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Project inception

lauragrace949 edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 16 revisions

Project Inception / Planning Page


The final plan and idea, Groupie, was conceptualized through a process of outlining ideas/app features and then eliminating based on feasibility (relative to individual skill of team members) and popularity.

Once an idea (Groupie) was isolated, group members individually brainstormed app features that applied to the Groupie application. Once these features were shared, they were voted on, based on popularity and the feasibility of the idea.

The next step in the planning process was to assign roles to group members based on individual strength and experience. These roles can be viewed here.

Initial Feature List

  • Functional Andriod/IOs application for mobile use
  • Login functionality with link to an online server
  • A user profile page depicting the user's details
  • Creation and addition of events
  • Interactivity with friends and unfamiliar users
  • Editing and settings pages

Initial Planning

Risk Management

Risk Severity Response
1 Competitors High Emphasize innovative features
2 New Technology Medium Take brief online courses and rely on technology at least one team member is familiar with
3 New Team Low Make early introductions and become familiar with each other outside of SOVO
4 Lack of Technical/Business Skill Low Diversity of skill sets within the team results in this becoming minor, however, team members will share technical knowledge and address problems as a cohesive team
5 Insufficient Market Research Low Consistent research of consumer habits and competition
6 Cost Low Online development through GitHub and Flutter is free


Initial Architecture

Currently, the project has two technical areas of interest, the server and the application design. When the user logs into the application through mobile, their login details sync to the server and, if they are a featured user, their data is loaded into the online application for further use.


The Android Studio SDK was chosen as the primary development kit for application development. The language chosen for development was Dart, with flutter toolkit components. Android Studio was also linked to Android and IOS emulators for simulation of the applications on individual laptops.

Server code was developed using the text editor Vim and the language PHP.


Initially, the application is being developed for use on mobile and can be downloaded from the app store. A conceptual website may be developed at a later date.

Version Control

GitHub is the chosen repository; individual programmers will develop their task (eg. the server code), then upload their work to their individual branch within the repository. Once the task is developed and the programmer is satisfied, they will merge their branch with the 'master' branch.

Coding Convention

A strict coding convention was not followed, rather programmers aimed for neat and modular code, as well as loosely following the Dart Guidelines.
This doesn't seem like your actual architecture.

Testing Strategy

Whilst nothing formal has been outlined, manual testing of edge cases will commence when the app is functional. Automated testing maybe developed down the line, if there is time.

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