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Admin Manage Users

Chris Carlevato edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 1 revision

When enabled within API settings, public calendar users will have the option to sign in using a supported account of their choosing. When signed in, user event submissions are assigned to their account, making future event updates easier to manage for both the user and admins managing event submissions.

Browsing Users

Users are listed alphabetically by name. Beside each user is three icons:

  • Edit User - Click this icon to edit, and review, the user.
  • Ban User - Click this icon to ban the user.
  • Delete User - Click this icon to delete the user.

When banning or deleting a user their submitted events will be removed from their account, however, they will not be removed from the public calendar. To delete a user's events search for and delete events by user first before deleting or banning the user.

Banned Users

Banned users are unable to sign in to the public calendar. The user list can be filtered to display only banned users to make management of these account easier. Banned users can, at admin option, be unbanned to have their access to the public calendar restored.

  • Unban User - Click this icon to lift the user's ban.

Note: Deleting a user will result in removal of the account, however, the user will be able to sign in again after deletion. To prevent access to the public calendar a user should be banned.


To prune the list and locate specific user(s) enter search criteria into the search textbox and click the “Search Users” button.

Note: User search supports the same MySQL Fulltext operators as Event Search and matches against Name and Email Address.

Managing Users

When editing/reviewing users the following options and information is available.

Network Details

Available details on the type of account the user has used to sign in to the public calendar.

  • Signed in From - Which of the supported services the user has signed in from.
  • Name - The user's account name within the selected service.
  • ID - The users account ID number within the selected service.
  • Profile - A link to the users public profile within the selected service.

Local Details

Details on the user's account within the local Helios Calendar.

  • Local ID - The user's local account ID number.
  • Sign Ins - The number of times the user has signed in to the local calendar.
  • First Sign In - The date and time of the user's first sign in to the local calendar. This can also be referred to as the users “registration date”.
  • Last Sign In - The date and time of the user's most recent sign in.
  • Submitted Events - The number of events the user has submitted to the local calendar with this account.
  • API Calls - Number of calls the user has made to the public calendar API.
  • API Key - The user's API key.

Edit User

Edit and manage local options for the user.

  • Email - The email address associated with the user's local account. Note: Email address is required upon first sign in and all users must have an email address associated with their account to submit events.
  • Access Level - The type of account and level of access they've been provided to the local calendar.
  • Public User - Default access level.
  • Publisher - Privileged access, see below for details.
  • Status - Global access setting for the account. When banned the user will not be able to access their account, nor calendar resources.
  • API Access - API access setting for the account. When disabled the user will not have access to the API.
  • Location - Optional. The users' location.
  • Birthdate - User birthdate. Note: To ensure COPPA compliance birthdate is required upon first sign in and all users must be at least 13 years of age to access their account and submit events.
  • Categories - Categories the user is authorized to submit events for. If no categories are selected the user will have access to select from ALL available categories.

User's granted publisher access will have their event submissions, and updates, published to the public calendar immediately upon submission without need for admin review/approval. Admin users configured to receive new event submission notices will be notified of the submission/update, however, it will be published to the public calendar immediately upon submission.

Saving Your Changes

When you have finished click the “Save User” button to save any changes made to the account.

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