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Command line parameters

Lucas Nicodemus edited this page Jan 26, 2025 · 2 revisions

The following parameters can be added to TShock to alter the way a server initializes. Options set on the command line override any of their counterparts in the config file. These can be used either for personal use or in a GSP environment for easier hosting without hassle:

  • -ip - Starts the server bound to a given IPv4 address. For example: -ip will bind all interfaces. In contrast, -ip will bind only If your interface has another IP address assigned to it, you should be able to bind that.
  • -port - Starts the server bound to a given port. For example: -port 7777 will use the default port for Terraria. -port 25565 will use the Minecraft default port. Ports below 1000 usually require administrator or root privileges to bind on most operating systems. You will also need to allow accessing this port from your firewall, and port forward this port.
  • -maxplayers, or -players - Starts the server with a given player count. For example: -maxplayers 5 sets the maximum number of players to 5. The theoretical maximum is 255. You can set -maxplayers 255 for this.
  • -world - Starts the server and immediately loads a given world file. Note: this parameter expects an absolute path. For example: -world C:\Terraria\MyWorld.wld or -world /root/MyWorld.wld.
  • -worldselectpath - Starts the server and changes the location for worlds to be the specified path. The server will look in this path for worlds to load. For example: -worldselectpath /root or -worldselectpath C:\Terraria.
  • -worldname - Starts the server using the world name that exists in the set world select path. For example, if MyWorld.wld is inside C:\Terraria\ and -worldselectpath C:\Terraria\ is set, then -worldname MyWorld will load that world.
  • -autocreate - Starts the server and, if a world file isn't found, automatically create the world file with a given size, 1-3, 1 being small. For example, set -autocreate 3 to create a large world.
  • -config - Starts the server with a given config file. For example, -config C:\Terraria\config.json.
  • -ignoreversion - Ignores API version checks for plugins allowing for old plugins to run.
  • -forceupdate - Forces the server to continue running, and not hibernating when no players are on. This results in time passing, grass growing, and cpu running.
  • -pass, -password - Sets the server password. For example, -pass mypassword will set the password to mypassword.
  • -motd - Sets the base game MOTD. For example, -motd "Welcome to my server!" will set the MOTD to Welcome to my server!.
  • -autoshutdown - Enables the base game's "auto shutdown" feature.
  • -secure - Turns on the base game's "antispam" feature.
  • -configpath - Specifies the path tshock uses to resolve configs, log files, and sqlite db. For example, -configpath C:\Terraria\ will set the config path to C:\Terraria\.
  • -logpath - Overrides the default log path and saves logs here. For example, -logpath C:\Terraria\ will set the log path to C:\Terraria\.
  • -logformat - Changes the format of the name of log files, subject to C# date standard abbreviations. For example, -logformat "yyyy-MM-dd" will create a new log file for each day. The default is yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.
  • -logclear - Overwrites old config if it exists. Useful for docker. For example, -logclear.
  • -dump - Dumps permissions and config file descriptions for documentation purposes.
  • -worldevil - Sets the world's evil state (random, corrupt, or crimson). This only affects new worlds. For example, -worldevil random will set the world to a random evil state.
  • -heaptile - Runs the server with the heaptile tile provider. HeapTile is an alternative ITile provider that uses less memory than the default. This is experimental and may cause issues. For example, -heaptile.
  • -constileation or -c - Runs the server with the Constileation tile provider. Constileation is an alternative ITile provider that uses less memory than the default. This is experimental and may cause issues. For example, -constileation.
  • -difficulty - Sets the world's difficulty (0 for normal, 1 for expert, 2 for master, 3 for journey). This only affects new worlds.
  • -loadlib - Instructs the base game to load the library at the path. For example, -loadlib C:\Terraria\MyLibrary.dll will load the library MyLibrary.dll from the path C:\Terraria\.
  • -crashdir - Instructs the base game to save crash dumps to the path. For example, -crashdir C:\Terraria\CrashDumps will save crash dumps to C:\Terraria\CrashDumps.
  • -additionalplugins - Instructs the server to load plugins from the directory specified, in addition to the ServerPlugins folder. For example, -additionalplugins C:\Terraria\MyPlugins will load plugins from C:\Terraria\MyPlugins. This is useful if you run multiple servers with the same plugins (generally).

These command line flags are in-addition to the ones that the Terraria server offers (for example, -lang is now a vanilla flag, and still works).

Autostarting TShock

If you want to start TShock automatically though a script, and bypass the interactive startup prompt, you need to specify a -world path and -autocreate.

For example: TShock.Server.exe -world C:\Terraria\worlds\MyWorld.wld -autocreate 1

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