to 1,175 (based on 625 people)
  • Fixed support for SSC (@QuiCM)

TShock 4.3.1

  • Fixed a bug where /user group failing would output no error. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed a bug where /user group would fail. @(Enerdy)
  • Added the ability to disable backup autosave messages. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed /buff malfunctioning when entering an invalid buff name. (@Enerdy)
  • Fixed projectiles 435-438 (martian invasion) freezing everyone under certain conditions. (@Enerdy)
  • DisableTombstones now works properly with the new golden gravestones. (@Enerdy)
  • REST module now properly catches exceptions during Start(). (@Patrikkk)
  • Added /expert command to toggle expert mode. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed pirate invasions. (@patrik)
  • Fixed worldinfo packet. (@QuiCM)
  • Fixed server passwords. (@Enerdy)


  • API: Modifed NetItem so that it's actually useful. (@MarioE)
  • Updated prebuilts (SQLite, JSON, MySQL) to latest versions. (@nicatronTg)
  • Added a minimum password length to prevent blank passwords. (@nicatronTg)
  • Modified item ban checks to provide which item is disabling a player in the logs. (@Enerdy)
  • API: Modified TSPlayer to store a user, and deprecated calls to TSPlayer.User.ID. (@QuiCM)
  • Modified chat color specs in config file to be int arrays rather than floats. (@nicatronTg)
  • Modified verbiage for /auth and /auth-verify to make it clearer how they operate. (@nicatronTg)
  • API: Added fuzzy name searching for users. (@QuiCM)
  • API: Fixed OnPlayerLogout not being fired when a player disconnects. (@nicatronTg)
  • API: Deprecated ValidString and SanitizeString methods in Utils. (@nicatronTg)
  • Added BCrypt password hashing and related systems for it. BCrypt replaces the old system using non-password hashing algorithms for storing passwords. It breaks implementations of the login code that were manually recreated, but is otherwise seamless in transition. (@nicatronTg)
  • API: Added User.VerifyPassword(string password) which verifies if the user's password matches their stored hash. It automatically upgrades a users' password to BCrypt if called and the password stored is not a BCrypt hash. (@nicatronTg)
  • API: Deprecated Utils.HashPassword and related password hashing functions as those are no longer needed for plugin access. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed UseServerName config option so that it correctly sends the config server name any time that Main.WorldName is used. (@Olink)
  • Fixed a bug where people could ban themselves. (@nicatronTg)
  • Fixed a bug where banning a player who never logged in caused problems. (@nicatronTg)
  • Terraria support.
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