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FengSiwen-Daisy edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

Team Page

Team Members & Roles

[Team roles about Dumplings]


Other stakeholders in the project

  • Course team

Team Values

  • Common goals: Our goal is to make people enrich their leisure time and find the friends with same hobby more easily. To better your relationship.The common goal enables our team to better link together.
  • Common values:The vital works are team work. Common values make us more easily to communicate.
  • Autonomy: Everyone has their own field of expertise. We do our job in areas where we are good at it, which makes our work more efficient.
  • Efficiency: After we have completed their respective work, we will discuss, modify the deficiencies and increase the content.
  • Thinking: In the process of project development, we constantly reflect on the shortcomings and improvement methods, so that the project can be carried out better.
  • Collaboration: Make our teamwork more efficient.
  • Communication: Continuous communication in the project to improve efficiency.
  • Encouragement: Group members encourage and help each other in the project.
  • Confidence:We are proud of our team, our project we do. We have enough confidence about every member in our team.

Team Communication[EX1]

[Groupie] We discuss development at our [gitter channel]


  1. 8 core values every team should have