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Newsletter Compose Draft

Chris Carlevato edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Drafts contain a variety of settings that govern the newsletters they send. Creating a draft is the first step in sending a newsletter.

Managing Drafts

Drafts are listed in order of last modified date with the most recently modified first.

  • Create Newsletter - Click this icon to create a newsletter.
  • Edit Draft - Click this icon to edit the draft.
  • Delete Draft - Click this icon to delete the draft.


  • Title - Internal title of the draft. Draft title is for administrative use only and not displayed publicly or in newsletters.
  • Subject - Email subject of the draft. Used as the Email Subject for newsletters sent using the draft.
  • Event Dates - Start Date & End Date (inclusive) for events included in newsletters sent using the draft.
  • Subscribers - Selected Subscriber Groups will receive the newsletters sent using the draft.
  • Template - Select from available Newsletter Templates for the design to use for newsletters sent using the draft.
  • Archive Status - The archive status for newsletters sent using the draft. Newsletters kept out of the public archive will not have “view online” links available.

Newsletters Without Events

To send a newsletter without an events list you can either omit the [events] variable from your Newsletter Templates or select past dates for the draft. When no events are available (due to empty days, or expired dates) the [events] portion of the template will simply be removed (instead of being replaced with a list of events). This allows “normal” (non-event based) newsletters to be sent using Helios Calendar.

Custom Message

When the newsletter template selected for the draft contains the [message] variable a custom message can be entered that will be added to the newsletter.

Saving the Draft

When you've finished creating/editing the draft click “Save Newsletter Draft” to save the draft.

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