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ekodi01 edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 15 revisions

Iteration 2


Iteration Goals

The goal of the second design iteration was to develop and program the application and integrate this with a working database. A summary of the iteration goals is provided below:

Our design process included:

  • Finalising pages and database integration from Iteration_1;
  • Continued integration of frontend to the backend;
  • Continued documentation of work in the wiki; and
  • Main functions of the application:
    • Event creation and preview;
    • Completed functionality of the swipe homescreen;
    • Edit profile;
    • Settings; and
    • View upcoming events.

Task Management

The team continued to refer to and regularly update the trello board that was create at the beginning of the development phase.

Task Estimation

The final iteration for the summer program ends on 12/07/2019 with a afternoon presentation. In order to meet this milestone, the following estimation of work was devised.

Task Estimate
Finalise Iteration 1 20
Create Event screens 30
Accept/Decline event on swipe 20
Settings screen 10
Navigation 10
Edit Profile (incl. update profile picture) 15
Continued database integration 40
Upcoming Events page 10
Event Preview 5
Formatting 5

Screen shots

  • Finalise Iteration 1 (9/07/2019)
  • Settings Screen (9/07/2019)
  • Create Events screens (10/07/2019)
  • Edit Profile (10/07/2019)
  • Accept/Decline event on swipe (11/07/2019)
  • Navigation (11/07/2019)
  • Upcoming Events Page (11/07/2019)
  • Event Preview (11/07/2019)
  • Formatting (11/07/2019)
  • Product Finalisation (12/07/2019)


Documentation of the project continued in this second iteration phase of the program, following the same design and requirement specifications that were outlined in Iteration_1

Meeting Summaries


  • Review of completed work and what is to come. Tasks that are now out of scope were moved to stretch goals. Discussion also included a specific task breakdown of roles regarding the wiki.


  • Brae pushed some breaking changes to master, so everyone should pull before they get to start.


  • Laura: preparing PPT about presentation on Friday.
  • Continue perfect project.
  • Leo: Database PHP endpoints


  • PowerPoint about presentation
  • Nikita: Apply to event
  • Continuing perfect project and related documents


  • There were some issues with familiarity in the chosen programming language (Dart), as well as problems using Android Studio and the built-in emulators. This was solved through online research, as well as patience (the Android Studio SDK is tedious to download)
  • We also encountered some difficulties with team cohesion, specifically the allocation of roles, who was doing what, etc. To remedy this, a Trello board was created and followed.

Next Iteration Planning

Iteration 3 will involve a business model