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Releases: sfall-team/sfall

sfall 3.8.8

13 Feb 01:53
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  • Fixed add_mult_objs_to_inven script function adding only 500 instances of an object when the value of the 'count' argument is over 99999
  • Improved the fix for player's base EMP DR to make sure the value is set correctly

sfall 4.0.2

24 Dec 13:45
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  • Fixed sneak_success script function not checking if the player is currently sneaking
  • Added a fix for player's base EMP DR not being properly initialized when creating a new character and then starting the game
  • New script function: display_stats
  • Improved the functionality of UseScrollWheel. Now you can scroll through items in the loot/barter screens, and text in the message window (from Crafty)

sfall 3.8.7

24 Dec 13:44
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  • Fixed sneak_success script function not checking if the player is currently sneaking
  • Added a fix for player's base EMP DR not being properly initialized when creating a new character and then starting the game
  • Improved the functionality of UseScrollWheel. Now you can scroll through items in the loot/barter screens, and text in the message window (from Crafty)

sfall 4.0.1

18 Oct 11:54
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A hotfix release for sfall 4.0.

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  • Fixed a crash bug in NPC combat control when trying to control a temporary party member that has no data in party.txt

sfall 3.8.6

18 Oct 11:53
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A hotfix release for sfall 3.8.5.

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  • Fixed a crash bug in NPC combat control when trying to control a temporary party member that has no data in party.txt

sfall 4.0

16 Oct 01:43
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  • The build environment is now Visual Studio 2015, and Win XP SP2 and Win 2000 are no longer supported
  • Extensive code reorganizing/rewrite was made in the effort to tidy up sfall code base accumulated over the years and make it easier to read, understand, and extend. Main code was split into separate 'modules'. Code for interacting with Fallout 2 engine was moved and expanded to allow for engine manipulations without using too much Assembly code
  • Fixed an issue where the game was rendered before the hero appearance mod was loaded
  • Item highlighting mod is moved from sfall into a separate script ( and extended with new options
  • NPC combat control mod is moved from sfall into a separate script (
  • Related options of item highlighting and NPC combat control mods were moved from ddraw.ini into a separate sfall-mods.ini
  • A new version of NPC armor appearance mod was implemented as a separate script ( in the modders pack). It can be configured and made compatible with any Fallout 2 mod
  • Improved compatibility between hero appearance, NPC combat control, and NPC armor appearance mods
  • A bunch of hooks and script functions were added to allow implementing multiple vehicles in the game
  • New script functions: item_weight, get/set_outline, get/set_flags, tile_refresh_display, outlined_object, set_dude_obj, real_dude_obj, get_ini_sections, get_ini_section, car_gas_amount, set_car_intface_art, get/set_cursor_mode
  • New hook scripts: hs_adjustfid, hs_combatturn, hs_cartravel
  • Added the ability to load global scripts from different paths
  • Included Chinese and Russian translations

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Crafty:

  • Added a fix for the exploit that Bonus Move APs are replenished when you save and load the game in combat
  • Added a fix for the displayed message when the attack randomly hits a target that is not a critter and has a script attached
  • Added a fix for damage_p_proc being called for misses if the target is not a critter
  • Added a fix for the double damage effect of Silent Death perk not being applied to critical hits
  • Implemented standard script procedures: combat_is_starting_p_proc (called when a combat starts, but doesn't mean that the critter is in combat) and combat_is_over_p_proc (called when a combat ends)
  • Added INTFACEUSE, INTFACELOOT, BARTER, and HEROWIN flags to the game mode functions
  • Added a new argument to HOOK_COMBATDAMAGE hook script
  • Added an option to prevent the player from running while sneaking without Silent Running perk

sfall 3.8.5

16 Oct 01:41
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  • Fixed an issue where the game was rendered before the hero appearance mod was loaded
  • Included Chinese and Russian translations

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Crafty:

  • Added a fix for the exploit that Bonus Move APs are replenished when you save and load the game in combat
  • Added a fix for the displayed message when the attack randomly hits a target that is not a critter and has a script attached
  • Added a fix for damage_p_proc being called for misses if the target is not a critter
  • Added a fix for the double damage effect of Silent Death perk not being applied to critical hits
  • Implemented standard script procedures: combat_is_starting_p_proc (called when a combat starts, but doesn't mean that the critter is in combat) and combat_is_over_p_proc (called when a combat ends)
  • Added a new argument to HOOK_COMBATDAMAGE hook script
  • Added an option to prevent the player from running while sneaking without Silent Running perk

sfall 3.8.4

11 May 06:51
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  • Fixed a crash introduced in 3.8.3 when calling destroy_object or destroy_mult_objs
  • Fixed a hero appearance mod issue that caused the race and style not to be loaded properly from savegames
  • Added an option to set the color of outlines for highlighted items and containers

sfall 3.8.3

25 Mar 13:42
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  • Fixed a crash when pressing reload weapon key while in the main menu
  • Fixed metarule2_explosions not being reset properly
  • Fixed global scripts not running on the world map when disabling the world map speed patch
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior of motion sensor flag 2
  • Added 3 new arguments to HOOK_TOHIT hook script
  • Added a fix for the bag/backpack exploit that lets you keep items that are supposed to be removed from the inventory
  • Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused Sequence stat value not to be printed correctly when using 'print to file' option
  • Improved the functionality of ScrollMod
  • Improved the functionality of ExplosionsEmitLight. Now it will check if an item was lit prior to being thrown/shot
  • Changed SkipSizeCheck and ExtraCRC to not require sfall debugging mode
  • Removed the obsolete WorldMapFPS, ForceLowResolutionTimer, and WorldMapDelay options

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Crafty:

  • Added a fix for a crash when clicking on empty space in the inventory list opened by 'Use Inventory Item On' (backpack) action icon
  • Added a fix for negative SPECIAL values in character creation
  • Added a fix for the game hanging in an endless loop in combat mode when calling anim script functions inside damage_p_proc
  • Added 3 new arguments to HOOK_BARTERPRICE hook script

sfall 3.8.2

26 Feb 16:08
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  • Fixed broken call_offset_* script functions
  • Fixed OverrideMusicDir not using the correct path string
  • Fixed a bug in metarule2_explosions function that caused damage type change not to work
  • Fixed a crash when calling reg_anim_obj_run_to_tile after reg_anim_combat_check
  • Changed sfallgv.sav to be loaded before other save game files to make saved arrays available in the start procedure
  • Changed BodyHit_Torso to BodyHit_Torso_Uncalled because it sets both body_torso and body_uncalled hit modifiers

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Crafty:

  • Added a fix for display issues when calling gdialog_mod_barter with critters with no 'Barter' flag set
  • Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused items to disappear from the inventory when you try to drag them to bag/backpack in the inventory list and are overloaded
  • Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused the game not to check player's inventory properly when putting items into the bag/backpack in the hands
  • Added a fix for the original engine issue that caused the current carry weight and the range of equipped weapons being lowered temporarily when opening bag/backpack
  • Added a fix for a crash when trying to open bag/backpack on the table in the bartering interface
  • Added the ability to move items from bag/backpack to the main inventory list by dragging them on the character portrait (similar to Fallout 1 behavior)
  • Changed WorldMapEncounterFix/Rate to work independently of WorldMapFPSPatch